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[PLUGIN] [WIP] Mirror symmetry for asymmetrical parts


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hey ! :D I have just seen the 747 plug is out.

but Orbitus say you have almost finished something :cool: !

it's great !

At this moment I have the Skylon main gear

have a new rig (to match Fswheel module) ready to export in unity .

But I need some confirmation from snjo.


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I'm thinking how to fight the animation problem.

this time with a simple animation :

for example main gear retract need two key 0 deployed 100 retracted .

if I build a global model, including two symmetrical part , linked on the same animation

in fact 4 key 2 for each gear .

Export to Unity

I break the prefab, one model in left gameobject and the other in right

this action break the hierarchy in the animation , but I have the 4 key recorded in yet !

I reassign the animation on the Left-Right game object , and with Notepad++ just need

to tweak the path in animation.ani file, to match the left and right game object !!

Only one animation for the two model !!

And May be it's working with the mirror pluggin !

Soon I 'll have the possibility to test that with the main gear skylon (simplified animation)

and with the Fswheel module , because he is already in the sph..

Edit :

I have finished the preliminary test with a simple gear, see on the Skylon post of Cpt.Kipard

uploaded part, blender file and a bizarre thing.craft to roll the gear on ground.


Edited by stephm
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hi !

few....... trying to export directly in UNITY an object with the hierarchy




And I'm screwed up by the export result in UNTIY, the export merge all the object.....

Keep only Left_Right ....

And modify the Animation file directly is very hard to manage , changing name it's ok

but the whole hierarchy ...

It's ok for simple part :wink:. but For now I stop testing with animation !



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  • 1 month later...
  Kitspace said:

Can I do anything to a part that is already exported to the game?

Thank you!


Unity step have to be done again with a new hierarchy of GameObjects. So unless you can get access to unity package of what you want to play with, or at least the model itself (but it would be worth, especially if there is any unity works like emissive anim).

And as lo-fi wrote himself:

  lo-fi said:

Sadly, you will need to design the part for the plugin, it will not work for existing parts.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Lo-Fi.

Great stuff you have here. the idea is super.

But i have a question. If i have the two parts in a separate .mu files already.

Both are exclusive for each side. Left wing only for left, and right wing only for right, and i wanna do only one object in the SPH to select and put the right wings on each side.

Is possible to your mod do that to? I ready the post above, but i prefer to be sure if i understand.

Thank you by your attention.


Edited by Climberfx
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  • 4 months later...

In the KF mod package, several of the parts make use of this. Specifically, the hypno-drive (aka the screw) and the TTTracks (unsure what TT stands for here, but they have a hump on one side of the track which makes symmetry really screw up. So it's definitely in a working state, though at this time it's only distributed with the plugin in the KF mod. I'm unsure if he's actively developing it or not. He's been on an extended leave for a while now. Got a bit burned out on KSP I think.

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