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MU CTS-24 "Nye" Space Shuttle

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After a long (and somewhat frustrating) R&D cycle, the MU Crew Transfer Shuttle-24, Nye (as in Bill Nye) is ready for release!


The CTS-24 is a semi-traditional space shuttle, although a tad bit more in-line with designs such as the SNC Dream Chaser or the Dyna-Soar concept.

It is designed as a combined crew carrier/science shuttle, and has a very large fuel range (with a refueled tank on-orbit).

Launch/Flight Album:

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The bird is designed to launch atop a variety of lifters (launched from the SPH/Runway), and can land as a plane, albeit sometimes with the help of dual parachutes in the tail.

Flight Guide:

This may vary depending on the lifter used, but is based off of using the included one. The testing normally shot for a 85x85km orbit.

1. Throttle up to max, and ignite the SRBs and 3.75 meter engine on the booster.

2. At roughly 10,000 meters (the SRBs will burn out right about then), let the SRBs burnout and ditch 'em, then pitch over 45 degrees for the gravity turn.

3. When the booster flames out, stage to separate and ignite the shuttle's Aerospikes. (If the decoupler bugs out, the booster may be incinerated. :() If the booster is intact, switch quickly and pop the chutes so it can be saved, then switch back the shuttle and burn for orbit.

4. When burning for orbit, don't be afraid to use RCS thrust for a little "boost", as the ship carries plenty.

5. Finally, once you've attained orbit, you simply perform a deorbit burn and land via gliding-in, with parachutes acting as a final slow-down method (like on the real-world Space Shuttle).

/Action Groups:/

1-Toggle Aerospikes.

2-Pop Chutes for landing.

3-Toggle (red) Docking Light.

Download (w/ premade launcher):


Mechani Union Shipyards, c.2014

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Looks great! I hope you can fix the decoupler issue. Could you post a screenshot with a closeup of the decoupler?

Thanks! I definitely went for aesthetics with this one.

It's just the buggy 'ol 3.75m decoupler. The issue is that it "works", but it doesn't exert nearly any force on the shuttle, which then gets stuck and has to burn itself free (sometimes).

Also, the only real close shot I got earlier:


This shot shows the decoupler, which is spaced slightly away from the tips of the aerospikes to prevent any clipping issues.

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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