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Kerbal History 2


What should we do with KH 2?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we do with KH 2?

    • Keep this one
    • Start KH 3 with new rules!
    • Update rules
    • Just start KH 3 with the same rules

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The original idea was by Goodgle, so how it works is one person lists a year with an event.


No repeating a year or going back in time no repeating events

In a nutshell, no mass confusion

You can have up to four entries in one post. Yes, you can do part of a year Example, Year:2014.05

No skipping a thousand years

Kerbal exist on year 200, the present is 6000, that's not when Kerbal go extinct.

I will start...

Year 201: Kerbals live in caves, until Jebs's great great great great great great grand father walks outside and discovers a big white disc and a shiny disc that soon starts hurting his eyes.

Edited by MrWalrus123
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Year 207:kerbals go back into caves

Year 207.5: kerbals discover an explosive material known as gunpowder, it's discover explodes 5 seconds after his discovery

year 206: kerbals put this substance in tubes made out of leaves, some mistake this as a snack.

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Year 212: Kerbalakahn, a previously unknown barbarian conqueror pillages the fledgling civilization. He destroys nearly the entire (now) nomadic kerbal people, leaving precious few survivors behind. Among those left however, one who called himself Kerbo Polo had secretly discovered that ideas could be recorded on clay tablets. With these he preserved most of the knowledge already acquired by Kerbalkind, thus providing future generations with a foundation of knowledge planted in the tragic (and short) history of Kerbal civilization. It was around the time of the Kerbalakahn conquest, that Kerbo began his observations of the night sky. His tablets serve as the first known record of the Kerbals' knowledge of the heavenly bodies, including those which we now call the Mun, Minimus, and the planet Jool. Fragments of these tablets are on display at the Kerbal Republic Astronomic Pavilion (K.R.A.P.) as a small part of the K.R.A.P. collection. It is quite a large collection.

Edited by Pineapple Frenzy
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Year 213: Kerbal add MOAR GUNPOWDER to make the rocket go higher, well let's jest say 12 kerbals where lost that day ;.;

Year 216: Kirrim Kerman's great great great great great grandfather leads an army of Kerbal into battle against the barbarians for revenge AND for the land bridge between the ksc's continent and the landmass to the east, but as soon as his army wins, the land bridge dissapears.

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Year 227: for unknown reasons Kome dissapears, however its great knowledge doesn't.

Year 240: Oil is discovered to be a decent new fuel type, liquid rockets are born.

Year 246: A new snack, Eve is born, no one knows what it's made of, but all we know is it's purple and similar to pudding

Year 246.5: A new planet is discovered. The new planet was purple and therefore it was named Eve.

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Year 250: Duna is discovered.

Year 250.5: Duna disappears. Ike is discovered.

Year 252: Duna is rediscovered, then promptly lost again. Oke is discovered.

Year 255: A Kerbal astronomer suggests that the repeated loss of Duna is due to the same cosmic phenomenon that makes the sun disappear when Mun goes in front of it. He also suggests that Oke is not actually another celestial body but simply another name for Ike, which is the cause of Duna's disappearance. This astronomer is executed for his heretical ideas, which are promptly destroyed.

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Year 260: In the Kitalian Empire, made from the ruins of Kome, Kalileo Kalilei learns that the big wandering objects in the sky, Mun and Minmus, orbit Kerbin, and that they are worlds, just like Kerbin and Eve. This is the beginning of modern astrophysics.

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Year 261: Kalileo is assassinated by a secret order who wishes to keep kerbals from knowing the secret of their origin. This order is known as the Brotherkood of Kerbalkind.

Unbeknownst to basically everyone, a few members of the Brotherhood had journeyed south, and found a strange, flat area with a strange monolith on it. From the monlith they learned of the Kreators, and their intentions to send kerbals to the stars. They vowed to never speak of this, and to never let happen. Because of... snacks. Yeah, that's the reason! Snacks!

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Year 303: A Kerbal wanders into a cave and digs up a clay tablet, which contains data of the forgotten technology... upward facing rockets.

Year 307: That same Kerbal is killed by the Brotherhood of Kerbalkind. They beried the tablets underground thinking no one will find them.

Year 310: A new snack is invented... liquid donought

Year 310.5: Liquid donought is outlawed.

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Year 350: The Kitalian government assassinates every member of the BoK. They then outlaw anyone to have the same intentions and ideas as the BoK. Then, they recover the clay tablets and Kalileo's research and works.

Year 600: The scientific world has recovered from the evils of the BoK, after 300 years of fear.

Year 1500: The British Empire (Kerbal edition) uses Chinese firework technology to launch the first rocket to get above 50 miles high. It lands in the Americas, and the natives think it is a sign from the enlightened ones they worship. They then turn up their sacrifice count to please them.

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Year 1501: Kerbals of the kritish empire discover another continent, Kamerica

Year 1601: After Kerbin war 2 The Kold war begins

Year 1608: The U.K.S.R (united kerbin socialist republic) launches stayptnik 1 the first orbital sattilite.

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Year 1680: Kold War is technically ended as major warfare breaks out amongst the Kerbal nations. Civilization is pushed back to pre-colonial levels. Stayputnik 10 is put into orbit as a last hurrah of The UKSR.

Year 1695: Stayputnik 10 deorbits, creating on of the most beautiful explosions Kerbkind has ever seen. It damages much of the former UKSR's territory because it was actually a nuclear weapon.

Year 1700: a new nation emerges from the ashes of the UKSR: Kerus. Cleanup of the nation's territory begins. Other nations are not accounted for as those records were destroyed by the defunct UKSR in an attempt to rewrite history.

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