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Kerbodyne SSTO Division: Omnibus Thread

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Just restarted a career game, so I'm also jetless.

So, instead, I sent up a 20 Kerbal space station to a solar orbit with a research lab, science lab, zoology lab, cyclotron and five experiments. Science galore. :)


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Just restarted a career game, so I'm also jetless...

Heh, yeah, been using Station Science for a while now. Tis always a challenge to get that first lab into orbit. You might also enjoy N3h3mia's mod set, if you like variety in how you gather science :) I'm down on 20% science income with these, plus DMagic's orbital science, and it's just barely enough right now... I had to do a manned orbit of Mun without solar panels, which was scary xD

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Your best non-nuke option on that design would probably be either the RAP/Turbo/LV-909 combo you suggested (if you flattened the nacelles) or four RAPIERs plus an LV-909 (with the current setup). As well as less weight than the Aerospike, the LV-909 also gimbals; the lack of gimbal on Aerospikes is a nuisance for spaceplanes, 'cos they usually have off-centre CoM.

For a low-tech option, four turbos plus an LV-T45 would work, too.

Canards are rarely required, but often nice. You do need to crank up the authority a bit on your pitch surfaces if you don't have 'em, though.

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Viper N.

Go all the places, do all the science.


Test flight at http://s1378.photobucket.com/user/craigmotbey/Kerbal/Beta/Kerbodyne%20Showroom/Viper%20NS/story

Alternate format at http://s1378.photobucket.com/user/craigmotbey/slideshow/Kerbal/Beta/Kerbodyne%20Showroom/Viper%20NS

Craft file at https://www.dropbox.com/s/xoce1vefrj0j0ip/Kerbodyne%20Viper%20N.craft?dl=0

broken links, sorry for nitpick.

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Kerbodyne Dinklage: small but mighty.

Cute and unconventional :) I wonder if this could be adapted to use two turbojets, and two rockets, mounted diagonally from each other... I'm in need of a pre-rapier launch platform, what with having to scrape up over 3 million roots for the final R&D building upgrade x(

I'd been getting spaceplane withdrawal in my new career and still didn't have turbojets, so I looked at the parts I had so far and :) Might try sandwiching it top and bottom with boosters rather than stacking it high, see how it looks. (Community tech tree and low, low, low science... really making me work for my wings!)

. Can't really call it a plane per se, but it's scratched the itch for now
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You probably won't have enough launch TWR with only two turbos...but there's nothing stopping you from doing a four turbo version with a rocket on top. You don't need a lot of fuel to reach orbit if you're starting from 25,000m and Mach 4.

The other fun option, especially if you're using a stage recovery mod, is to build a turbojet radial booster. An intake, a bit of fuel, a turbojet and a parachute; strap a few of those around your rocket for a high-efficiency kickstart.

(mind you, just sticking a couple of SRBs underneath your payload is usually quicker and easier)

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Kerbodyne Wasp. Messing about with anhedral wing roots.

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Craft file at https://www.dropbox.com/s/vrz1bhne01slnqg/Kerbodyne%20Wasp.craft?dl=0

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Or if you just swap the turbo for a nuke...


5,000m/s dV range if you refuel.


Craft file at https://www.dropbox.com/s/ut1r0608oend8rp/Kerbodyne%20Wasp%20N.craft?dl=0

Edited by Wanderfound
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Loving the itty bitty MK3 designs :) Not sure how practical they are, but it's nice to see that fuselage used for something that isn't 500 parts and a half a million roots. Wasp looks fun too - there's definitely something pleasing about spacing the nacelles out from the side of the fuselage ^^

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Hey there, Slashy sent me, told me that you can help me out on my FAR-AJE SSTO problem.

I've been trying to make one and I've made a thread about it, but I got no solid answer.

Slashy linked me here and told me that you are the one to look for when I have a SSTO problem.

So, the craft I was making somehow just can't make it to orbit. The craft I'm planning to make is basically just a SSTO with cargo bays and a docking port.

I'll provide more info should you ask for them.


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Hey there, Slashy sent me, told me that you can help me out on my FAR-AJE SSTO problem.

I've been trying to make one and I've made a thread about it, but I got no solid answer.

Slashy linked me here and told me that you are the one to look for when I have a SSTO problem.

So, the craft I was making somehow just can't make it to orbit. The craft I'm planning to make is basically just a SSTO with cargo bays and a docking port.

I'll provide more info should you ask for them.


Happy to help, but I will need specific questions and screenshots to work with. There are general piloting and building guides in the first few posts of this thread, and there's a link to my video tutorials in my sig.

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Hey there, Slashy sent me, told me that you can help me out on my FAR-AJE SSTO problem.


So, the craft I was making somehow just can't make it to orbit.

Getting to orbit can be quite a challenge with AJE - presumably you're just running out of fuel? I've been building SSTOs with AJE for a while so I might be able to help you. It definitely requires some different design choices and a very different flight profile compared to just FAR.

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@Wanderfound: Here are the screenshots. http://imgur.com/nhaYDmG,I1i3JdR,5vwckT8,M8SfzWm,NvKbKsa#0

As for the questions;

How do you make a good SSTO design?

How do you think I should ascent in my design?

Should your really put a cargo bay in a SSTO?

@blowfish: It would be great if you can help me out. I'm new to this whole SSTO business.

What I do is angle the craft 45 degrees, full throttle and when I reach 19km, I angle the craft back to 0 degrees and build up the speed.

Is that a good flight plan?:D

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