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So my other thread kind of disappeared (I posted a few days ago, it said they would approve it in a few, but the approval never came :( so I'm posting a new one).

So hey guys, I'm MessyMix and I just got Kerbal a few days ago.

I got into orbit easy peasy (but the wiki helped a lot) but when trying to get to mun (i tried the Kerbal X) I kind of ran out of fuel while slowing at 5k meters from the surface... Poor Jeb blew up :(

Oh wait... It says

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Let's see if this goes through... Hopefully it will :)

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The Kerbal X is not the easiest moon rocket to fly for a new player. Try landing on Minmus or build this design in sandbox. (From the Demo).


It will reach Mun with plenty of fuel for landing and return




Edited by SRV Ron
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Welcome. If you want something simpler ...

It is easier to orbit Mun than Minmus (Kerbin's other moon) but it is so much easier to land on and take off from Minmus that overall Minmus is the easier mission.

This ship will land on and return from either Minmus or Mun, but it can be harder to find a safely-flat landing site on Mun:


LV-6-S + Long Tom Launch

Better for Mun is a wide, low lander like this, which can handle slopes up to about 40-degrees:


Fat Sally Lander Stage

See the tutorial linked in my signature for those (Chapter 5) and a whole design campaign from driving around KSC to an interplanetary, space-station, infrastructure. And ask questions :-)

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A simpler design, probe from Career. It will land with sufficient fuel to return. (However, no parachute).



The Mun probe can land OK if you can find a flat surface or are careful which way you are drifting when landing on a slope. Even then, if you land slowly, the probe may survive if it tips over after landing.

Even this, with no landing gear, survived landing on a slope.


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Hi guys,

it looks like my thread got through! Well in that time I've got a massive ship into orbit (I still have 3 stages + lander) and my current stage is at 25% fuel with that engine (I think it's from Kerbodyne (is that how you spell it?) and it's the rocket with the Extra-Large attachment node single nozzle 2.5k thrust) so yeah... i think I'll have enough for Mun. Haha I built it massively and I've got 3 crew in my Command Pod 1-2... I'll let you guys know how it goes!

Oh here's a few screenies btw:

p><p><img src=


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That looks a bit overbuilt; remember, there is an elegance in efficiency and smaller builds... Wait, what am I talking about? I think your problem is that you need MOAR STRUTS, they boost power by 120%. I like your jet engines on top of the craft (good to see you understand the philosophy of MOAR BOOSTERS) but I'm not sure what the are for...

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That looks a bit overbuilt; remember, there is an elegance in efficiency and smaller builds... Wait, what am I talking about? I think your problem is that you need MOAR STRUTS, they boost power by 120%. I like your jet engines on top of the craft (good to see you understand the philosophy of MOAR BOOSTERS) but I'm not sure what the are for...

I use rapiers on my lander module... because I can :)

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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