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Where do I get orbital characteristics?

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Hi all, there's probably somewhere to click to get this info, but where do I get my orbital ephemeris data, primarily inclination and period, but right ascension of ascending and descending nodes and true anomaly would be nice.

i know I can push the little "i" on the right side of the screen to get velocity and altitude, but the other info isn't there.

Edited by Darth_Wayner
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Hi all, there's probably somewhere to click to get this info, but where do I get my orbital ephemeris data, primarily inclination and period, but right ascension of ascending and descending nodes and true anomaly would be nice.

i know I can push the little "i" on the right side of the screen to get velocity and altitude, but the other info isn't there.


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I was referring to my own craft data, but thanks for the useful link. I think you guys answered my question, thanks. I was hoping they would have had this data readily available to the pilot in vanilla.;.;

I suppose that the game gives you a pretty map illustration of your orbital information in graphical form as opposed to numerical data, but real life orbital mechanics is virtually impossible without it.

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I was referring to my own craft data, but thanks for the useful link. I think you guys answered my question, thanks. I was hoping they would have had this data readily available to the pilot in vanilla.;.;

I suppose that the game gives you a pretty map illustration of your orbital information in graphical form as opposed to numerical data, but real life orbital mechanics is virtually impossible without it.

Unfortunately, the KSC design team seem to have this bizarre idea that giving you the sort of minimal flight instrumentation that was routinely included in aircraft eighty years ago would somehow take the fun out of the game. Hence, the popularity of Mechjeb etc.

I don't use Mechjeb as an autopilot, but instead as a customisable instrument panel.

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