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KIS Post Orbital Vehicles and Junkshop Upd2[9Apr12]


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D/L(parts + craft file included)

--The main rar uses landing legs which are not compatible with demo version.--

For Demo users only: D/L and install main pack, then D/L DemoPatch. Install it over the main pack, overwriting the old files. Simply replaced legs with leg shaped struts.



Wings, pylons, 'elevatrons'


Tanks, structural tanks, inline RCS


Wing bin: BYOBBQ

Boards, Deltas(Back and Forward, forward has +lift +AngDrag), 'elevatron' all purpose control surface, and-

whatever this thing is


<bug alert-Apparently, there may be a stray 'm' factor in the KSP drag equation, which means mass/density/area is factored twice in these. Going to wait for better data before further 're-fixing' the wings. In the mean time, I have absolutely no idea how the drag ends up, but they still deflect air>


Structural bin:

Various empty tanks and pylon beams to seperate parts/stacks. These pylons work off surface attach, not the erector set I tried earlier.

<bug-The .5m pylon may be oriented incorrectly>


Misc bin:

Only thing in here right now is the 1m inline RCS thrusters, and 0.5m radial/stack ones.


These thrust in only 4 directions, but you only need 4 total on a given ship. See bottom of post for VTOL help.

Use for whatever you want, don\'t care anymore.

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