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Kerbal History 2


What should we do with KH 2?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we do with KH 2?

    • Keep this one
    • Start KH 3 with new rules!
    • Update rules
    • Just start KH 3 with the same rules

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3321: Kerbals get overwhelmed by the Kethane discovery, impending ice age, and human contact happening all at once. An international "year of doing nothing" is declared.

3322: Scientists are shocked when the Kethane probe reports come back, as Kethane appears to be common throughout the Jool system, especially on Laythe. Some researchers believe that the mineral could save them from the upcoming ice age.

3324: Scanning satellites over Duna record an anomaly approx. 40km south of the base. Rovers are prepared to go investigate it.

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We sure invented jump drive technology quickly...

3325: On closer inspection, the "anomaly" on Duna is revealed to be a deposit of another useful mineral, Karbonite.

3327: Elon Kerman starts working for the Kerbal Space Program after it merges with SpaceK. He suggests that the space program start officially accepting testing and rescue contracts from private companies in order to bolster their funds.

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Year 3354: Scientists discover a Karbonite-based formula that can be mass-produced and inserted into Laythe's athmosphere. It will set off a reaction that makes Laythe's athmosphere breathable.

Year 3355: Massive Karbonite mining equipment arrives at the Duna base. The space program will need a lot of it in order to terraform (does this even count as terraforming?) Laythe.

Year 3355.1: Construction begins on the 100-Kerbal ship that will be sent to colonize Laythe. The moon's volcanic interior heats up the surface to a habitable temperature, it may be the only way to survive the upcoming ice age...

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Year 3357: A hole is opened up in the global ice sheet, and the colony ship is launched to Laythe. Meanwhile, the underground Kerbin ice-escape city's main nuclear reactor explodes, killing all but 3 kerbals with radiation-proof and explosion-proof suits on.

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Year 3370: Moho's orbit is slowly pulled outward by Jool's gravity and in 3370 it smashes into Eve, turning a once beautiful planet into a burning sphere of lava with bright rings. These rings slowly fall to Gilly and Eve ends up with a beautiful spherical moon.

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Year 3383: Eventually, Jool also pulls Eve out, and in 3380, it smashes into Kerbin, vaporizing the ice, and giving Kerbin an extreme temperature change, from frozen to molten. All hope of rebuilding Kerbin is lost for ten years.

Year 3390: Kerbin finally cools, and the Laythe colony sends a capsule with enough water to fill the crater made by Eve, as well as karbon dioxide, oxygen, and knightrogen.

Edited by Sun
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So we're going to have the kerbolar system get destroyed again...

3384: The increase in temperature causes Laythe, being a moon covered almost entirely by water, to develop an opaque, hazy atmosphere. While possible to scan through at close range using advanced electronic sensors, the haze makes eyeballing landing sites from orbit very difficult and ruins Laythe's potential as a vacation spot.

3385: Upon arrival at Kerbin, the reclamation capsule discovers how Kerbin was able to survive an impact from an object larger than itself while only suffering a large crater - the inside of Kerbin is filled largely with weightanium, a substance about six and a half times denser than the types of silicates and metals that comprise most planets outside the Kerbolar system. While preparations are being made to fill the crater, some of the weightanium is mined and used to develop sophisticated balancing and attitude control systems for future spacecraft.

3386: The smashed remains of Eve begin to slowly coalesce back into a planet, although small chunks of it remain strewn about the system in countless numbers. Many are on orbits that intersect with Kerbin's, sparking concerns that it may not be as habitable as once hoped.

3386.1: Starlord Kerman, along with his sidekicks Kamora, Kroot, and Booster, join forces as do-gooder outlaws known as the Guardians of the Kalaxy.

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3400: A black hole caused by too much weightanium forms in Kerbin, and devours the inner planets. Luckily, there are about 100 kerbals on Duna because the Laythe colony ship left Laythe after it was messed up.

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3341: Randomly there is a massive kraken attack, that recreats eve and Moho, and cools down kerbin back to its original state, some kerbals start liking the kraken, but those kerbals where kraken attacked.

3342: Khe K kyndrome karts kinffecting kore Kerbals! Kost kunnifected kerbals kanic!

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Is it just me or do the people in this section not understand astrophysics as well as the rest of the forum? Kerbin forming a black hole wouldn't significantly perturb the orbits of anything else.

3343: Kerbal kcientists, krough kdvanced kesearch knto koorly-understood kreas kf khysics, kind k kay ko kure K-syndrome khat kas ksed kuccessfully kn k karallel kniverse - knventing k ketter kronounced knd kritten kxactly kike "k", kut kot kechnically k "k". K-syndrome is successfully kured. Well for the most part.

3343.1: The research performed on the parallel universe inadvertently releases Kaya, an extraterrestrial flesh-eating tentacle monster bent on mutating all of Kerbalkind into her own species. Fortunately, Kerbin is saved by Starlord Kerman and the Guardians of the Kalaxy, shortly before they are arrested for attempting to steal the Kesseract.

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  Nikola7007 said:
Yeah, I have to question this for a second... what's going on here? Are we just going to have the Kerbol system destroyed? I don't see how the planets' orbits could be affected in such a way all the planets would crash into each other by pure chance :P

My fault, I made the post based on a theory that Jupiter 'pulls' on the orbit of mercury, if in the right place at the right time, it could collide with Venus, Earth, Mars or Jupiter.

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  Megalodon 720 said:
My fault, I made the post based on a theory that Jupiter 'pulls' on the orbit of mercury, if in the right place at the right time, it could collide with Venus, Earth, Mars or Jupiter.

I'm fine with Mercury dying (die, Mercury, die!) I'm just confused about all the other chaos that resulted (Kerbin impacted, Laythe transformed, can't even keep up with the other stuff, where did "K-Syndrome" come from? aaaaaa)

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3451: The Kerbolar system is destroyed again. Then it is reformed through some half-baked handwave. Then all the planets explode. They are magically reformed via troll physics.

3451.0001: Jebediah Kerman is forced to pull his gaze away from the Simulator screen by extreme hunger. He discovers that he has been playing with the Simulator for six months continuously and in the meantime KSC has managed to build an entirely new R&D Facility complete with an advanced simulator that completely outclasses the old one, even featuring reasonably stable physics simulation. Jebediah, however, is banned from using it pending his completion of six months of occupational therapy, during which he is reminded on a daily basis that the planets in the Kerbolar system are in fact on very stable orbits and extremely unlikely to collide or experience major geological catastrophes any time in the next few hundred million years.

No more destroying the universe! We did more than enough of that in the old thread. This is supposed to be the chronicle of how Kerbalkind developed to where it is today, and as we can all see Kerbin and the other planets are very much still in existence. That said, the same can't be said of any possible lost planets not currently visible in the game...

3454: Observations of Eeloo's orbit suggest that it was once the moon of a second gas giant located far from Kerbol. The Kerbal Astronomical Society cannot confirm what may have happened to this lost planet, but that doesn't stop wild speculations from being made.

3456: Kerbal astronomers settle in for the show of a lifetime one night as the dwarf planets Draal and Esmer collide, scattering debris throughout the Kerbolar system and merging to form the new planet Dres. Missions are planned to investigate the newly-formed planet, but prove difficult to keep within their respective budgets due to the new planet's highly inclined orbit.

3456.2: Kerbal astronomers are treated to yet another spectacle as a cloud of debris thrown off by the collisions of Draal and Esmer in turn collides with Jool, peppering its surface with bruise-like black spots.

excuse me for bending the rules and making five entries at once... I was on a roll ^^;

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