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Space Telescopes for Constant Science(Career Mode)

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Hello people!

So today I was think: "Hey, It would be cool if we science from space telescopes like the Hubble." Then I thought would it would be cool to get infinitesimal amounts of science but at a constant rate? Instead of MASSIVE amounts of science all at once, you could get small amounts of it at a constant rate. This thought came to me when I was playing career mode and I ran out of ways to do science, but I couldn't get to other planets yet(I was STUCK!). With the telescope though, you wouldn't ever run run out of science(It might be a long wait)! Let me know what you guys think. PEACE!

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I am thoroughly opposed to any and all "Science Over Time" ideas. Even if there's diminishing returns, it's still basically free Science which renders it pointless. And I assure you OP, you are not stuck. You just need to think creatively - docking ports are the key to interstellar travel. Until you unlock them, it's just about getting the most amount of dV into orbit and waiting for a transfer window.

But yeah, Science is already too easy to get. It was possible to never have to leave the Kerbin system to complete the tech tree and now with contracts offering free science, it's possible to never even need to leave Kerbin itself.

EDIT: But yes, a stock telescope would be a nice addition, provided DOE and EVE also eventually get stock equivalents.

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  Wanderfound said:
"Science over time" should be okay so long as it isn't too easy to set it up. Establishing an orbital telescope should be a major project requiring a substantial investment before any payoff.

And the science payout per day would be minuscule. It would be a good constant supply but not fantastic return on investment except in the long run.

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I'd think it would be fun to have space telescopes but maybe instead of constant science you would have to actually point it towards the planets and take pictures to then transmit home for science. You could switch to an 'IVA' to look through the lens and more powerful telescopes could complete more science for that body. You could even use biomes to track how much of the planet has been seen over multiple exposures. And as a crazy bonus, you could have the orbits of each body only show up after 3 or more successive pictures making it so you'd have to use the telescopes before you view intercepts, unlocking planets and moons across the system. There's so many cool ways to work it in!

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  ChrisHale said:
I'd think it would be fun to have space telescopes but maybe instead of constant science you would have to actually point it towards the planets and take pictures to then transmit home for science. You could switch to an 'IVA' to look through the lens and more powerful telescopes could complete more science for that body. You could even use biomes to track how much of the planet has been seen over multiple exposures. And as a crazy bonus, you could have the orbits of each body only show up after 3 or more successive pictures making it so you'd have to use the telescopes before you view intercepts, unlocking planets and moons across the system. There's so many cool ways to work it in!

I've got a mod in the works which is going to add telescopes, they might have a similar function to what you were describing. It will also completely overhaul science, so the problem of science being too easy to get is solved. However, it will be aimed towards the more experienced users of KSP and as such will be quite a bit more diffucult than stock. Not as difficult as RO, but still up there.

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