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Sorry i had something turn up whoever in my battle who still has yet to set up your gonna have to wait till tomorrow. Also, is the tonnage limit for a battle total out of all ships or average or what

Edited by ejudedude13
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Sorry i had something turn up whoever in my battle who still has yet to set up your gonna have to wait till tomorrow. Also, is the tonnage limit for a battle total out of all ships or average or what

Combined mass. I don't think everyone has ships heavy enough.


On the other hand...

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I think I may have solved my ksp installation problems, turns out the default setting is just to high for my computer to handle that's why it keeps crashing, what i did was I copied the gamefolder to another computer (My aunts' laptop with higher specs) then set the graphics options to low then I transferred it to my laptop (low specs) hopefully it should run.

I'm really late for this but OMG! 0.25 WITH NEW PARTS!! I'll post again when my ship works in 0.25

By the way there is a huge storm at my place so power and internet is out for 1 day, that's the cause of the late reply. Some of our rooms are flooded. So I might not be that active, too much cleaning to do. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30370012 (Philippines)

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How do you build ships so light??

Who? Some use wing panels in place of structural panels to make their ships lighter but sacrifice armour strength in the process.

It could be a general question, but he is probably referring to me: All of my ships excepting my flagship are constructed from structural intakes and wing panels, making them extremely light yet preserving much of their durability (for example: My corvette, which carries 1200 units of liquid fuel, 18 I-Beams, and a guided torpedo, masses in at only 32 tons, yet is quite durable).

I'll set up in SDJ's persist when I snag some time tonight.

You had probably best wait for ejudedude13, so as to not interrupt his set-up again.

I think I may have solved my ksp installation problems, turns out the default setting is just to high for my computer to handle that's why it keeps crashing, what i did was I copied the gamefolder to another computer (My aunts' laptop with higher specs) then set the graphics options to low then I transferred it to my laptop (low specs) hopefully it should run.

I'm really late for this but OMG! 0.25 WITH NEW PARTS!! I'll post again when my ship works in 0.25

Well, that is good; I hope you do not mind that we have filled your spot.

By the way there is a huge storm at my place so power and internet is out for 1 day, that's the cause of the late reply. Some of our rooms are flooded. So I might not be that active, too much cleaning to do. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30370012 (Philippines)

That, on the other hand, is considerably less good; hurricanes/typhoons are not fun...

Also, does anyone mind if I replace my current flagship with an updated version? Somehow I completely forgot to armor its engines, which would basically result in its instant death if it were attacked in its current state.

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It could be a general question, but he is probably referring to me: All of my ships excepting my flagship are constructed from structural intakes and wing panels, making them extremely light yet preserving much of their durability (for example: My corvette, which carries 1200 units of liquid fuel, 18 I-Beams, and a guided torpedo, masses in at only 32 tons, yet is quite durable).You had probably best wait for ejudedude13, so as to not interrupt his set-up again.

32 tonnes???!!?!?!!??!?!?!?! also, thanks. still setting up.

Edit: the 2x2 panel is 0.3T, but wing parts are 0.1T so yeah. saves 0.2T per part

Edit2: I only have 1 rep blob anyways.

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I know it might be too late for me but after playing with 0.24 this is my face after installing KSP 0.25 version s7c2cw62tm9y114zg.jpg

Ok. I've got 0.25 Up and running. I guess I'm back. Everything is back to normal here. Where is the current updated persist? post here A.S.A.P.

Edited by Zamovinar
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32 tonnes???!!?!?!!??!?!?!?! also, thanks. still setting up.

It is quite formidable :D.

Edit: the 2x2 panel is 0.3T, but wing parts are 0.1T so yeah. saves 0.2T per part

By far the most significant gain (loss?) is due to Structural Intakes, however: Girders (Large I-Beams) are the same length and have the same impact tolerance as the former (80 m/s), but Structural Intakes are 0.0102 tons, versus 0.375 for the I-Beam, a massive (literally) 35-fold reduction in tonnage. Structural Intakes are significantly more difficult to build with, however, which is unfortunate, but otherwise they are overpowered. :cool:

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It is quite formidable :D.

By far the most significant gain (loss?) is due to Structural Intakes, however: Girders (Large I-Beams) are the same length and have the same impact tolerance as the former (80 m/s), but Structural Intakes are 0.0102 tons, versus 0.375 for the I-Beam, a massive (literally) 35-fold reduction in tonnage. Structural Intakes are significantly more difficult to build with, however, which is unfortunate, but otherwise they are overpowered. :cool:


I know it might be too late for me but after playing with 0.24 this is my face after installing KSP 0.25 version s7c2cw62tm9y114zg.jpg

I know right!

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Guess I can only use 1 ship, 251 tons. Just post the persist here and I'll send my ship.

Persistent unless ScriptKitteh posted his ships (ejudedude said "Your ships add up to 325 tons") but I can't find the persist he posted if he did post one.

Also, does anyone mind if I replace my current flagship with an updated version? Somehow I completely forgot to armor its engines, which would basically result in its instant death if it were attacked in its current state.

Go ahead. We haven't started yet.

Also, Ej, did you check Script's ships in the tracking station or in-game? The tracking station reports increased masses for all ships so check in game. Mine are over in the tracking station too :)

I've got some finals today so I can't check in during the day. I'll check back later tonight.

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32 tonnes???!!?!?!!??!?!?!?! also, thanks. still setting up.

Edit: the 2x2 panel is 0.3T, but wing parts are 0.1T so yeah. saves 0.2T per part

Edit2: I only have 1 rep blob anyways.

My tanks weigh about 15 tons, so that is saying something there.

If you truly want a lightweight craft, make sure to use the structural tubes (structural fuselage) as they have a good durability

and make a decent base. Try not to overdo the armor and I-beam missiles, as that is what adds the most weight.

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Here is my ship named KRKN "Hespera" HeavyCruiser/ Battlecruiser on Ike at 300,000 m altitude, 251.66 tons at 1151 parts (WARNING: she has a very weird "LAG" Aura around her).

Should I make a light fighter escort for her? I'm still missing 48.34 tons for the limit of 300 combined tonnage . I'll try to make one and add it later, but if all of you are itching to start already I'll be happy not to include the escort.

Meanwhile here is the persistent file with the Hespera added is this: http://www./download/4jgy127f7juzgpj/BattleAtDuna.sfs

just remove the accidental cupola module lol



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Hmm...After some testing against sdj64's ships, I have discovered my small torpedoes to be utterly useless. I know how this can be rectified ("UPGRADE IN PROGRESS!") but I would have to upgrade my deployed ships; would anyone have a problem with some last-minute refitting before the battle begins?

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Hmm...After some testing against sdj64's ships, I have discovered my small torpedoes to be utterly useless. I know how this can be rectified ("UPGRADE IN PROGRESS!") but I would have to upgrade my deployed ships; would anyone have a problem with some last-minute refitting before the battle begins?

I'm about to place my ships, so I'll let you retrofit the faulty weapons, then you can make the final persist.

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Guys! I'm not done yet ! Still setting up! Gawd!!!!!! Zamo, your persist doesnt count. im still setting up. also, yes i did view the ships from tracking station. so ill check again. but no one, i repeat, NO ONE post a persist until i do!!!!!!!! Sorry im just getting rather pissed that no one listened to what I said. NO ONE POST YET

10 Minutes after rage.....

Persistent file is ready! Zamo, use this one. also, sktiptkitt3h, your ships added up to the same as what you said.

File. no screenies. Forgot to take. You will have to check yourself. Also, turns: Three, Me, Skript and then Zamo. unless he has been replaced by sdj

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