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I'm trying to make an RCS block use IntakeAir


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I'm working on a few VTOL parts and one of them is an RCS block that would use IntakeAir and LiquidFuel, just like the engines. It's kinda of a cheap way of emulating the wingtip attitude control on the Harrier. It isn't working though. I copied over everything from the standard RCS blocks and changed the part.cfg, but now it only thrusts forward, though it does use resources properly. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Here is the MODULE section of the part.cfg:

name = ModuleRCS
thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
thrusterPower = 15
resourceName = LiquidFuel
resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW

name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 1
DrawGuage = True
resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW

name = IntakeAir
ratio = 15
resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW

key = 0 1000
key = 1 2000

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I haven't seen it crop up but in one mod before, and honestly, if I remember correctly, they just made the air intake resource convertible into a RCS fuel specific to that RCS block. Might have even been automatically done.

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B9 has a compressed air RCS system, I think that converts intake air into compressed air for the propellent. You could take a look into how that operates.

I havent looked into it much as its mainly for VTOL aircraft and they are beyond me :)

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