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Naval Battle Club


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This weekend hopefully. I have school and parents.

Same here, so not a problem.

I'm very much looking forward to this :D

Hooray for spectators! :D

As a side note, I think that, by tonnage, our ships will be significantly more powerful than others, given that we seem to be building with primarily wing panels rather than structural plates. In my last (and only previous) battle, I was able to significantly outgun my opponent as a result of this, but I hope we shall be more evenly matched here.

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Oh yeah, I had another idea, but I'd doubt it'll work well...I don't want to sound desperate to have an engagement with any factions, but I wondered if it's possible to try a 3-way battle? I mean, if you want me to, but I won't sound desperate, I may try it in single player unless anyone wants me to join in.

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Oh yeah, I had another idea, but I'd doubt it'll work well...I don't want to sound desperate to have an engagement with any factions, but I wondered if it's possible to try a 3-way battle? I mean, if you want me to, but I won't sound desperate, I may try it in single player unless anyone wants me to join in.

Why not? Three, wanna take him on? 1v1v1? Haha.

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There was a 4-way battle with one ship each that got set up in 0.24 but never played. The free for all with more than 2 contestants sounds cool, I'd be interested.

More ideas...

2v2 battle: Each player has one or more ships and the turns are set up so that each alliance takes one turn, then the other. (so if one player on the alliance is eliminated then the other isn't at a 2-turn disadvantage)

Flagship/escort mission: Each player has one unarmed (or armed maybe, I don't know...) ship that is the flagship, you can only attack the other player's flagship if half of their other ships are destroyed. You win by killing the flagship or all of your opponent's armed ships.

Base attack: This would be for ground or sea battles, one player has a large immobile base but only half the defenders in number or tonnage. The base can attack once per turn even if a defender attacks too, and its missiles are exempt from the 2.5km rule, since it can't move. The attacker only has to kill the base to win, but the defender must kill all the attackers.

Yay for it being Friday!

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Thanks, ej. I'll work on making a ship for the battle, and I have started a MediaFire account. Can't wait to either A. fail because stuff... or B. win!

I just forgot...I actually was going to toy around with RSS some, so I may or may not be able to play with you guys, sadly. I'll be making my own config (my arrangement of planets) to fit an idea I had, supposedly outside of KSP grounds, but nonetheless, it will be fun.

Edited by Tynton
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Its simply 2 of my battle ships, 1 carrier, (I think) some fighters maybe and 2 bigger battle ships. Whats your fleet lineup?


The fleet so far.Im getting lazy so i cant be bothered to do the rest

Edited by ejudedude13
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THIS IS SO COOL! Thanks ejudedude13 for pointing me here xD Maybe I will participate in some of these battles, as I believe my ships are superior to everyone else's (lol not really). Here is my fleet so far, from lightest to heaviest:

The Gnat Combat Drone:

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The Hermes Light Fighter

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The Kratos Destroyer

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The Centauri Cruiser

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Those look rather good, I must say. :D Especially so the destroyer and cruiser...

Also, hooray for more people!

Anyway, back to the battle at hand:

I have deployed my ships and set up a persist file (link below).

After the unconditional surrender of enemy forces in the previous battle, the C3V Bohr was left in sentry orbit high above Vall guarding the Joolian system, while the C3V Kirchhoff was decommissioned due to a number of design flaws that became apparent during combat. The remaining forces, joined by the C3V Euclid's sister ship the Archimedes, have been repaired, re-armed, and re-deployed to Duna under the command of the newly-built flagship the C3V Zytkow. The fleet lineup is as follows:

The C3V Zytkow, a TZO Class Heavy Cruiser and Flagship Designate of the Dunan Defense Fleet:


984 parts at 175.06 tons.

The C3V Euclid and the C3V Archimedes, both Vertex Class Corvettes:



444 parts and 36.64 tons each.

The C3V Rutherford, a Hadron Class Bomber:


401 parts at 27.12 tons.

And finally, the C3V Fermi, a Lepton Class Fighter:


328 parts at 15.36 tons.

Fleet total: 5 ships at 290.82 tons.

Initial Orbits:



Edited by Three1415
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Here is my ship: a "Heavy Cruiser/Battlecruiser" named "Hespera" modified for battle with additional armor and engines.


K.R.K.N. (Kraken Technologies) Check out my Tech Firm here and tell me what you think: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101595-NEW-STARTUP-KRAKEN-TECHNOLOGIES-%28K-R-K-N-Tech%29 (I'm promoting my new startup lol! serious note here: what has happened to me, I'm taking this game waaaay too enthusiastically)

Class: "Heavy Cruiser/Battlecruiser"

Name: "Hespera"

Model: 8

Cost: 401279.5

Part Count: 1151 parts in 8 stages (1161 parts during launch)

Total Mass: 251.66 tons

Armament: 12 Total: 4 SRB's (Solid Rocket Boosters) "Burst" torpedoes, 6 "Hitter" Standard Liquid Fuel Engine Torpedoes and 2 "Shock" Experimental Torpedoes with experimental warhead payload (Equipped with 2 Small Supercharged I-Beam tipped shells each, which deploys before impact and makes a double action torpedo in 2 stages) and 3 Frontal "Burst" (3 Small Supercharged I-Beam tipped shells)

Armor and Constuction: Extremely Durable Hull and Strut reinforced (It is no longer susceptible to buckling and bending at high gravity). Double layered reactive armor (up to three at the core module and at the Engines).

Powerplant and Propulsion: 8 hidden thermoelectric generators. 6 LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engines, with basic fuel and monopropellant for RCS

Extra: Can Support up to 4 crew






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Thank you for clearing that up for us three. Ill place my ships asap. also, am i allowed to attack, or do i have to wait for tynton or whatever his name is (sorry bro, i couldnt be bothered to check) to place his ships then you attack?

I think everyone should place their ships first, then take Turn One one it passes back to them (i.e, setup is "Turn Zero").

What version are you all playing? I'm on 0.24. Plus I need to rearm my ship for battle.

I do not know about everyone else, but I am playing on 0.25...I do not know if this will affect anything. Also, only one ship? That would place you at some disadvantage, but I suppose your ship is large enough as is. :sticktongue:

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I can't open the persistent file. I have 0.25 but it keeps crashing, It opens and loads but when i get to the first menu it suddenly exits. I have to fix this, working on it right now. Anyone want to use my ship? I may not be able to participate. I want to see her in battle.

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I can't open the persistent file. I have 0.25 but it keeps crashing, It opens and loads but when i get to the first menu it suddenly exits. I have to fix this, working on it right now. Anyone want to use my ship? I may not be able to participate. I want to see her in battle.

I know that it is not a problem with the download, as I just tested the file; it must thus be a problem on your end. It might be that 0.25 did not install correctly, or that the persistence file is not in the correct location...Where and how are you putting the persistence file into your save?

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I mean I my 0.25 version ksp does not run (It always crashes even before I add the persistent file and after I added it, I know where to put it this is not my first battle), the persistent file is worthless for me, you and the others ships' may have 0.25 version parts that is incompatible with my 0.24 version. Do you still have a the 0.24 version? can we setup another battle on 0.24? Pleeeaaaaaasee! I really want to join.

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Could I join your battle? Or were the players supposed to be Three, Ejudedude, Zamovinar, and Tynton? If Zamovinar can't join the match I'd be happy to.

Also it seems like a really large fleet size (5 ships, 300 tons?) for a 4 player match.

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Yeah, I apparently have the issue of changing my mind every 30 minutes about what to do with KSP, as I've began a rather challenging (sometimes stock KSP is too easy) space program career mode, featuring seasons to KSP (by changing orbital inclinations of planets) and rearranging Jool's moons will make a battle like such, very difficult as some of the changes I've made will affect the planets, which in turn, may affect how the battle plays out. Though, I can always take KittopiaTech's planet Editor out temporarily for you guys if you wish.

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Yeah, I apparently have the issue of changing my mind every 30 minutes about what to do with KSP, as I've began a rather challenging (sometimes stock KSP is too easy) space program career mode, featuring seasons to KSP (by changing orbital inclinations of planets) and rearranging Jool's moons will make a battle like such, very difficult as some of the changes I've made will affect the planets, which in turn, may affect how the battle plays out. Though, I can always take KittopiaTech's planet Editor out temporarily for you guys if you wish.

You can copy your entire KSP folder so you have two separate installations for modded and stock. I agree stock may be too easy, have you tried 6.4x Kerbin or RSS?

Quick question, What are railguns? and how do they work? I've been able to reverse engineer everything from guided torpedoes to I-beam missiles, but I can't find a clear picture of a railgun.

Railguns really don't exist in KSP but some people built cannons using exhaust from an engine or engines on the ship to propel a projectile that itself has no engines. The advantage is that the projectile is going its max speed when it leaves the ship, so you can get really close and don't have to worry about missing the target. Unfortunately they're usually heavy and big, plus you have to deal with recoil from the engines. I think Spartwo has one, though.

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