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Spaceplane economy challenge

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Howdy again. :)

This is another pure piloting challenge. It's very simple: take a Kerbodyne Benchmark from the KSC runway to a 70 x 70 orbit. Post a screenshot with your resources tab and orbital details visible. Scored by adding together your remaining units of LF and O; highest total wins.

No adding, moving or removing parts allowed (apart from Mechjeb and Engineer flight instrumentation bits), but it is permitted to alter the tweakables on the control surfaces to your personal taste. Infinite fuel obviously not allowed.


Separate leaderboards for FAR, NEAR and stock, as well as Deadly Reentry or not. Let us know what flight data mods you used, if any. Feel free to explain how you did it and why you did it that way.

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A first attempt to kick us off:

Samke Kerman, Chief Financial Officer of Kerbodyne SSTO Division, had decided to make a point to the spendthrift test pilots who were forever tearing the wings off their planes just outside the windows of his office. He was sure they did it there on purpose to taunt him.


CFO Samkie normally flies a desk, but he still remembers flight school. It's his first time in a Benchmark, though.

"It certainly accelerates briskly", he thinks.


"Flies alright, too", remarks Samke.


"Time to pull up a bit", Samke decides.


"Climbs well, too", he thinks.


"Quite a brisk ride, actually", mutters Samke to himself.


"Certainly no lack of high altitude stability", Samke considers.




"And look at this; we could save a fortune on our fuel bills if we could just convince those hotshot pilots to fly sensibly like I do", thinks Samke.



759 Liquid Fuel Remaining, 556 Oxidiser, for a score of 1,315.

FAR and Deadly Reentry installed. Mechjeb used for flight data purposes.

Edited by Wanderfound
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