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Nice well-rounded armament - i assume each is good for different things.

Thanks- yeah, each ammo type is for a different task.

I-beams: fragging fightercraft/drones, and softening up larger hulls.

SRBs: meant really as a simple, low-part-count way to obliterate an unarmored ship in one shot, or to disable a light-to-medium-armored ship.

ASMs: with guidance capability, LF/O engines, and a warhead that behaves like a barbed fish hook (impales itself through most armor, then gets stuck inside the victim's internals), these are meant for use against heavy warships, and for large battles.

How can people put up with such insane part counts? Most I can manage is ~500. :(

Trust me, I'm not immune to lag with my ships. I just have to try and mitigate it to the best of my ability.

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Better processors. :P

I can do around 1200-1600, but that's some serious framerate drop. Anything above that enters the Land of Lag.

I've put two 1500 part ships next to other - i can handle a lot, but the framerate is seriously low.

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It carries two (2) hidden planes and two (2) stock missiles. The planes have their own armament set.

Notes: Before decoupling and launching the planes or missiles, the ship should be at full thrust but with the ship engines turned off.

1- Switch Plane RAPIER engines (Airbreathing or Closed Cycle)

2- Toggle Plane Engines (Turn on or off the Planes Engines)

3- Switch Ship RAPIER Engines (Airbreathing or Closed Cycle)

4- Toggle Ship Engines (Turn on or off the Ship Engines)

Craft File: http://www./download/zipy25ohqnzxk11/CARRIER+SUBMARINE+COPY.craft (750+ part count)










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BTW, after thinking about the biggest let down in ship-ship gams (the fact that almsot always a full salvo will kill whatever you engage in your turn), i thought of a rule that might make stuff more interesting:

howabout if you set a cap on the maximum tonage one could fire per turn (say no more then 5 tons of missiles, or whatever number is deemed fair). This would in my opinion make it alot more interesting (and perhaps bring back space battles), as nolonger can someone build a ship, arm it with 20 missiles, each one say 4 tons heavy, and fire off them akll in one turn.

I think this would increase the whole survival aspect, and make complete anihilation of a ship only possible after a few turns (unless you get very very lucky with a shot and explode the whole thing). this rule would also limit the maximum firepower any single weapons can have, so alot less ubermissiles would be deployed that have like a 50+% chance of instakilling a target.

Anyways, what do you gusy think, since space battles seem to have issues with people bringing too much ordinance and being able to fire as many rounds from teh ship that engages as they want, howabout a tonage limit per turn of ordinance you can fire? Also, it shoudl be mass, and not number of missiles, and tonage allows more balance (do you want more powerful missiles, but few, or weaker multiple shots (such as ibeam spam).

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Deployed 1 Panther II Ausf A, 1 Panther II Ausf B (Turmpanzer), and 2 Firestorm FLK flampanzers

First shot from Panther II Ausf A


Knocked off one missile, already the odds are looking bad for you.


Second shot caused no visible damage.

I removed the Panther II Ausf A after its missiles were expended to lessen lag.




And finally two Flampanzers parked 3km from the runway


I've made it to video format so you could watch lol, Took me several tries to actually hit your tank. five (5) tries in total this is the last two shots (out of 5) I took.

SHOT A (4th shot out of 5 tries)


Wasn't damaged but rattled the turret.

SHOT B (5th shot out of 5 tries)


I managed to destroy the turret.

Save file: http://www./download/cdsbfpxhzg6o0gc/quicksave.sfs

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I'd be willing to limit myself to 12 tons per turn, that's a volley of 2 torps (5 tons each atm, I have a 7 ton version too) and 4 I-beam rockets (~0.5 tons each). My absolute hard minimum would be 10 tons cause my ships cannot shoot straight if I fire one torp at a time. Tbh the only ship (apart from my own, ofc :wink:) that I can't consistently destroy with a volley of 2 is Starwhip's krakenbeast thing but with practice I think I could get better at that one too...

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It carries two (2) hidden planes and two (2) stock missiles. The planes have their own armament set.

Notes: Before decoupling and launching the planes or missiles, the ship should be at full thrust but with the ship engines turned off.

1- Switch Plane RAPIER engines (Airbreathing or Closed Cycle)

2- Toggle Plane Engines (Turn on or off the Planes Engines)

3- Switch Ship RAPIER Engines (Airbreathing or Closed Cycle)

4- Toggle Ship Engines (Turn on or off the Ship Engines)

Craft File: http://www./download/zipy25ohqnzxk11/CARRIER+SUBMARINE+COPY.craft (750+ part count)










would probably be obliterated by andrew's shipkillers

- - - Updated - - -

I've made it to video format so you could watch lol, Took me several tries to actually hit your tank. five (5) tries in total this is the last two shots (out of 5) I took.

SHOT A (4th shot out of 5 tries)


Wasn't damaged but rattled the turret.

SHOT B (5th shot out of 5 tries)


I managed to destroy the turret.

Save file: http://www./download/cdsbfpxhzg6o0gc/quicksave.sfs

I think I win by default via numerical superiority, (Ramming is disallowed)

but I will continue my turn with the flame tanks

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would probably be obliterated by andrew's shipkillers

- - - Updated - - -

I think I win by default via numerical superiority, (Ramming is disallowed)

but I will continue my turn with the flame tanks

But I could still put more tanks, I'm just testing my armor and how well they would work. (It's not fair I only put 2 tanks while you put three)

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Can't believe I never posted this here. Since you guys like your guns I should show this off for those who have not yet.




It is all stock, has stock wheels and axles as well as a 360 degree rotating turret. It is powered by jet thrust.

It is a far bigger tank than what most of you are used to. (Excluding Zekes)

Part count is just over 600

Read more and download here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112061-WIP-AKV-200-Missile-Tank

Edited by Jon144
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But I could still put more tanks, I'm just testing my armor and how well they would work. (It's not fair I only put 2 tanks while you put three)

games are based on tonnage :P

Not fair that u get 80ton heavy tanks and I only have meds xD

- - - Updated - - -

But I could still put more tanks, I'm just testing my armor and how well they would work. (It's not fair I only put 2 tanks while you put three)



First barrage destroys front armor panels


The next barrage destroys (Dislodges) all the front armor panels

The missile however does no damage.

You may be able to win, however I am confident that the armor on the Flame Tank is strong enough to withstand all direct impact missiles.

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games are based on tonnage :P

Not fair that u get 80ton heavy tanks and I only have meds xD

- - - Updated - - -



First barrage destroys front armor panels


The next barrage destroys (Dislodges) all the front armor panels

The missile however does no damage.

You may be able to win, however I am confident that the armor on the Flame Tank is strong enough to withstand all direct impact missiles.

*Member of crew inside bigger tank*

Sir! Sir, look!
What is it?
I can see our barrel through the periscope!

*captain looks through periscope*

That's not our barrel!!!


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games are based on tonnage :P

Not fair that u get 80ton heavy tanks and I only have meds xD

- - - Updated - - -



First barrage destroys front armor panels


The next barrage destroys (Dislodges) all the front armor panels

The missile however does no damage.

You may be able to win, however I am confident that the armor on the Flame Tank is strong enough to withstand all direct impact missiles.

I'll post when i'm done

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Does anyone know the impact tolerance of a kerbal?

Im wondering if placing a stack of kerbals atop a missile would be effective weapon?

Anyways, warcrimes aside, would anyone be interested in a space battle limited to ibeam weapons/625mm junk at the maximum? As most of us have learned,m there is no realistic method to protect against the best torpedoes, and at least i myself would think itd be neat to have a more drawn out game involving more weaker weapons, which while still lethal, arent going to obliterate everything with teh first salvo, and finer things like crippling engines, or taking down weapons would have a bigger effect on teh outcome then just whoever fires 1st with a salvo of 5t torpedoes and aims anywhere near the midsection wins? SInce ammo expediture and suiper tough ships might become hard to kill, perhaps we can have rules where we are allowed a resupply ship to rearm or repair craft later in teh battle.

Lets relive the glory days, before weapons development turned the game into whoever fires 1st is automatically guaranteed to win. Or alternatively, if you guys think that ibeams are too limiting, then lets say maximum of 1 ton per any ammuntion (to prevent as much 1 shotting, as with only 1 ton, its alot more limited with how much damage you can pull off). Almost all of the fairly 1 shotting weapons are above 5t, which means a 1 ton limit would severely minimize the damage one could do with even a salvo.

Edited by panzer1b
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Does anyone know the impact tolerance of a kerbal?

Im wondering if placing a stack of kerbals atop a missile would be effective weapon?

Anyways, warcrimes aside, would anyone be interested in a space battle limited to ibeam weapons/625mm junk at the maximum? As most of us have learned,m there is no realistic method to protect against the best torpedoes, and at least i myself would think itd be neat to have a more drawn out game involving more weaker weapons, which while still lethal, arent going to obliterate everything with teh first salvo, and finer things like crippling engines, or taking down weapons would have a bigger effect on teh outcome then just whoever fires 1st with a salvo of 5t torpedoes and aims anywhere near the midsection wins? SInce ammo expediture and suiper tough ships might become hard to kill, perhaps we can have rules where we are allowed a resupply ship to rearm or repair craft later in teh battle.

Lets relive the glory days, before weapons development turned the game into whoever fires 1st is automatically guaranteed to win. Or alternatively, if you guys think that ibeams are too limiting, then lets say maximum of 1 ton per any ammuntion (to prevent as much 1 shotting, as with only 1 ton, its alot more limited with how much damage you can pull off). Almost all of the fairly 1 shotting weapons are above 5t, which means a 1 ton limit would severely minimize the damage one could do with even a salvo.

I can see if I can resurrect some of my old pre-0.25 Kraken ships, they use reasonable armaments but I will have to refit them with 0.90 compatible armor

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I can see if I can resurrect some of my old pre-0.25 Kraken ships, they use reasonable armaments but I will have to refit them with 0.90 compatible armor

Thatd be cool, always wanted to do some space combat, but noone seems to find it any fun when everyone uses the more or less impossible to counter weaponry. If thats the case, then why not limit ourselves to more fun weapons.

Im currently retrofitting two of my ships to the new standards, swapping their 5t torps for ibeam/very light munitions. For now, lets say no single piece of ammo can exceed 1 ton, ive done some extensive testing and regardless of ammunition type, i cant seem to get any 1 shot kills, and ive yet to split a ship in half with a single salvo when i limit myself to 1 ton (although killing stuff like engines, or removing weapons/critical systems is still doable, i think a fight limited this way would be alot more fun then the usual).

Anyways, if you want to fight me, i ask to please limit yourself to 600 parts max for one ship (since my ships are all below 500 parts. If we are to use low mass weapons, its going to get hard to make them guided, and both ships will have to get up close and personal. I can handle 1 1200 part ship without slowing to a crawl, but any more and it becomes so painfully laggy.

Also, any idea for tonnage limit? All current ships i have are below 80 tons, so i cant really bring any super behemoths, so perhaps 300t total, and up to maybe 5 ships maximum (you can have 1 super heavy, or say 5 more reasonable ships). Anyways, these are just ideas, so if you have something feel free to add. Personally i dont care too much about equal numbers (as odds are a heavier craft will require multiple smaller ones to take it down), but i think we should have a similar tonage for fairness.

Edited by panzer1b
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Thatd be cool, always wanted to do some space combat, but noone seems to find it any fun when everyone uses the more or less impossible to counter weaponry. If thats the case, then why not limit ourselves to more fun weapons.

Im currently retrofitting two of my ships to the new standards, swapping their 5t torps for ibeam/very light munitions. For now, lets say no single piece of ammo can exceed 1 ton, ive done some extensive testing and regardless of ammunition type, i cant seem to get any 1 shot kills, and ive yet to split a ship in half with a single salvo when i limit myself to 1 ton (although killing stuff like engines, or removing weapons/critical systems is still doable, i think a fight limited this way would be alot more fun then the usual).

Anyways, if you want to fight me, i ask to please limit yourself to 600 parts max for one ship (since my ships are all below 500 parts. If we are to use low mass weapons, its going to get hard to make them guided, and both ships will have to get up close and personal. I can handle 1 1200 part ship without slowing to a crawl, but any more and it becomes so painfully laggy.

Also, any idea for tonnage limit? All current ships i have are below 80 tons, so i cant really bring any super behemoths, so perhaps 300t total, and up to maybe 5 ships maximum (you can have 1 super heavy, or say 5 more reasonable ships). Anyways, these are just ideas, so if you have something feel free to add. Personally i dont care too much about equal numbers (as odds are a heavier craft will require multiple smaller ones to take it down), but i think we should have a similar tonage for fairness.

My largest ship: the Kraken Obliterator is only about 500 parts and weighs at around 80-90 tons. It has some resilient armor against I beams however. Also what are your ships made of? Mainly structural panels of wing panels? I use a composite armor of wings and panels along with structural fuselages. It does contain 3 guided lv909 rockets however. But they usually don't cause much damage

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