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Kerbodyne Elevator XS: extreme vertical-launch SSTO

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Like the efficiency of air-breathing SSTOs, but can't be bothered with all that spaceplane stuff? Got a computer that can handle a moderately chunky part count? Have we got a deal for you...

Ten turbojets and twenty RAPIERs provide all the power you could ever want. Who needs wings? In thrust we trust.

Use the action groups rather than staging, and disable crossfeed on the docking port connecting the lifter to the cargo (self-propelled Rockomax 64 used here as an example) before launch. Action group 8 will disable the RCS on the cargo. Take it vertically to 10,000m then gradually pitch over to 30°. Keep the Vernors off until you need them.

Cautious aerobraking is recommended before descent. Undoubtedly the silliest thing I've ever designed. Handle with care. :cool:



Edited by Wanderfound
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Looks magnificent! Can you show more pics of it?

I'm limited in screenshots, because the part count is high enough to slow my computer to a crawl, so I've only taken it to orbit once just to make sure it works. I've got a few pics, but many of them are from slightly different versions that I went through while prototyping. But, since you asked:









Edited by Wanderfound
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