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[1.2.2] 10x Kerbol system development for Kopernicus: Version - Update: April 14 2017


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Well still works in .25 but you can't access the other 3 sites :(

In other news this Mod is a great mod if you don't want to get away from stock parts: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52882

It has a preset for RSS that works great on 10x Kerbal.

jsimmons: The default package seems to have RSS in it twice. Doesn't change functionality but it does double the download size.

Edited by Leszek
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StarWaster : Yes you sent me a email on May 24th 2014 about correction the planets rotation periods. I still have the email.

Leszek: Oops. Zipped it up wrong. With most of RO being finished I started to test 0.25 with the latest RSS 8 version. I do see what you mean by the not accessing the other launch sites. I'm getting a Exception which I'm looking into. I like your suggestion about the Isp difficulty scaler. What settings do you select? I like to post that information on the OP.

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Except for the update to RealSolarSystem 8.2 not big changes. It works well in my testing for 0.25. I'm looking to add two new feature in the next release after this. I'm thinking about adding a atmosphere to Kerbol itself. Its kind of silly that you can get within a few kilometers of a blazing star. With this feature I plan if you come within 20M kilometers of kerbol your craft with start to heat up and "aerobrake". Secondly I really like to improve the terrain of kerbin itself but I'm going to need the artist out their for their input. We need those mountains back.

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Make sure you get 8.2.1, 8.2 had yet another stupid typo (01 instead of -1, which made the ground flicker for some cases). Sorry about that :(

And I will proudly steal that for RSS if you don't mind, since our stars should be pretty much the same :)

Even if no *atmosphere*, modifying the temperatureCurve would be good, so things get very hot when close.

As for terrain, try playing with the 6.4x mod's settings? They should help. You might also want to export the heightmap and mess with it, as was done in the 6.4x thread.

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Except for the update to RealSolarSystem 8.2 not big changes. It works well in my testing for 0.25. I'm looking to add two new feature in the next release after this. I'm thinking about adding a atmosphere to Kerbol itself. Its kind of silly that you can get within a few kilometers of a blazing star. With this feature I plan if you come within 20M kilometers of kerbol your craft with start to heat up and "aerobrake". Secondly I really like to improve the terrain of kerbin itself but I'm going to need the artist out their for their input. We need those mountains back.

Working on the mountains.

Don't think giving Kerbol an atmosphere is a good idea. Giving it a temperatureCurve sounds good though.

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What about the PQS mods? Don't they still require work?

They do, but its easier to manipulate a heightmap to get mountains etc than it is to manipulate the PQS. Higher resolution heightmaps just give you so much more information to work with, so you don't have to do it all via PQSmods. When I played with that heightmap for kerbin I used this as PQS:

KEYname = KSC
latitude = -0.076
longitude = -74.425
repositionToSphereSurface = false
repositionRadiusOffset = 101
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
radius = 8500
heightMapDeformity = 120
absoluteOffset = 10
absolute = true
latitude = -0.076
longitude = -74.425
deformity = 5000
ridgedAddFrequency = 48
ridgedSubFrequency = 32
simplexHeightStart = 800
simplexHeightEnd = 5000

deformity = 950
ridgedAddFrequency = 140
simplexHeightStart = 500
simplexHeightEnd = 5500
PQSMod_VertexHeightMap // doubles
heightMapOffset = -1800.0 //-2000.0
heightMapDeformity = 12000.0 //15600.0 //7000 // 5000
heightMap = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/Kerbin.png
deformity = 1200
persistence = 0.38
frequency = 24
landClassName = BaseSnow
startStart = 0.95 //0.60000002384185791
startEnd = 0.98 //0.800000011920929
landClassName = BaseBeach
endStart = 0.001 //0.004999999888241291
endEnd = 0.004 //0.019999999552965164
landClassName = RockyGround
color = 0.758, 0.628, 0.464, 1 //0.2835821, 0.241034418, 0.169554323, 1
noiseColor = 0.808, 0.678, 0.514, 1 //0.321568638, 0.3019608, 0.274509817, 1
startStart = 0.9
startEnd = 0.95
KerbinOcean {}

It was basically there to smooth over the abrupt edges created by heightmaps like this. Don't know if its sufficient to make for an interesting surface without the heightmap though.

And do you have maps for the other planets? (I don't have access to Matlab)

Yea I do. But I recall there's some problems with them:

- Minmus and Ike don't use heightmaps for some absurd reason. So I couldn't adjust the terrain for those.

- Vall was really jagged with the heightmap I made. This could be fixed with a lower resolution heightmap though.

- Crater detection on the mun was rather buggy thanks to the small size of the damn things. So often you'll find that craters have mountains within their basin. You'd have to fix this manually or write a better script.

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If you want to use this stuff I can send it over.

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They do, but its easier to manipulate a heightmap to get mountains etc than it is to manipulate the PQS. Higher resolution heightmaps just give you so much more information to work with, so you don't have to do it all via PQSmods. When I played with that heightmap for kerbin I used this as PQS:

KEYname = KSC
latitude = -0.076
longitude = -74.425
repositionToSphereSurface = false
repositionRadiusOffset = 101
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
radius = 8500
heightMapDeformity = 120
absoluteOffset = 10
absolute = true
latitude = -0.076
longitude = -74.425
deformity = 5000
ridgedAddFrequency = 48
ridgedSubFrequency = 32
simplexHeightStart = 800
simplexHeightEnd = 5000

deformity = 950
ridgedAddFrequency = 140
simplexHeightStart = 500
simplexHeightEnd = 5500
PQSMod_VertexHeightMap // doubles
heightMapOffset = -1800.0 //-2000.0
heightMapDeformity = 12000.0 //15600.0 //7000 // 5000
heightMap = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/Kerbin.png
deformity = 1200
persistence = 0.38
frequency = 24
landClassName = BaseSnow
startStart = 0.95 //0.60000002384185791
startEnd = 0.98 //0.800000011920929
landClassName = BaseBeach
endStart = 0.001 //0.004999999888241291
endEnd = 0.004 //0.019999999552965164
landClassName = RockyGround
color = 0.758, 0.628, 0.464, 1 //0.2835821, 0.241034418, 0.169554323, 1
noiseColor = 0.808, 0.678, 0.514, 1 //0.321568638, 0.3019608, 0.274509817, 1
startStart = 0.9
startEnd = 0.95
KerbinOcean {}

It was basically there to smooth over the abrupt edges created by heightmaps like this. Don't know if its sufficient to make for an interesting surface without the heightmap though.

Yea I do. But I recall there's some problems with them:

- Minmus and Ike don't use heightmaps for some absurd reason. So I couldn't adjust the terrain for those.

- Vall was really jagged with the heightmap I made. This could be fixed with a lower resolution heightmap though.

- Crater detection on the mun was rather buggy thanks to the small size of the damn things. So often you'll find that craters have mountains within their basin. You'd have to fix this manually or write a better script.


If you want to use this stuff I can send it over.

Sure, I'd love to take a look at it. See if I can do something with it.

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Ralathon do you a 8K x 4K height map? I like to squeeze out as much detail as possible. Also what did you have Matlab do with the data set? I have to say it makes me nervous to change the PQS values. The reason being that the launch site are touchy. The KSC has this nice lagoon feeling, the island base is on a nice large beach on the west coast of an island and of course the canyon launch site just fits. I hate to lose those but if it makes the mountains real I can work the height map/PQS changes and locations to try to stick close to what we have now.

Miltirace is that what you get with the provided height map?

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I see. looks like I installed Endraxials Planets and Moons For TR, i dont remember where i get it)

in any case, the mountains are very flat and occupy ýuge area and only the top of the mountain sticks out like a rock.

its all right for me, but my plane gone below textures when it attempted to land and exploded. 3 times) and this is disturbing

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Ralathon do you a 8K x 4K height map? I like to squeeze out as much detail as possible. Also what did you have Matlab do with the data set? I have to say it makes me nervous to change the PQS values. The reason being that the launch site are touchy. The KSC has this nice lagoon feeling, the island base is on a nice large beach on the west coast of an island and of course the canyon launch site just fits. I hate to lose those but if it makes the mountains real I can work the height map/PQS changes and locations to try to stick close to what we have now.

This one I posted earlier in the thread is 8k

As for the matlab script, I can't seem to find the complete code (just some half assed UI's and old versions). The basic idea wasn't that hard though. I loaded up the heightmaps from the stock game (exported via RSS) and resized them to their max size. Then I ran a gradient algorithm over that to find the areas with rugged terrain. Applying a bit of smoothing over the gradient map and multiplying it with some simple 2 layer perlin noise gave me a proper noise map. For crater and cliff detection I split the heightmap into a low and a high section. Adding some small number to the high sections ensures that you get visible craters and cliffs.

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Ralathon: I will try out your height map once I'm back from my trip this weekend. I downloaded the jpeg and it claims to 5734 x 2867 in size so I was confused. Thanks for that work.

Nathan: I plan to do another release soon to update your RSS mod. Before I do I like to ask about Gilly. Currently I have wrap = false but I like have same terrain as stock to keep the asteroid look. What values do I need to setup for that and how do I get the default values? Once I have those values is it a simple multiple by 10?

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Yes, you should be able to just multiply deformities by ten, and frequencies by 0.1; that should scale it up 10x. (Frequency is a multiplier to worldspace coordinate, so with a vertex's coordinates being 10x farther away from the origin, you want 1/10th the frequency to preserve the look. It *will* look bland and flat up close though, since you'll have 1/10th the surface detail.)

You can get the original PQSMod parameters here

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Yes, you should be able to just multiply deformities by ten, and frequencies by 0.1; that should scale it up 10x. (Frequency is a multiplier to worldspace coordinate, so with a vertex's coordinates being 10x farther away from the origin, you want 1/10th the frequency to preserve the look. It *will* look bland and flat up close though, since you'll have 1/10th the surface detail.)

You can get the original PQSMod parameters here

What about PQSMod_VertexHeightMap then? Scaling its deformity 10x seems like it would be a bit excessive. I've been just experimenting with setting it to the highest possible elevation that I want to find on Kerbin (or whichever body)

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Looking at what Nathan posted for the default values for all bodies I see not all bodies have all possible data values. Gilly appears to not have PQSMod_VertexHeightMap. It looks like I need to only play with two values for Gilly.

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Looking at what Nathan posted for the default values for all bodies I see not all bodies have all possible data values. Gilly appears to not have PQSMod_VertexHeightMap. It looks like I need to only play with two values for Gilly.

I think you can add certain missing PQS nodes. Not sure if that's one. Not clear on how. I think you have to enclose it in a ADD{} node but I haven't tried it yet.

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