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How the heck are you people not melting your computers with these things that have to have what, 2000 parst AT LEAST?!

I consider 500 parts alot. And most of my ships are ~200 parts lol. How do you expect to have a 2 vs 2 capital ship all out slugfest and then have fighter escorts ontop of that without crashing?
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I know this is the absolute worst combat tactic ever (and makes 0 sense from a realism point of view), but i just made a ship specifically intended to broadside stuff...
No idea why so many sci-fi movies think this is how space battles are fought :)
That said, its so much more fun to broadside stuff then the usual 2.5km away 1 shot kills everyone goes for :D.

In other news, the SK-CRV-A6 has been officially put into service. It has its problems, it has weaknesses, it isnt guaranteed to 1 shot every enemy, and it can be 1 shotted itself, but given how bloody strong the damn thing is ATM, i dont think i could ever wish for a better craft if you look at the part count advantage (which could be lowered even more if i didnt arm the bloody thing with Tripedo-Ms and medium railguns, but used weaker or at least more efficient parts.

And after a long painful time, ive found a spot to give it a proper command deck without killing its survivability off entirely. The new hull though is just amazing. I have so much real estate inside it that i could probably fit over 30 drones, 6 railguns, 4 tripedo-Ms all inside (as in nothing is mounted on teh outside of hull). With that much ammo the lagfest would kill me though :D

I uploaded the most recent version, the SK-CRV-A6 to my company repository, so feel free to give it a try. I really worked hard on it, and i feel its one of the best ships on here if you take into account how few parts it is. 170 part hull, 270 parts fully armed with very powerful weapons. Its a tad heavy, and not the most efficient design, but the armor is very very resilient vs both standard low velocity garbage and phased rounds, and while im not saying it wont die to a single shot, ive NEVER managed to do this with a popper-H, tripedo-M, ibeam, or RT-5 (which are the current weapons i test it againt. Note, ibeams and RT-5s must be fire from i believe 250m at most, past that the physics gets all screwy and you can delete parts with missiles, and personally i consider taking advantage of that an exploit so im not even gonna try to make my ships exploit/hack proof) at least according to the battleclub rules of not once has a single shot killed both all weapons, all engines, and all its power sources. The most you can pull off with a popper is say shooting off the rear/front, and or doing alot of internal damage, but not once does it completely die.

Id love some feedback, perhaps what you guys think i could improve. Known issues right now are very badly placed weapons where ive had a few shots take out more then 1 per hit (making disarming the hull perfectly possible). Another issue is a rather vulnurable engine cluster although compared to earlier variants, this has greatly improved with it being rather unlikely for anything to wipe out all 3 engines. The final issue is that it is suceptible to teh resonance kraken after taking immense damage (as in it will wobble itself until it explodes), at least this only happens after so much damage that ship is more or less done, and it makes a nice self-destruct device :D.

Just be aware, the craft is NOT rated for any weapon that is much more powerful then the popper-H, high end weapons liek zeke's super torpedoes will kill it fairly reliably (although i have had times where it did actually survive surprisingly). Edited by panzer1b
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Well, more messing around, this time less super high performance, more purely for fun ships.
I think this one actually looks good, its surprisingly super stable, easy to fly, and well, despite looking like something found lying by the side of the road, i think it totally looks like a pirate vessel. Im now working on a drednought for use by pirates, but part count is bad now :(

Also, broadside shooting has one benefit, it lets you fire recoillessly (as the fire shoots out the other side), and it lets you have more compact weapons storage. With the stupid exhaust damage they implemented, i cant seem to stack weapons one behind another anymore without using radial engines and angling them sideways. Its not all bad, but sofar it seems the days of those SRB stacks that are in in excess of 1 SRB long are dead.

And my new carrier, ive had ones around for ages, but this one, thanks to the tweakeable opening/closing and thermo fixes (nolonger goes instant boom when using phys warp), its so much better now. The hull is 210 parts, of which 24 are weapons hardpoints (which can be removed if you dont want to empty missiles into hostile ships from it).
Im gonna perfect this a bit later, but for now its even somewhat survivable vs capital ship torpedoes. I whacked it with a popper-H and its still functional surprisingly. Too bad macey dean disappeared again, this would have been the ultimate flagship for hanland, given how its obviously mnodeled after the enemy of what the laniakea is modeled after.....

Finally making a new model of the same carrier thats over twice the size. MK3 hull is just great, especially with the new tweakeable hatches which let me have them open only halfway.. Edited by panzer1b
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[quote name='Alphasus']We have lost a great friend and contributor in zekes. May the drekevak rest in peace.[/QUOTE]

Really, why did you leave zekes? Your ships were honestly what got me interested in armor design!

The drek may not have been the best ship out there, but for a long time ive actually used it as the standard of high quality armor. I sure hope zekes doesnt dissapear, his ships were really good, and to this day some of his models are very effective!

Guess its time to download all of the older dreks before they are permanently gone, and im not sure if i still have em in my old craft backups. Edited by panzer1b
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[QUOTE]We have lost a great friend and contributor in zekes. May the drekevak rest in peace.
Really, why did you leave zekes? Your ships were honestly what got me interested in armor design!

The drek may not have been the best ship out there, but for a long time ive actually used it as the standard of high quality armor. I sure hope zekes doesnt dissapear, his ships were really good, and to this day some of his models are very effective!

Guess its time to download all of the older dreks before they are permanently gone, and im not sure if i still have em in my old craft backups.[/QUOTE]

For its size I would still say the Drek is the best out there.

Also you could probably ask Zekes on skype for the Drek downloads if they become unavailable on the forum.
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In other news:
ive finished my first redesigned pirate warship, the "Annihilator II". I rather like how i made the exterior armor on it, with some imprefections in the outer hull making it look wartorn/damaged/made out of wreackage, but not as bad as my older builds where making it look like a wreck ruined the armor protection.

And my SK-CRV-Ig6 (altered SK-CRV-A6) is just pure win. Added 6 internal hardpoints where drones can be loaded, increasing weapons capacity from 6 0.6m weapons to 12, retaining the usual 6 shot FlaK cannon on the nose, which while somewhat weak, is really nice to have if either out of primary weapons, or you get those weapons shot off. Armor sufferes a hair bit, due to the extra weapons (and well, honestly anything that isnt 80m/s tolerance is always going to increase suceptibility to high end weapons), but overall, who doesnt like to have 6 high precision guided weapons. It may not be indestructible (as i originally intended it to be), but its about the best warship i have if you look at the parts/mass... Edited by panzer1b
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Times, are changing fast... Due to the forum updates I will lose the Kraken Technologies Company page, AND I'M RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR TRANSFER OF RESIDENCE! BYE BYE OLD HOUSE! I'mma make a new Home. I'm sad, so sad. Anyways I will pop that new ship of the AKS when I'm done moving.

Imma lose all my craft files and all that hard made pages.
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[quote name='Zamovinar']Anyways I will pop that new ship of the AKS when I'm done moving.[/QUOTE]

Thats easy, just fire your tirepedoes at it and itll die. Its rated ONLY against popper-H, RT-5+structural panels, and ibeam weapons. Anything stronger can and WILL kill it (although from my testing it still stands a good chance of remaining operational even after getting hit by what id call overpowered weapons.

Then again, it was always intended as a support ship, given that until U5 (and from what ive heard even that might not quite give us that major of a boost), im stuck making support ships, i feel the SK-CRV-A6 (prototype) or -Ig6 (mainstream combat version) is the best thing i have that has 170 part hull (~270 with standard weapons loadout). that, and well, although im not arming them with such firepower for fun, it can carry 4 Tripedo-Ms, which have been proven to work wonders against the majority of targets ive used em on. They are lighter, simpler, and superior to the popper-H in every way that matters (popper is still better against weaker ships as it has more shrapnel), at least vs capital ships.

That, and while i have no intention of ever doing so, you could theoretically arm it with ~20 or so drones ontop of the usual 4 heavy torpedoes and 6 forward firing flak guns. So yeah, it may be killable, but it usually doesnt die to a single shot, and, it seems to be very hard to split with anything that isnt excessively heavy and part count (in terms of weapon).

Also, im working on developing a new Tripedo-M, so it should have better firepower with less mass and part count, and im also developing a short range drone that is again, less mass, part count, and just as lethal/accurate. Ive come to the conclusion that part count and mass is what matters moreso then insane armor, but i still like to have enough armor to deflect anything but what id call high end weapons (your tirepedoes, zeke's new 10t missile, ofc stuff like that will kill this thing at least half the time).
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Working on a new air superiority fighter (no BDArmory on this one, though I might test it with that someday)...
So far I've designed a pair of kinetic-kill dumbfire missiles and one cruise missile (the last pic) for it, all of which work quite well, since the two simple ones burn off their hardpoints but leave the airframe itself unscathed.
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