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  On 5/4/2016 at 3:50 AM, Matuchkin said:

They aren't having a day. They are too dead to feel a bad or good day. So I guess you can call their day "argh, it was normal".


Lol, I can imagine the tank commander stumbling back to his house, covered with shrapnel and third degree burns, and say "argh, it was normal" when asked about his day :D 


Good news for the people who are interested: I figured out the problem behind the Aquila's wobble. Due to the placement of the vulcan ammunition, there's slightly more stress on the left gear than the right, giving it a tendency to move slightly left. 

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  On 5/3/2016 at 10:04 PM, HatBat said:




I'm sorry, but random explosive disassembly of Union Dynamics vehicles is not covered under your current warranty.  If you would like, we can upgrade you to the premium warranty upon your next purchase that exceeds $1.2 million dollars.

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  On 5/4/2016 at 4:11 AM, Mobius said:

Lol, I can imagine the tank commander stumbling back to his house, covered with shrapnel and third degree burns, and say "argh, it was normal" when asked about his day :D 


*Door Opens*

- "Bob?"

- "Yeah?"

- "How was it?"

- "Argh..."

- "?"

- "It was normal..."

- "Bob?"

- "Whut?"

- "Why is your left arm-"


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My first 1.1 designed plane, the B-2 Striker

Designed to bring a replacement for the already aging B-1 fleet, the B-2 Striker is a new long-range heavy bomber capable of cruise speed up to Mach 3. The purpose of this is to cover both the direct support and strategic bombing missions, while cruising fast enough to outrun most interceptors and missiles. The current loadout is of over 24 000 pounds in the internal bay and 36 in external hardpoints, amounting to a total of 60 000 pounds of ordinance, all GPS guided JDAMs. Countermeasure and turrets have been neglected in this version, although later ones plan to bring them back. The B-2 also has its own targeting pod, allowing it to operate independently  from battlefield recon and pinpoint its own targets.

1)Toggle bomb bays

2) Fire missiles (Release bombs, make sure the bays are opened)


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  On 5/4/2016 at 2:46 PM, Burning For New Frontiers said:

That reminds me-if you ever need a weapon of mass destruction, you've got my Rover-Thing. Tarmac always explodes when I drive on it for some reason-probably because of the lack of actual wheels or treads. My test run pretty much completely devastated the KSC, with no damage to the Rover-Thing.


I'm imagining your rover-thing as this:


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  On 5/4/2016 at 5:16 PM, Mobius said:

Sorta kinda, but not really.


  On 5/4/2016 at 4:29 PM, NotAnAimbot said:

Mind submitting it? And I'm not sure it's legit, since it uses bugs instead of weapons.


Oh it's legit. Since the whole vehicle rotates, the physics engine thinks that the R-T is colliding into the ground, causing explosions, and destroying anything with an impact tolerance less than 20 m/s. It's kind of like repeatedly crash landing a tank on a target. It doesn't hurt the KSC Tarmac, but it WILL wreck the launchpad, runway and any building it crashes into.  As for posting, I'll do it tomorrow- my PC time is over. You might not want to copy the actual vessel though-concept works better with full game parts.

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  On 5/4/2016 at 10:19 PM, Matuchkin said:

But seriously, what happened here? Not even well-aimed rocket artillery can do this.


  On 5/4/2016 at 12:04 AM, HatBat said:

The explosion was actually caused by a bug with Time Control. Pausing the game during slow-motion would cause all loaded craft to spontaneously combust. Pretty cool bug :)


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Space Exploration and Explosives Corporation is proud to present a prototype of the under-development Crusher class Death Machine.


It can hit 20 m/s easily and carries 14400 electric charge, with a maximum of two possible recharges, due to the non-retractable nature of the panels. Solar panels are activated by pressing 1 and 2.

The test run produced some rather, uh, very interesting results :

2PHRttq.png1vyu4p1.pngb66jMLd.pngX7fIrRE.png2Ju6ETt.pngYDEkb1e.pngYRJaLAB.pngPQCpbXr.pngxIKjLQV.pngThis thing could probably annihilate the entire KSC if you had the time, or a faster computer. 


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  On 5/6/2016 at 2:35 PM, NotAnAimbot said:

A jeep with Hydra 70 turret should work well, if a FLIR ball is provided for aiming. 


By rocket artillery, I mean a vehicle that would stay very far away from the frontline (approx 3 kilometers away), periodically firing unguided, widespread 30-missile salvos to panic and disorganize enemy forces, while the main armored battlegroups hunker down and fire from cover. And that can be an unarmored jeep, as it will be very far away from the frontline.

With a FLIR ball, you are referring to an ATGW carrier, something that fires individual guided missiles at individual targets from a medium distance. And at that point I might as well use actual, powerful ATGWs, though I will still resort to the hydra 70 pods on my smallest ATGW carriers.

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  On 5/6/2016 at 9:05 PM, Matuchkin said:

And that can be an unarmored jeep, as it will be very far away from the frontline.



Well the FLIR ball is the only reliable way of aiming artillery precisely, hence using it. I've already done combat tests with the 70 turret, and it's doing the job correctly when firing with the FLIR ball. Currently, the Hydra 70 turret is the only one firing unguided rockets and that can be aimed easily. Theoretically, a stock rocket artillery system is possible, but elevation and traverse would be very hard without a capable turret. 

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  On 5/6/2016 at 9:10 PM, NotAnAimbot said:


Well the FLIR ball is the only reliable way of aiming artillery precisely, hence using it. I've already done combat tests with the 70 turret, and it's doing the job correctly when firing with the FLIR ball.


The rocket artillery piece is not supposed to be precise. It is supposed to freak out and lightly damage the enemy, over a very wide area, so that the main armour up front can finish it off. 

Your idea is different. You are thinking of an artillery piece that shoots precisely guided missiles. Of course, in real life, that task will be performed with a huge artillery gun (sans missiles). However, your idea particularly interests me because the only artillery piece in the game- the howitzer- is extremely short-ranged and works like the M1 Abrams main gun. Anyways, not trying to be hostile or rude, but you are slightly confusing rocket artillery with conventional artillery. They have very different tasks.

In the end, of course, I conclude that your idea can be done with long ranged anti-ground missiles, with use of the airland battle doctrine that was employed from 1982 to the late 90s.

By the way, hydra 70s can be homed onto targets with the FLIR? I did not know that before. I'll use it on ATGW carriers.

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  On 5/7/2016 at 12:01 AM, Matuchkin said:

You are thinking of an artillery piece that shoots precisely guided missiles.


I am not. I know you are talking about an MLRS/Uragan type unguided rocket artillery system. The idea is easily feasible with separtrons and small explosive warheads, but I'm more worried about the elevation control, unless it's a simple one-range only system. The Hydra 70 turret uses unguided missiles and has full 360 traverse and elevation, but after recent tests, I've chosen to discard it, since the FLIR ball cannot target anything not in its field of view, so it's useless with relief.

And yes, the FLIR ball works with all turrets, just press the turret button and select weapon.

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Well, I still haven't had a chance to update to 1.1, but I figure I should at least show you the progress I made on the Mark II (my frigate, if you recall) before it was halted by the update. It was in a nearly complete stage, though it had not yet gone through testing. If all the ship-breaking rumors that have been floating around the forum are true--meaning that clipping was a primary cause--then I'm liable to have to rebuild it from scratch. So, I'd like to at least present you the Mark II in it's possible, final form.


No, it did not actually fly in atmo. I just hacked gravity to get into orbit.:P It will not be posted onto my catalog with the Korsair Series until I manage to recover/salvage the craft from 1.1 after I update.

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  On 5/7/2016 at 1:59 AM, NotAnAimbot said:

I am not. I know you are talking about an MLRS/Uragan type unguided rocket artillery system. The idea is easily feasible with separtrons and small explosive warheads, but I'm more worried about the elevation control, unless it's a simple one-range only system. The Hydra 70 turret uses unguided missiles and has full 360 traverse and elevation, but after recent tests, I've chosen to discard it, since the FLIR ball cannot target anything not in its field of view, so it's useless with relief.

And yes, the FLIR ball works with all turrets, just press the turret button and select weapon.


Ahh, sorry. I thought the the FLIR was solely meant for missile guidance. I had recent thoughts on the concept of rocket artillery. And thought what you thought- to discard it. I figure that a rocket artillery system is not worth the pitch-control dilemma, and that I can put the roles of precision artillery, rocket artillery, and air-to-ground missiles into a single, high-flying gunship. Seems to be the only choice right now. Meanwhile, I am using the hydra 70 pods for this tank destroyer/ ATGW/ autocannon blend I created. I figure it will be very useful.

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