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So I sent a probe on a mission straight up from the launchpad...


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see how much of a spin you can initiate before you hit the ground.

Would such forces possibly reduce the impact? I've wondered for awhile now if ksp can emulate what helicopter pilots do before they crash. I forget the name of the manouver, but right before impact pilots spin up the helicopter to spread the impact forces outward.

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Would such forces possibly reduce the impact? I've wondered for awhile now if ksp can emulate what helicopter pilots do before they crash. I forget the name of the manouver, but right before impact pilots spin up the helicopter to spread the impact forces outward.

Autorotation. They "spin up" the rotors, or rather, maintain their spin by dropping very quickly (but under control) then increasing the blade pitch just before reaching the ground. It's a bit like doing a suicide burn with next to no fuel, it has to be timed *just* right. FAR & other mods might simulate it but there's no way it would work in stock Kerbal.

So to the OP, sorry, you're boned.

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Would such forces possibly reduce the impact? I've wondered for awhile now if ksp can emulate what helicopter pilots do before they crash. I forget the name of the manouver, but right before impact pilots spin up the helicopter to spread the impact forces outward.

No, that's not right. You're thinking of autorotation, and it's not to spread impact forces, it's to land safely without engines.

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Autorotation. They "spin up" the rotors, or rather, maintain their spin by dropping very quickly (but under control) then increasing the blade pitch just before reaching the ground. It's a bit like doing a suicide burn with next to no fuel, it has to be timed *just* right. FAR & other mods might simulate it but there's no way it would work in stock Kerbal.

So to the OP, sorry, you're boned.

Yeah, really,,," INCOMING !"

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If you can fire the engine you can have an unpowered landing, or at least a hard landing.

Worst comes to worst you can angle your vehicle fully retrograde and use the entire vehicle as a hard cushion, letting parts below the probe act like a crumple zone.

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Looks like your gonna have to continue watching it all the way to the scene of the crash.

This! Best thing I've read in the past week! If you've got no fuel left, you're stuck with option A here, I concur.

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Set the probe up in orbit, once you get more parts capture it and bring it home, whats so difficult? Not enough fuel for orbit?

Actually, why not do something similar to this? Assuming it can't get to orbit, send another ship with a claw to rendezvous with it, claw it, and re-enter with it. Just don't forget the chutes on the rescue craft. Also keep in mind that it will take a lot more dV than it took to strand your probe on an impact trajectory.

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