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[WIP] SEDI presents: An EPL-addon for Karbonite v0.22 [models needed]


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Stage Extraterrestrial Developement Industries presents:

A new way to use EPL with Karbonite!

If you update from v0.1, please delete the SEDI folder!

ORS resource maps have been moved to CRP.

-- next update postponed --


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Unfortunately, I can't creat models. I used Karbonite and Brass Moustache parts and altered their textures a bit, but I really would appreciate if someone could help me out and create some models for me!

This is still WIP. Please give me feedback!

How are production rates? Is resource consumption ok? Additional content?


v0.22 - Added license to download
v0.21 - added Karbonite Drill configs
- added CRP folder with MKS resource maps

v0.2 - Updated to Karbonite 0.2.3a
- slightly changed production rates
- altered masses: increased most parts, Smelter mass halved
- changed Recycler to "Cryogenic Separation Facility", seperates and liquifies ExhaustGas to Karbonite, Oxidizer, (Ka,Ox for Smelter and ISFU), LiquidHydrogen, ArgonGas (only small amounts) and CO2
- Smelter and Electrolyzer produce ExhaustGas
- Smelter needs small amounts of Oxidizer for the smelting process
- Changed model of the ISFU
- ISFU has now an integrated Karbonite generator
- fixed some cfg errors
- first KSPI config: Electrolyzer can produce Lithium, Aluminium and Oxidizer out of Metals and Compounds (testing, should be less efficient than ISRU)
v0.11 - Updated file structure, config change
v0.1 - Initial release

Planned stuff

- Logistics module (separate part, MKS required)
- KSPI compatability (Smelter needs ThermalPower, Elextrolyzer needs Megajoules,...)
- More products
- Models?

The SEDI pack adds the ability to produce goods for sale (ConsumerGoods) and RocketParts (only useful with ExPL), aswell as Ore and Minerals mining to Karbonite.

ORS-files for Ore and Minerals are the same as in MKS, they will be disabled if MKS is installed.

Optional DangIt! (SpareParts) and DRE (AblativeShielding, maybe useful for KSOS) support.

All SEDI parts are TweakScale compatible and are available in all sizes (0.625, to 5m)!

Required Mods:

- Karbonite

- ModuleManager

Recommended Mods:

- Extraplanetary Launchpads

- Modular Kolonisation System

- TweakScale


I thought I provide my personal KSPI MM patches for other things too, the are located in my dropbox aswell.

I made a patch for Karbonite to be available as basic fuel for KSPI engines (Karbonite and Karbox(Karbonite and Oxygen), both slightly more efficient than standard fuel)

Inspired by KESA, I made a KSPI Argon to NearFuture ArgonGas and a Hydrogen to LiquidHydrogen patch. The Hydrogen patch changes how KSPI treats Hydrogen aswell.

LiquidFuel is now LiquidFuel, and Hydrogen is now an electric propellant. Changed ORS resource aswell, LF production is no longer possible, ISRU produces LiquidHydrogen instead.


SEDI is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Share-Alike Attribution Non-Commercial license.

Karbonite is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Share-Alike Attribution Non-Commercial license.



WaRi (Electrolyzer)

Nertea (ISFU, Recycler)

mossman / Brass Moustache Industrial supply (Smelter, MFU, SRU)

Thank you for providing the models!

Other Credits:

RoverDude (for creating MKS and Karbonite)

FractalUK (for creating ORS)

- - - Updated - - -

Updated License

Edited by Stage
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Additional Informations:

The Production of RocketParts works like this:


- Smelter: Smelts Ore, produces Metals and Slag

- Electrolyzer: Smelts Minerals, produces Compounds and Slag

- Metal Fabrication Unit MFU(attachable part):

Uses Metals and Compounds to produce durable AerospaceAlloys and ElectricComponents. Needs Maintenance!

- Slag Reprocessing Unit SRU (attachable part):

Refines Slag to produce HeatShielding and ConstructionParts. Needs Maintenance!

- In-situ Factory Unit ISFU:

Automated factory that assembles RocketParts out of all four components and ConsumerGoods for

sale out of AerospaceAlloys and ElectricComponents.

Provides Maintenance (uses EC to provide it).

A (stock) 2.5m ISFU can support up to 4 modules.


-added ORS-extractor for Ore and Minerals to Karbonite drill

-added Ore and Mineral detection and SCANsat module to Karbonite Detection Array

-added products (and RocketParts!) to the MKS logistic hub

Optional MM config:

-DRE-support: ISFU can produce AblativeShielding and recharge the heatshield of docked vessels

-DangIt!-support: SpareParts can be made in an ISFU (ElectricComponents and ConstructionParts)

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dont forget to add kerbal mechanic also. also the MM configs that modify other mods have them seprate for each differnt mod that way people can easily change things around. nice thing on the hydrogen stuff as i use the hydrogen MM cfg to change all ntr to use liquid hydrogen.

probaly use your .cfg for the mks i have this one but think yours might fit better also make sure to add a file for texture replacer so it dont mess up your ORS.

old el-mks one from dev thread to bad he didnt put scrap in yours has it so ill use yours

name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.06125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.06000, False,Recyclables,0.00125,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,700,AdvMachinery,200,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False
name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.1245000, False,Recyclables,0.0005,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,500,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False
name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.06125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.06000, False,Recyclables,0.00125,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,700,AdvMachinery,200,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False
name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.06125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.06000, False,Recyclables,0.00125,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,700,AdvMachinery,200,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False
name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.1245000, False,Recyclables,0.0005,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,500,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False
name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.06125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.06000, False,Recyclables,0.00125,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,700,AdvMachinery,200,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False

Edited by sidfu
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Awesome to see this, but since you are redistributing and modifying assets from Karbonite, can you please follow the terms of the CC 4.0 Attribution ShareAlike non commercial license we're under? This would include derivative works being under the same license, also attribution to the various modelers, etc.

WaRi for the Electrolyzer

Nertea for the ISFU and Recycler (and his name should be in the config, I make it a point to leave that in for the modelers - saw it in one, not the other)

Lastly, you may want to consider using CRP in it's next iteration with the MKS 0.20 update as all of the ORS stuff is being shared... no sense in repeatedly loading the same PNGs, etc. :) That will probably be out in the next week or two.


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Good to see more stuff made with karbonite! :) Downloaded it and threw it in my testbed install.

Few things,First at least for me the Smelter texture seems to be bugged.


Second, Without MKS installed it seems your Mineral and Ore definitions don't work. :(


Im assuming its something to do with your planetaryresourcedefinitions.cfg, I could be wrong,(im not expert :P)

I havent had a chance to play around more with it, But i really like the idea!

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Lastly, you may want to consider using CRP in it's next iteration with the MKS 0.20 update as all of the ORS stuff is being shared... no sense in repeatedly loading the same PNGs, etc. :) That will probably be out in the next week or two.


What Roverdude said is a good idea :) What i did for my EPL-->Karbonite Adaptation was to just Mirror the MKS directory struture, and use the planetaryresourcedefinitions.cfg file from MKS.

That way if someone who doesnt have MKS installs it, things work, and if someone who does have MKS installs the mod, they just overwrite the files with same exact files, no harm.

This also keeps KSP from locking up or lagging out due to haveing 2 resources defined with the exact same name.

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What Roverdude said is a good idea :) What i did for my EPL-->Karbonite Adaptation was to just Mirror the MKS directory struture, and use the planetaryresourcedefinitions.cfg file from MKS.

That way if someone who doesnt have MKS installs it, things work, and if someone who does have MKS installs the mod, they just overwrite the files with same exact files, no harm.

This also keeps KSP from locking up or lagging out due to haveing 2 resources defined with the exact same name.

Didn't even catch that...

Yes, if you are already doing this:

name = Ore
celestialBodyName = Bop
resourceName = Ore
mapUrl = SEDI/ORS/Bop_Ore_
resourceScale = LOG_SCALE
scaleFactor =1.03
scaleMultiplier = 34
displayTexture = SEDI/ORS/OrePoint
displayThreshold = 0.00638221186279936

Then you have a dependency on MKS already. And if you have a dependency on MKS, then they already have planetary resources, etc. So this mod in its current form, with MKS installed, would likely cause serious lag, except for the fact that this looks like a cross between an ORS config and a MM config so it's probably not loading at all (a good thing) hence why people are not seeing resources.

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Awesome to see this, but since you are redistributing and modifying assets from Karbonite, can you please follow the terms of the CC 4.0 Attribution ShareAlike non commercial license we're under? This would include derivative works being under the same license, also attribution to the various modelers, etc.

WaRi for the Electrolyzer

Nertea for the ISFU and Recycler (and his name should be in the config, I make it a point to leave that in for the modelers - saw it in one, not the other)

Lastly, you may want to consider using CRP in it's next iteration with the MKS 0.20 update as all of the ORS stuff is being shared... no sense in repeatedly loading the same PNGs, etc. :) That will probably be out in the next week or two.


Oops, wrote the post a total of 3 times, seems like I missed adding the CC 4.0 license (was quite tired :()

Thank you for the information about models, unfortunately there was no info in the part configs. Post updated!

I will definetely move to CRP once it is released.

Good to see more stuff made with karbonite! :) Downloaded it and threw it in my testbed install.

Few things,First at least for me the Smelter texture seems to be bugged.


Second, Without MKS installed it seems your Mineral and Ore definitions don't work. :(


Im assuming its something to do with your planetaryresourcedefinitions.cfg, I could be wrong,(im not expert :P)

I havent had a chance to play around more with it, But i really like the idea!

What Roverdude said is a good idea :) What i did for my EPL-->Karbonite Adaptation was to just Mirror the MKS directory struture, and use the planetaryresourcedefinitions.cfg file from MKS.

That way if someone who doesnt have MKS installs it, things work, and if someone who does have MKS installs the mod, they just overwrite the files with same exact files, no harm.

This also keeps KSP from locking up or lagging out due to haveing 2 resources defined with the exact same name.

...Why didn't I think about that? That is quite an effective (and easy) solution.

Didn't even catch that...

Yes, if you are already doing this:

name = Ore
celestialBodyName = Bop
resourceName = Ore
mapUrl = SEDI/ORS/Bop_Ore_
resourceScale = LOG_SCALE
scaleFactor =1.03
scaleMultiplier = 34
displayTexture = SEDI/ORS/OrePoint
displayThreshold = 0.00638221186279936

Then you have a dependency on MKS already. And if you have a dependency on MKS, then they already have planetary resources, etc. So this mod in its current form, with MKS installed, would likely cause serious lag, except for the fact that this looks like a cross between an ORS config and a MM config so it's probably not loading at all (a good thing) hence why people are not seeing resources.

I tested it right now with only Karbonite 0.2.3 and SEDI installed, worked without a problem.

I think the problem with the missing model and no resources have the same cause...I forgot to upload the SEDI masterfolder with everything in it.

If the mod is not in GameConfig/SEDI/otherstuff, then the ORS configs and the smelter model won't show.

Edited by Stage
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Nice, but how does Karbonite dependency work? You have to use Karbonite drills ore are Augers from EL enough? I ask because I use Kethane atm but this is really good looking production line with support for mods I use.

At the moment, you have to use the Karbonite drills, the Augers from EL won't work. I will add some ModuleManager patches for the EL Augers within the next days, although I would recommend to use the Karbonite drills.

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dont forget to add kerbal mechanic also. also the MM configs that modify other mods have them seprate for each differnt mod that way people can easily change things around. nice thing on the hydrogen stuff as i use the hydrogen MM cfg to change all ntr to use liquid hydrogen.

probaly use your .cfg for the mks i have this one but think yours might fit better also make sure to add a file for texture replacer so it dont mess up your ORS.

old el-mks one from dev thread to bad he didnt put scrap in yours has it so ill use yours

name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.06125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.06000, False,Recyclables,0.00125,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,700,AdvMachinery,200,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False
name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.1245000, False,Recyclables,0.0005,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,500,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False
name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.06125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.06000, False,Recyclables,0.00125,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,700,AdvMachinery,200,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False
name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.06125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.06000, False,Recyclables,0.00125,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,700,AdvMachinery,200,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False
name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.1245000, False,Recyclables,0.0005,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,500,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False
name = KolonyConverter
converterName = Rocketparts
conversionRate = 1
inputResources = Metal, 0.06125,ElectricCharge, 1.25,RepairKits,0.00000002125,ReplacementParts,0.00000002125,PunchCards,0.00085
outputResources = RocketParts, 0.06000, False,Recyclables,0.00125,true
requiredResources = BasicMachinery,700,AdvMachinery,200,MEP-Manufacturing,100
SurfaceOnly = False

Kerbal mechanics has..lets call it native support :D

It uses EPL RocketParts for repairs, so it works without a seperate config.

I had an MKS production line in mind, but in the end I did not want to mess with its production and resources (except Ore and Minerals).

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Thanks for the reminder, I forgot to set the price.

Although I don't know what to do with the recycler, I'll change it probably to something else. The only reason why I implemented it was, if you have installed Kethane, the EPL recycler would produce Metal instead of RocketParts.

So the only way to recycle ships with Kethane installed was with the Recycler, but I am not happy with this solution

Please test the conversion rates and part prices. I don't want to have a cheap mining solution (remember, you can produce high-tech parts in space to build rockets!), so the initial costs should be high. But with the production of ConsumerGoods and additional mining bases via EPL, costs should be no problem.

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Thanks for the reminder, I forgot to set the price.

Although I don't know what to do with the recycler, I'll change it probably to something else. The only reason why I implemented it was, if you have installed Kethane, the EPL recycler would produce Metal instead of RocketParts.

So the only way to recycle ships with Kethane installed was with the Recycler, but I am not happy with this solution

Please test the conversion rates and part prices. I don't want to have a cheap mining solution (remember, you can produce high-tech parts in space to build rockets!), so the initial costs should be high. But with the production of ConsumerGoods and additional mining bases via EPL, costs should be no problem.

I just started a new save so I can experience the difficulties to get there from scratch. The price is fair, however I would likely just build the parts with EL since I expect the rocket parts themselves would be cheaper :)


If I upgrade to 0.20.0 will everything keep working ?


Looks like MKS 0.20.3 will break things :/

Edited by invultri
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Yes, MKS 0.20.3 and Karbonite 0.2.3a changed the converter.

Updated SEDI to 0.2.

v0.2 - Updated to Karbonite 0.2.3a

- slightly changed production rates

- altered masses: increased most parts, Smelter mass halved

- changed Recycler to "Cryogenic Separation Facility", seperates and liquifies ExhaustGas to Karbonite, Oxidizer, (Ka,Ox for Smelter and ISFU), LiquidHydrogen, ArgonGas (only small amounts) and CO2

- Smelter and Electrolyzer produce ExhaustGas

- Smelter needs small amounts of Oxidizer for the smelting process

- Changed model of the ISFU

- ISFU has now an integrated Karbonite generator

- fixed some cfg errors

- first KSPI config: Electrolyzer can produce Lithium, Aluminium and Oxidizer out of Metals and Compounds (testing, should be less efficient than ISRU)

Need to work on the energy consumption, tweakscale scaling, techtree integration and MM configs for Kethane parts.

Edited by Stage
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before u change it to match the 2.3a changes check out the pre realse of mks and karbonite

SEDI should now work with the new versions. Updated to v0.21 to match the new CRP folder and added new drill config files.

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Played around with it a bit =) personally i think costs a little high for career mode. (at least in comparison for the amount of return you get from a full tank of ConsumerGoods)

Oh and you dont need to distribute the CRP folder anymore with your download (as those same files come with the Karbonite install)

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Hi Stage,

Maybe we can add a function to melt down rocket parts to a more compact form? Consuming boosters stages kinda fill up the rocket part storage fast.

You mean like packed rocket parts? Would be a possibility, like 1 PackedRocketParts = 100 RocketParts (overall density stays the same). Although I am hesitating to add another resource, SEDI already adds 10. Maybe I will find a solution for it.

Played around with it a bit =) personally i think costs a little high for career mode. (at least in comparison for the amount of return you get from a full tank of ConsumerGoods)

Oh and you dont need to distribute the CRP folder anymore with your download (as those same files come with the Karbonite install)

Thanks! Will fix it soon!

I can't play a lot at the moment. I am away from my desktop pc most of the time, and my notebook that is capable of playing and testing KSP is in repair since june (don't buy acer -.-). So I am glad to get some feedback! (Well, my old notebook can run KSP too, but it takes ages to load and the framerates are abysmal, so I don't play much)

I will lower prices for all parts, and maybe I'll set 1.25m to default, they are much cheaper (now a full 1.25m set cost ~233K, a 2.5m set ~1.87M).

My design plan was:

1.Mine with 1.25m

2.Get money and invest in 2.5m



So 2.5m parts will stay expensive, but not as expensive as they are now.

Forget to add some additional storage for ConsumerGoods too, so next version will fix this aswell :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Stage I hope this hasn't been abandoned!! I really love the way you have adapted EPL, I like the added complexity of the production chain and the ability to produce stuff for DRE and sell stuff for profit!! Hope you keep it going!!!

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