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Glider Challange (stock [if possible] )

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Hello Everyone!

My name is MavisLenya this is my first post and i wanted to post a challange

!Glider Challange!

basically its just this:


BUT!! i want the first plane to reach to the space and the other plane to the mun

have fun and good luck

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Welcome to the Forum!

Unfortunately, you have fallen into the trap many people new to the forum do; You haven't read the rules or guides!

Challenges require that they be possible, and I don't think this is... a Glider is unpowered, and as such will not be able to reach the Mun... unless you get the leading plane to take it there... but how would you slow your descent? As it stands, a glider would simply crash, as there is no atmosphere to provide lift...

Sorry if this comes across as a bit harsh, it's a nice idea for a challenge, but as I said, not currently possible in the current game...

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A stack of parts such as cuboct struts can make a reasonably flexible tow rope. The challenge needs fleshing out but the idea of a towed glider is really neat.

One thing would-be builders should check is that when the towing aircraft is released control should be with the glider. I think this requires building the glider first in the SPH, then the towplane afterwards.

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not necessarily, build both with cores or capsules and switch control just before separation.

What would help things a lot, particularly if you want both aircraft to survive, is knowing where to balance thrust vs pitch authority in the towing vehicle so you can detach and just let it go, while you point the glider to wherever it's going (nice safe landing?) then back to the parent plane.

My suggestion would be to tow as high as possible, then have the towing vehicle fire SRBs to send it into a high suborbital trajectory as quickly as possible (so it doesn't obliterate as it goes >2.5km distant). Dunno quite how that would work, or even if it would, since I've never tried anything like that except for my airlaunch (which was a mid suborbital from 66km and straight up, landing my plane then back up to circularise the missile in orbit).

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First of all I would like to say that it is possible to do it fully stock(i have done it but struggling with landing it back on kerbin) so no need for KAS or FAR.

and secondly when i meant with glider was that the first craft will pull the second craft to orbit then decouple them then the second craft will use its rockets to go to the mun orbit and get back.

I have nearly completed the challange and i would like other people to do it as well


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