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[MODPACK][WIP] K.A.A.G | Kerbol Air And Gases!! Under Development


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Parts and resource lists have been re-formatted (AND COLOURED) in preparation for the upcoming 0.0.1d release!! Parts are to be tested, and once testing is complete the pack will be zipped, a changelog and license added into the archive then it shall be the first official RELEASE!!!

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Final testing is now underway for all parts. Once testing is cleared and completed, the Gamedata is to be archived, license and changelog added than the upload to my chosen distribution "places" shall begin. In short, the KAAG 0.0.1d release will be released at some point between now (7PM AEST) to 8:30 AEST if everything goes smoothly.

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Due to some issues with the ModuleGenerator the hydroxol mixers, oily waters tanks and water filters are being held off the first release. Otherwise, everything else is included, and being uploaded right now.

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Are you going to add a convertor for the Air ? like stock Airscoops are InTakeAir so people can get the air from the atmospher and are going to use OpenResource for getting the Resources from planets or make your own plugin ?

EDIT- And why would you convert water to ice ?

EDIT- And you have it water 10 to 1 ice ---water expands when it freezes but no problem if thats how kerbal ice works :)

Edited by Mecripp2
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Are you going to add a convertor for the Air ? like stock Airscoops are InTakeAir so people can get the air from the atmospher and are going to use OpenResource for getting the Resources from planets or make your own plugin ?

EDIT- And why would you convert water to ice ?

EDIT- And you have it water 10 to 1 ice ---water expands when it freezes but no problem if thats how kerbal ice works :)

I am looking at using module manager at some stage to add in the air resource to the current air scoops, but that's a bit far down the track at this point in time. I will eventually make my own plugin to collect resources from planets (i.e. drill up some ice, etc.). And 10 water to 1 ice is mainly for storage purposes. And its a little bit kerbal. :P

please check with this to make sure there are no duplicates or conflicts.


I have checked the spreadsheet there, and I cannot see any conflicts or duplicates of Hydroxol, Refined Hydroxol, Oily Water, Ice or Compressed Air.

Edited by ToTheMun
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Some new resources and parts have been added to the list for the inclusion in the 0.0.2 update. I'm currently trying to get some textures and things sorted out for the other parts, and I finally got the hydroxol mixers working. Instead of LFO, Hydrogen and Oxygen, to make Hydroxol, you now need Monopropellant, Xenon Gas, Hydorgen and Oxygen. Development has slowed down, but is continuing. At this point in time, the 0.0.2 update seems roughly 2 weeks to a month away.

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