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Stuck, space station problems

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So I've got a couple of problems here but the main one is that I'm stuck at my space station and can't go back to the space center or switch to another satellite or any thing.

I'm playing the new .24 version.

I have a number of mods running including KW, FAR, Remotetech, Station Science, D magic, and Orbital Materials.

Up till now they have all been very happy with each other. No problems.

Well I finally got all the parts like the clampotron sr. to build my station. It went up in several sections. It seems to be solid, no wobble. I don't think it's ridiculously huge. I had a bigger more complex one in the old .23 version. The game has been slowing down when I get close to the station. Not totally surprising. I've turned down the rendering from fantastic to good. Turned down the texture to half res. I installed a mod that was supposed to... reduce and pre load the textures, in any case it's supposed to reduce memory usage. But it's still running a little slow. Not a problem. I can deal with that. But now it's like the game is stuck. You can move the camera around, click on things, change to the orbital map and back. Every thing works but you can't leave the station. Hit escape, the menu comes up, click on space center, the button pushes, but nothing happens. Stuck. You can then resume flight. That works, as does settings. You can't switch to another ship. You can't save. And I think that's the real problem. The F5 save button does not work. I think it can't save to go back to the Space center. Turn off the program and reload and the last ship has not docked yet. Like it reverted slightly. Can't save?

I'm running out of ideas, at least ones I can find searching. Not great at searching. What else should I be trying to do or should I just give up on the station? Here's a

pic, if I can get it too load. Does it look ridicules to you? I mean I might be able to get by with less solar panels but I was actually hoping to expand it farther.


Suggestion would be appreciated.


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This should probably go in the Support thread. You're more likely to get an answer there.

Also, posting logs and a screenshot of your Alt+F2 screen (I think that's the keys- the one that shows an error log) might also be helpful.

Sorry I don't have a better answer for you- I have no clue what might be causing your problem without more information.



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Alt F2? Some times I wonder if I missed out on a manual some where.


I don't know what any of that means. Cyclotron is one of the sections that is docked there but not the last one or the active one. And I can't imagine what would be up with the debris from it?

What other information would be helpful in diagnosing this. Note you may have to tell me were to find it for you.


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