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Adding resource on vessel load

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I think that the OnVesselUnpack game event will work. I'm using this and it runs on vessels that come into range during flight, but it also runs for the vessel that has focus when the flightscene loads.

//in a class that runs on during flight mode, either Scenario or KSPAddon.Flight work

public void Start()

public void VesselOffRails(Vessel vsl) //this runs when Vessel vsl comes off rails and loads
//add code to add resource to Vessel vsl here


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Erg, I've never dealt with resources myself.

Maybe something like this?

Warning: Pseudo-code ahead

public void VesselOffRails()
foreach(Part p in vsl.Parts) //cycle through vessel parts
if(p.hasResourceStorage == true && p.resource.current < p.resource.max)
p.resource.addToPart = Math.Max(p.resource.max - p.resource.current,resourceToAdd) //error trap so you never add more resources then you have left to add to vessel
resourceToAdd = resourceToAdd - (p.resource.max - p.resource.current) //resource amount to add to vessel is calculated elsewhere
if(resourceToAdd <= 0) //check if we have any resources left to add, if not we are done so stop cycling through vessel parts
goto BreakOut;
print("Done Adding Resources");
//done cycling through all parts on vessel, if resourceToAdd > 0, those resource are lost due to lack of storage

I think that makes sense?


Edited by Diazo
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