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Hi foole, maybe we can help, it'd help us to see your player.log though, you can find that in "/home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program"

It is worth seeing if the game with start using the KSP.x86 or KSP.x86_64 files in the game folder directly, in case it's a Steam issue, and if you use a non English system language you may need to try starting KSP from the terminal with "LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86"

My path to the game was different but I believe I found the log. I am using English as my System language in Linux Mint 17, BTW.

Here's most of the log (I hit up against the 100000character limit so this isn't all of it)

Thanks in advance.

Kerbal Space Program - (LinuxPlayer) Steam

OS: Linux 3.13 LinuxMint 17 64bit
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8)
RAM: 15919
GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Desktop x86/MMX/SSE2 (256MB)
SM: 30 (OpenGL 3.0 [3.0 Mesa 10.1.3])
RT Formats: ARGB32, ARGBHalf, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8

Log started: Wed, Oct 01, 2014 01:27:44

[LOG 01:27:47.706] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies
[LOG 01:27:47.716] Load(Audio): Squad/Parts/Utility/LandingLeg/sounds/sound_servomotor
[WRN 01:27:47.765] The image effect ImageEffects Unity3 (TiltShift) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
[WRN 01:27:47.765] The image effect ImageEffects Unity3 (SunShafts) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
[WRN 01:27:47.766] The image effect ImageEffects Unity3 (GlobalFog) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
[WRN 01:27:47.766] The image effect ImageEffects Unity3 (EdgeDetectEffectNormals) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
[WRN 01:27:47.766] The image effect ImageEffects Unity3 (DepthOfFieldScatter) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
[WRN 01:27:47.766] The image effect ImageEffects Unity3 (DepthOfField34) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
[WRN 01:27:47.766] The image effect ImageEffects Unity3 (Crease) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
[LOG 01:27:50.447] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/editorLoop01
[LOG 01:27:50.662] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_ambience_nature
[LOG 01:27:50.698] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_click_flick
[LOG 01:27:50.712] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_click_latch
[LOG 01:27:50.728] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_click_sharp
[LOG 01:27:53.440] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_click_tick
[LOG 01:27:53.788] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_click_tock
[LOG 01:27:53.838] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_decoupler_fire
[LOG 01:27:53.871] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_delete_bin
[LOG 01:27:53.904] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_explosion_debris1
[LOG 01:27:53.954] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_explosion_debris2
[LOG 01:27:53.988] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_explosion_large
[LOG 01:27:54.021] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_rocket_mini
[LOG 01:27:54.037] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_rocket_spurts
[LOG 01:27:54.071] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_tab_extend
[LOG 01:27:54.103] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_tab_retreat
[LOG 01:27:54.120] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Flags/NASA
[LOG 01:27:54.142] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/GrapplingDevice/grabberDiffuse
[LOG 01:27:54.175] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/GrapplingDevice/window
[LOG 01:27:54.192] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/LaunchEscapeSystem/LES_Diffuse
[LOG 01:27:54.271] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/MassiveSRB/solid_booster_cm
[LOG 01:27:54.329] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/MassiveSRB/solid_booster_em
[LOG 01:27:54.346] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/MassiveSRB/solid_booster_nm
[LOG 01:27:54.409] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/PotatoRoid/squareButton
[LOG 01:27:54.426] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size2LFB/Size2LFBEmissive
[LOG 01:27:54.509] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size2LFB/twin_nozzle_booster_cm
[LOG 01:27:54.682] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size2LFB/twin_nozzle_booster_nm
[LOG 01:27:54.896] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3AdvancedEngine/Size3AdvancedEngineDiffuse
[LOG 01:27:55.061] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3AdvancedEngine/Size3AdvancedEngineEmissive
[LOG 01:27:55.160] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3AdvancedEngine/Size3AdvancedEngineNormal
[LOG 01:27:55.282] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3AdvancedEngine/decoupler_and_adaptor_cm
[LOG 01:27:55.445] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3Decoupler/decoupler_and_adaptor_cm
[LOG 01:27:55.605] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3Decoupler/decoupler_and_adaptor_nm
[LOG 01:27:55.816] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3EngineCluster/ClusterEngineEmit
[LOG 01:27:55.915] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3EngineCluster/four_nozzle_engine_cm
[LOG 01:27:56.079] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3EngineCluster/four_nozzle_engine_nm
[LOG 01:27:56.270] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3LargeTank/fueltTanks_cm
[LOG 01:27:56.422] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3MediumTank/fueltTanks_cm
[LOG 01:27:56.522] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3SmallTank/fueltTanks_cm
[LOG 01:27:56.596] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3To2Adapter/decoupler_and_adaptor_cm
[LOG 01:27:56.671] Load(Texture): NASAmission/Parts/Size3To2Adapter/decoupler_and_adaptor_nm
[LOG 01:27:56.802] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/C7AerospaceDivision
[LOG 01:27:56.821] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/C7AerospaceDivision_scaled
[LOG 01:27:56.835] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/DinkelsteinKermansConstructionEmporium
[LOG 01:27:56.858] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/DinkelsteinKermansConstructionEmporium_scaled
[LOG 01:27:56.876] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/ExperimentalEngineering
[LOG 01:27:56.894] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/ExperimentalEngineering_scaled
[LOG 01:27:56.909] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/FlooydResearchLab
[LOG 01:27:56.928] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/FlooydResearchLab_scaled
[LOG 01:27:56.942] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/GoliathNationalProducts
[LOG 01:27:56.962] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/GoliathNationalProducts_scaled
[LOG 01:27:56.975] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/IntegratedIntegrals
[LOG 01:27:56.997] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/IntegratedIntegrals_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.025] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/IonicSymphonicProtonicElectronics
[LOG 01:27:57.046] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/IonicSymphonicProtonicElectronics_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.058] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/JebsJunkyard
[LOG 01:27:57.080] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/JebsJunkyard_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.091] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/KerbalMotion
[LOG 01:27:57.113] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/KerbalMotion_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.124] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/KerbinWorldFirstRecordKeepingSociety
[LOG 01:27:57.146] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/KerbinWorldFirstRecordKeepingSociety_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.157] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Kerbodyne
[LOG 01:27:57.178] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Kerbodyne_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.190] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Kerlington
[LOG 01:27:57.211] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Kerlington_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.223] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/MaxoConstructionToys
[LOG 01:27:57.245] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/MaxoConstructionToys_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.257] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/MovingPartsExpertsGroup
[LOG 01:27:57.278] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/MovingPartsExpertsGroup_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.290] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/OMBDemolition
[LOG 01:27:57.310] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/OMBDemolition_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.323] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/PeriapsisCo
[LOG 01:27:57.341] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/PeriapsisCo_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.356] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Probodobodyne
[LOG 01:27:57.377] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Probodobodyne_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.389] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/R&D
[LOG 01:27:57.410] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/R&D_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.422] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/ReactionSystemsLtd
[LOG 01:27:57.442] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/ReactionSystemsLtd_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.466] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Rockomax
[LOG 01:27:57.500] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Rockomax_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.532] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Rokea
[LOG 01:27:57.550] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Rokea_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.565] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/SeansCannery
[LOG 01:27:57.587] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/SeansCannery_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.598] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/SteadlerEngineeringCorps
[LOG 01:27:57.618] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/SteadlerEngineeringCorps_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.633] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/StrutCo
[LOG 01:27:57.655] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/StrutCo_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.667] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Vac-Co
[LOG 01:27:57.688] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/Vac-Co_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.711] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/WinterOwl
[LOG 01:27:57.733] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/WinterOwl_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.745] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/ZaltonicElectronics
[LOG 01:27:57.765] Load(Texture): Squad/Agencies/ZaltonicElectronics_scaled
[LOG 01:27:57.778] Load(Texture): Squad/FX/rocketplume2
[LOG 01:27:57.801] Load(Texture): Squad/FX/shockDiamond2
[LOG 01:27:57.818] Load(Texture): Squad/FX/smokepuff1
[LOG 01:27:57.834] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/09
[LOG 01:27:57.852] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/blorbs
[LOG 01:27:57.870] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/bullseye
[LOG 01:27:57.903] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/capsule
[LOG 01:27:57.937] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/circles
[LOG 01:27:57.954] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/default
[LOG 01:27:57.970] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/hexagon
[LOG 01:27:57.984] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/hexagonCircles
[LOG 01:27:58.002] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/kerbal1
[LOG 01:27:58.066] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/kerbal2
[LOG 01:27:58.166] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/kerbin
[LOG 01:27:58.265] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/kerbinmunflag
[LOG 01:27:58.364] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/line
[LOG 01:27:58.464] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/minimalistic
[LOG 01:27:58.580] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/orbit
[LOG 01:27:58.679] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/orbs
[LOG 01:27:58.779] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/retro
[LOG 01:27:58.878] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/rings
[LOG 01:27:58.994] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/rocketScience
[LOG 01:27:59.094] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/satellite
[LOG 01:27:59.193] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/spheres
[LOG 01:27:59.292] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/squadLogo
[LOG 01:27:59.392] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/squadLogo2
[LOG 01:27:59.491] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/stripes
[LOG 01:27:59.590] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/trees
[LOG 01:27:59.673] Load(Texture): Squad/Flags/trippy
[LOG 01:27:59.708] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/Ailerons/model000
[LOG 01:27:59.723] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/Ailerons/model001
[LOG 01:27:59.758] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/CanardController/model000
[LOG 01:27:59.831] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/CanardController/model001
[LOG 01:27:59.963] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/NoseCone/model000
[LOG 01:28:00.064] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/advancedCanard/model000
[LOG 01:28:00.152] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/advancedCanard/model001
[LOG 01:28:00.288] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneTail/model000
[LOG 01:28:00.317] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneTail/model001
[LOG 01:28:00.357] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/deltaWing/model000
[LOG 01:28:00.387] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/deltaWing/model001
[LOG 01:28:00.422] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/noseConeAdapter/model000
[LOG 01:28:00.502] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/noseConeAdapter/model001
[LOG 01:28:00.607] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/rocketNoseCone/model000
[LOG 01:28:00.629] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/smallCtrlSrf/model000
[LOG 01:28:00.646] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/standardNoseCone/model000
[LOG 01:28:00.667] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/standardNoseCone/model001
[LOG 01:28:00.703] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/sweptWing/model000
[LOG 01:28:00.796] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/sweptWing/model001
[LOG 01:28:00.928] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/sweptWing/model002
[LOG 01:28:00.944] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/tailfin/model000
[LOG 01:28:00.980] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/tailfin/model001
[LOG 01:28:01.021] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/wingConnector/model000
[LOG 01:28:01.043] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/wingConnector/model001
[LOG 01:28:01.086] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet/model000
[LOG 01:28:01.110] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet/model001
[LOG 01:28:01.149] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet2/model000
[LOG 01:28:01.179] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet2/model001
[LOG 01:28:01.195] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet3/model000
[LOG 01:28:01.221] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mark1Cockpit/Mk1C
[LOG 01:28:01.319] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mark1Cockpit/Mk1C_NRM
[LOG 01:28:01.461] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mark1Cockpit/window
[LOG 01:28:01.478] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/CockpitDiffuse
[LOG 01:28:01.576] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/CockpitNRM2
[LOG 01:28:01.696] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/ladder
[LOG 01:28:01.712] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/window
[LOG 01:28:01.729] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/ladder
[LOG 01:28:01.745] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/mk 1-2 external shell Variant-Hatch NRM
[LOG 01:28:01.888] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/mk 1-2 external shell Variant-Hatch
[LOG 01:28:01.995] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/walls
[LOG 01:28:02.079] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/window
[LOG 01:28:02.095] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/advSasModule/model000
[LOG 01:28:02.127] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/advSasModule/model001
[LOG 01:28:02.158] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/asasmodule1-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:02.177] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/asasmodule1-2/model001
[LOG 01:28:02.197] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/avionicsNoseCone/model000
[LOG 01:28:02.228] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin
[LOG 01:28:02.322] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin_n
[LOG 01:28:02.357] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/window
[LOG 01:28:02.390] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/ksp_l_cupola_diff
[LOG 01:28:02.463] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/ksp_l_cupola_normal
[LOG 01:28:02.510] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/window
[LOG 01:28:02.527] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/landerCabinSmall/ksp_s_landerCan_diff
[LOG 01:28:02.627] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/landerCabinSmall/ksp_s_landerCan_normal
[LOG 01:28:02.665] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/landerCabinSmall/window
[LOG 01:28:02.684] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mark3Cockpit/MK3NRM
[LOG 01:28:02.732] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mark3Cockpit/c7fuselagemk3C_COLOR copy
[LOG 01:28:02.761] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mark3Cockpit/ladder
[LOG 01:28:02.778] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mark3Cockpit/window
[LOG 01:28:02.794] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/hatch
[LOG 01:28:02.891] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/ladderrung
[LOG 01:28:02.908] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/outer shell NRM
[LOG 01:28:02.945] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/outer shell
[LOG 01:28:02.971] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/window
[LOG 01:28:02.988] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCabin/ladder
[LOG 01:28:03.004] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCabin/outershell
[LOG 01:28:03.092] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCabin/outershell_n
[LOG 01:28:03.130] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCabin/window
[LOG 01:28:03.146] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreCube/model000
[LOG 01:28:03.166] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreCube/model001
[LOG 01:28:03.182] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex/ksp_m_hexProbe_diff
[LOG 01:28:03.252] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex/ksp_m_hexProbe_normal
[LOG 01:28:03.292] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto/model000
[LOG 01:28:03.310] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto/model001
[LOG 01:28:03.327] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto2/model000
[LOG 01:28:03.344] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreSphere/model000
[LOG 01:28:03.371] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreSphere/model001
[LOG 01:28:03.404] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackLarge/model000
[LOG 01:28:03.471] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackLarge/model001
[LOG 01:28:03.604] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSmall/model000
[LOG 01:28:03.714] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSmall/model001
[LOG 01:28:03.851] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/sasModule/model000
[LOG 01:28:03.870] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/sasModule/model001
[LOG 01:28:03.909] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/sasModule/model002
[LOG 01:28:03.925] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Command/seatExternalCmd/model000
[LOG 01:28:03.986] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/RTG/model000
[LOG 01:28:03.994] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBank/model000
[LOG 01:28:04.010] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBank/model001
[LOG 01:28:04.030] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankLarge/ksp_l_batteryPack_diff
[LOG 01:28:04.059] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankLarge/ksp_l_batteryPack_normal
[LOG 01:28:04.110] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankMini/ksp_m_batteryPack_diff
[LOG 01:28:04.127] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryPack/model000
[LOG 01:28:04.143] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/ksp_r_largeBatteryPack/model000
[LOG 01:28:04.167] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/largeSolarPanel/model000
[LOG 01:28:04.206] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels1/model000
[LOG 01:28:04.267] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels1/model001
[LOG 01:28:04.302] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels1/model002
[LOG 01:28:04.318] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels2/model000
[LOG 01:28:04.339] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels2/model001
[LOG 01:28:04.357] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels2/model002
[LOG 01:28:04.374] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels3/model000
[LOG 01:28:04.390] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels3/model001
[LOG 01:28:04.446] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels3/model002
[LOG 01:28:04.468] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels4/model000
[LOG 01:28:04.484] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels4/model001
[LOG 01:28:04.503] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels4/model002
[LOG 01:28:04.520] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels5/model000
[LOG 01:28:04.537] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/JetEngine/model000
[LOG 01:28:04.568] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/JetEngine/model001
[LOG 01:28:04.588] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/OMSEngine/engineoms 1
[LOG 01:28:04.604] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/OMSEngine/engineomsN_NRM
[LOG 01:28:04.660] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/engineLargeSkipper/ksp_l_midrangeEngine_diff
[LOG 01:28:04.709] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/engineLargeSkipper/ksp_l_midrangeEngine_emissive
[LOG 01:28:04.748] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/engineLargeSkipper/ksp_l_midrangeEngine_fairing_diff
[LOG 01:28:04.842] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/engineLargeSkipper/ksp_l_midrangeEngine_fairing_norm
[LOG 01:28:04.977] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/engineLargeSkipper/ksp_l_midrangeEngine_normal
[LOG 01:28:05.055] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/ionEngine/model000
[LOG 01:28:05.080] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model000
[LOG 01:28:05.102] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model001
[LOG 01:28:05.134] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model002
[LOG 01:28:05.150] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model003
[LOG 01:28:05.279] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model004
[LOG 01:28:05.357] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:05.385] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/model001
[LOG 01:28:05.425] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/model002
[LOG 01:28:05.446] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/model003
[LOG 01:28:05.506] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/model004
[LOG 01:28:05.522] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2/model000
[LOG 01:28:05.558] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2/model001
[LOG 01:28:05.574] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2/model002
[LOG 01:28:05.602] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2/model003
[LOG 01:28:05.651] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:05.670] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2-2/model001
[LOG 01:28:05.690] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2-2/model002
[LOG 01:28:05.727] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2-2/model003
[LOG 01:28:05.743] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine3/bigfairing
[LOG 01:28:05.767] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine3/engine3
[LOG 01:28:05.797] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine3/engine3_emissive
[LOG 01:28:05.819] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine3/engine3_n
[LOG 01:28:05.859] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/ksp_m_liquidEngine_diff
[LOG 01:28:05.882] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/ksp_m_liquidEngine_norm
[LOG 01:28:05.917] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/ksp_m_liquidFuelEngine_fairing_norm
[LOG 01:28:05.953] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/ksp_m_liquidFuelEngine_fairing_psd
[LOG 01:28:05.975] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/microEngine/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.009] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/microEngine/model001
[LOG 01:28:06.025] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/nuclearEngine/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.060] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/nuclearEngine/model001
[LOG 01:28:06.104] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/nuclearEngine/model002
[LOG 01:28:06.121] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/nuclearEngine/model003
[LOG 01:28:06.213] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/radialEngineMini/ksp_r_microEngine_diff
[LOG 01:28:06.305] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/radialLiquidEngine1-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.321] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapierDiffuse
[LOG 01:28:06.349] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapieremit
[LOG 01:28:06.368] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/sepMotor1/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.384] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/smallRadialEngine/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.401] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.528] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster/model001
[LOG 01:28:06.577] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster/model002
[LOG 01:28:06.597] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster1-1/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.623] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster1-1/model001
[LOG 01:28:06.652] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster1-1/model002
[LOG 01:28:06.678] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/toroidalAerospike/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.700] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/toroidalAerospike/model001
[LOG 01:28:06.739] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/toroidalAerospike/model002
[LOG 01:28:06.759] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/turboFanEngine/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.795] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/turboFanEngine/model001
[LOG 01:28:06.822] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Engine/vernierEngine/vernierEngine3UV
[LOG 01:28:06.839] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1Fuselage/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.864] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1Fuselage/model001
[LOG 01:28:06.902] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.928] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model001
[LOG 01:28:06.969] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTank/model000
[LOG 01:28:06.986] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTank/model001
[LOG 01:28:07.005] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSTank1-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:07.040] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSTank1-2/model001
[LOG 01:28:07.060] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankMini/ksp_m_rcsTank_diff
[LOG 01:28:07.088] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankMini/ksp_m_rcsTank_normal
[LOG 01:28:07.128] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankRadialLong/ksp_r_rcsCylTank_diff
[LOG 01:28:07.160] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank/model000
[LOG 01:28:07.184] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank/model001
[LOG 01:28:07.317] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank1-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:07.395] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank1-2/model001
[LOG 01:28:07.431] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank2-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:07.448] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank2-2/model001
[LOG 01:28:07.484] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank3-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:07.550] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank3-2/model001
[LOG 01:28:07.624] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank4-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:07.722] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank4-2/model001
[LOG 01:28:07.758] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmall/tank3
[LOG 01:28:07.781] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmall/tank3_n
[LOG 01:28:07.824] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmallFlat/tank4
[LOG 01:28:07.919] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model000
[LOG 01:28:07.974] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model001
[LOG 01:28:08.058] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/miniFuelTank/model000
[LOG 01:28:08.075] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/miniFuelTank/model001
[LOG 01:28:08.092] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Fuselage/model000
[LOG 01:28:08.116] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Fuselage/model001
[LOG 01:28:08.145] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2SpacePlaneAdapter/model000
[LOG 01:28:08.183] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2SpacePlaneAdapter/model001
[LOG 01:28:08.221] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/model000
[LOG 01:28:08.257] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/model001
[LOG 01:28:08.292] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3spacePlaneAdapter/model000
[LOG 01:28:08.334] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3spacePlaneAdapter/model001
[LOG 01:28:08.373] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/radialRCSTank/model000
[LOG 01:28:08.389] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/toroidalFuelTank/model000
[LOG 01:28:08.438] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/toroidalFuelTank/model001
[LOG 01:28:08.480] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTank/model000
[LOG 01:28:08.514] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTank/model001
[LOG 01:28:08.573] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTankRadial/ksp_r_xenonTank_diff
[LOG 01:28:08.613] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Science/GooExperiment/A_GooExperiment_diff
[LOG 01:28:08.725] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/Large_Crewed_Lab
[LOG 01:28:08.838] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/window
[LOG 01:28:08.856] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Science/MaterialBay/science_module_small
[LOG 01:28:08.951] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Science/MaterialBay/science_module_small_emit
[LOG 01:28:08.972] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Science/MaterialBay/science_module_small_nrm
[LOG 01:28:09.010] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Science/MaterialBay/wires
[LOG 01:28:09.043] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterLargeSmallBi/ksp_l_biAdapter_diff
[LOG 01:28:09.148] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterLargeSmallQuad/ksp_l_quadAdapter_diff
[LOG 01:28:09.233] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterLargeSmallTri/ksp_l_triAdapter_diff
[LOG 01:28:09.346] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterSmallMiniShort/ksp_s_adapterShort_diff
[LOG 01:28:09.371] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterSmallMiniTall/ksp_s_adapterLong_diff
[LOG 01:28:09.455] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/nacelleBody/model000
[LOG 01:28:09.481] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/nacelleBody/model001
[LOG 01:28:09.519] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/radialEngineBody/C1EB_NRM
[LOG 01:28:09.548] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/radialEngineBody/C7A_EngineBody_F1_COLOR copy
[LOG 01:28:09.573] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/smallHardpoint/model000
[LOG 01:28:09.599] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/smallHardpoint/model001
[LOG 01:28:09.659] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/stationHub/model000
[LOG 01:28:09.701] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/stationHub/model001
[LOG 01:28:09.739] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model000
[LOG 01:28:09.755] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam2/model000
[LOG 01:28:09.772] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam3/model000
[LOG 01:28:09.788] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralMiniNode/model000
[LOG 01:28:09.806] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel1/model000
[LOG 01:28:09.824] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel1/model001
[LOG 01:28:09.859] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2/model000
[LOG 01:28:09.882] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2/model001
[LOG 01:28:09.909] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylon/model000
[LOG 01:28:09.944] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylon/model001
[LOG 01:28:09.985] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralWing/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.010] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralWing/model001
[LOG 01:28:10.052] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/strutConnector/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.068] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/strutCube/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.085] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/strutOcto/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.101] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/trussAdapter/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.118] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/trussAdapter/model001
[LOG 01:28:10.139] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/trussPiece1x/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.239] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Structural/trussPiece3x/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.325] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/CircularIntake/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.359] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/CircularIntake/model001
[LOG 01:28:10.403] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/LandingLeg/ksp_r_landingStrut_diff
[LOG 01:28:10.436] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/LandingLeg1-2/landingLeg
[LOG 01:28:10.459] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/RCS block/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.475] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/StackDecoupler/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.492] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/StackDecoupler/model001
[LOG 01:28:10.514] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/airScoop/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.548] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/commDish/comm_dish_array
[LOG 01:28:10.577] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/commDish/comm_dish_v2_diff
[LOG 01:28:10.606] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/commDish/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.623] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/decoupler1-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.675] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/decoupler1-2/model001
[LOG 01:28:10.693] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort1/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.742] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort1/model001
[LOG 01:28:10.778] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort1/model002
[LOG 01:28:10.795] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort2/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.827] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort2/model001
[LOG 01:28:10.860] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort3/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.876] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort3/model001
[LOG 01:28:10.902] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model000
[LOG 01:28:10.977] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model001
[LOG 01:28:11.113] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLateral/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.146] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLateral/model001
[LOG 01:28:11.183] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLateral/model002
[LOG 01:28:11.217] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/fuelLine/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.249] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/ladder1/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.266] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/largeAdapter/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.297] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/largeAdapter2/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.319] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/launchClamp1/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.343] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/launchClamp1/model001
[LOG 01:28:11.360] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/linearRCS/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.376] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/linearRCS/model001
[LOG 01:28:11.393] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/longAntenna/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.410] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/mediumDishAntenna/mediumDishAntenna
[LOG 01:28:11.513] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/mediumDishAntenna/mediumDishAntenna_Emit
[LOG 01:28:11.538] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/miniLandingLeg/leg
[LOG 01:28:11.555] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/miniLandingLeg/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.571] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteDrogue/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.601] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteDrogue/model001
[LOG 01:28:11.617] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteLarge/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.646] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteLarge/model001
[LOG 01:28:11.663] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteRadial/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.689] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteRadial/model001
[LOG 01:28:11.705] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachute_single/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.753] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachute_single/model001
[LOG 01:28:11.786] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/radialDecoupler/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.802] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/radialDecoupler/model001
[LOG 01:28:11.821] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/radialDecoupler1-2/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.837] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/radialDecoupler2/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.854] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/ramAirIntake/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.879] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/ramAirIntake/model001
[LOG 01:28:11.915] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/ramAirIntake/model002
[LOG 01:28:11.948] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/roverBody/model000
[LOG 01:28:11.970] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/roverBody/model001
[LOG 01:28:12.021] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/sensorAccelerometer/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.037] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/sensorBarometer/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.054] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/sensorGravimeter/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.072] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/sensorThermometer/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.088] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight1/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.105] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight1/model001
[LOG 01:28:12.121] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight2/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.138] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight2/model001
[LOG 01:28:12.154] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackBiCoupler/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.184] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackDecouplerMini/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.200] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackPoint1/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.273] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackPoint1/model001
[LOG 01:28:12.296] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackQuadCoupler/ksp_s_quadCoupler_diff
[LOG 01:28:12.394] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparator/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.421] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparator/model001
[LOG 01:28:12.465] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparatorBig/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.519] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparatorMini/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.536] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackTriCoupler/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.565] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadder/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.674] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadder/model001
[LOG 01:28:12.824] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadder/model002
[LOG 01:28:12.911] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model000
[LOG 01:28:12.997] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model001
[LOG 01:28:13.075] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/SmallGearBaymodel000
[LOG 01:28:13.163] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/SmallGearBaymodel001
[LOG 01:28:13.295] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/internal shell box props
[LOG 01:28:13.403] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel1/model000
[LOG 01:28:13.432] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel2/model000
[LOG 01:28:13.448] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel2/model001
[LOG 01:28:13.487] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel3/model000
[LOG 01:28:13.586] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel3/model001
[LOG 01:28:13.625] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel3/model002
[LOG 01:28:13.641] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel3/model003
[LOG 01:28:13.665] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model000
[LOG 01:28:13.750] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model001
[LOG 01:28:13.871] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model002
[LOG 01:28:13.987] Load(Texture): Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model003
[LOG 01:28:14.103] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/AltimeterThreeHands/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.120] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/AltimeterThreeHands/model001
[LOG 01:28:14.139] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/AtmosphereDepth/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.156] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/AtmosphereDepth/model001
[LOG 01:28:14.172] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/AxisIndicator/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.189] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/ButtonSquare/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.266] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/Compass/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.300] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/IndicatorPanel/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.327] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/IndicatorPanel/model001
[LOG 01:28:14.343] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/NavBall/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.374] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/NavBall/model001
[LOG 01:28:14.391] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/NavBall/model002
[LOG 01:28:14.415] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/NavBall/model003
[LOG 01:28:14.431] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/VSI/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.487] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/circularButton/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.503] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/directionalKnob/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.522] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/directionalKnob2/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.539] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/ledPanelSpeed/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.556] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/ledPanelSpeed/model001
[LOG 01:28:14.572] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/pullSwitch/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.589] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/pullSwitch/model001
[LOG 01:28:14.605] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/radarAltitude/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.635] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/squareButton/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.651] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/standingSwitch/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.668] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/standingSwitch/model001
[LOG 01:28:14.685] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/switch/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.702] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/switchGuard/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.728] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/switchWithGuards/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.747] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/switchWithGuards/model001
[LOG 01:28:14.764] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/switchWithGuards/model002
[LOG 01:28:14.783] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/throttle/model000
[LOG 01:28:14.801] Load(Texture): Squad/Props/throttle/model001
[LOG 01:28:14.942] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model000
[LOG 01:28:15.044] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model001
[LOG 01:28:15.121] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model002
[LOG 01:28:15.275] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model003
[LOG 01:28:15.356] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model004
[LOG 01:28:15.440] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model005
[LOG 01:28:15.516] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model000
[LOG 01:28:15.620] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model001
[LOG 01:28:15.642] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model002
[LOG 01:28:15.725] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model003
[LOG 01:28:15.819] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model004
[LOG 01:28:15.900] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model005
[LOG 01:28:16.048] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model006
[LOG 01:28:16.172] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model007
[LOG 01:28:16.259] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model000
[LOG 01:28:16.346] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model001
[LOG 01:28:16.419] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model002
[LOG 01:28:16.567] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model003
[LOG 01:28:16.651] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model004
[LOG 01:28:16.749] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model005
[LOG 01:28:16.833] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model006
[LOG 01:28:16.937] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model007
[LOG 01:28:17.028] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model000
[LOG 01:28:17.044] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model001
[LOG 01:28:17.362] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model002
[LOG 01:28:17.403] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model003
[LOG 01:28:17.485] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model004
[LOG 01:28:17.501] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model005
[LOG 01:28:17.584] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/ksp_l_cupola_internal_diff
[LOG 01:28:17.878] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/ksp_l_cupola_internal_normal
[LOG 01:28:18.288] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/ksp_l_cupola_internal_windows_alpha
[LOG 01:28:18.394] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/pilot Seat
[LOG 01:28:18.475] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model000
[LOG 01:28:18.547] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model001
[LOG 01:28:18.691] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model002
[LOG 01:28:18.778] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model003
[LOG 01:28:19.097] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model004
[LOG 01:28:19.185] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model005
[LOG 01:28:19.210] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model006
[LOG 01:28:19.291] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model007
[LOG 01:28:19.312] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/ksp_s_landerCan_internal_diff
[LOG 01:28:19.576] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/ksp_s_landerCan_internal_normal
[LOG 01:28:20.033] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/ksp_s_landerCan_internal_window_alpha
[LOG 01:28:20.161] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/pilot Seat
[LOG 01:28:20.239] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model000
[LOG 01:28:20.301] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model001
[LOG 01:28:20.409] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model002
[LOG 01:28:20.488] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model003
[LOG 01:28:20.575] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model004
[LOG 01:28:20.665] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model005
[LOG 01:28:20.713] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model006
[LOG 01:28:20.773] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model007
[LOG 01:28:20.826] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model008
[LOG 01:28:20.867] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model009
[LOG 01:28:20.935] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model000
[LOG 01:28:21.014] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model001
[LOG 01:28:21.120] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model002
[LOG 01:28:21.208] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model003
[LOG 01:28:21.297] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model004
[LOG 01:28:21.650] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model005
[LOG 01:28:21.676] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model006
[LOG 01:28:21.758] Load(Texture): Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model007
[LOG 01:28:21.777] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/GrapplingDevice/GrapplingArm
[LOG 01:28:21.842] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/LaunchEscapeSystem/LaunchEscapeSystem
[LOG 01:28:21.870] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/MassiveSRB/MassiveSRB
[LOG 01:28:21.882] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/PotatoRoid/PotatoRoid
[LOG 01:28:21.898] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/Size2LFB/Size2LFB
[LOG 01:28:21.917] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/Size3AdvancedEngine/Size3AdvancedEngine
[LOG 01:28:21.933] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/Size3Decoupler/size3Decoupler
[LOG 01:28:21.948] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/Size3EngineCluster/Size3EngineCluster
[LOG 01:28:21.966] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/Size3LargeTank/Size3LargeTank
[LOG 01:28:21.983] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/Size3MediumTank/Size3MediumTank
[LOG 01:28:22.000] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/Size3SmallTank/Size3SmallTank
[LOG 01:28:22.018] Load(Model): NASAmission/Parts/Size3To2Adapter/Size3Adapter
[LOG 01:28:22.034] Load(Model): Squad/FX/LES_Thruster
[LOG 01:28:22.055] Load(Model): Squad/FX/SRB_Large
[LOG 01:28:22.068] Load(Model): Squad/FX/SRB_LargeSparks
[LOG 01:28:22.084] Load(Model): Squad/FX/exhaustFlames_blue
[LOG 01:28:22.101] Load(Model): Squad/FX/ks1_Exhaust
[LOG 01:28:22.118] Load(Model): Squad/FX/ks25_Exhaust
[LOG 01:28:22.152] Load(Model): Squad/FX/ksX_Exhaust
[LOG 01:28:22.169] Load(Model): Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue
[LOG 01:28:22.186] Load(Model): Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue_small
[LOG 01:28:22.202] Load(Model): Squad/FX/shockExhaust_red_small
[LOG 01:28:22.219] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/Ailerons/model
[LOG 01:28:22.236] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/CanardController/model
[LOG 01:28:22.253] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/NoseCone/model
[LOG 01:28:22.269] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/advancedCanard/model
[LOG 01:28:22.286] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneTail/model
[LOG 01:28:22.302] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/deltaWing/model
[LOG 01:28:22.319] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/noseConeAdapter/model
[LOG 01:28:22.336] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/rocketNoseCone/model
[LOG 01:28:22.354] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/smallCtrlSrf/model
[LOG 01:28:22.369] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/standardNoseCone/model
[LOG 01:28:22.385] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/sweptWing/model
[LOG 01:28:22.402] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/tailfin/model
[LOG 01:28:22.419] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/wingConnector/model
[LOG 01:28:22.435] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet/model
[LOG 01:28:22.452] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet2/model
[LOG 01:28:22.499] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet3/model
[LOG 01:28:22.514] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/Mark1Cockpit/model
[LOG 01:28:22.531] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model
[LOG 01:28:22.548] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/model
[LOG 01:28:22.566] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/advSasModule/model
[LOG 01:28:22.582] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/asasmodule1-2/model
[LOG 01:28:22.598] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/avionicsNoseCone/model
[LOG 01:28:22.614] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/model
[LOG 01:28:22.631] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/model
[LOG 01:28:22.664] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/landerCabinSmall/model
[LOG 01:28:22.686] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/mark3Cockpit/model
[LOG 01:28:22.704] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/model
[LOG 01:28:22.720] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCabin/model
[LOG 01:28:22.753] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreCube/model
[LOG 01:28:22.769] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex/model
[LOG 01:28:22.786] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto/model
[LOG 01:28:22.804] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto2/model
[LOG 01:28:22.822] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreSphere/model
[LOG 01:28:22.839] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackLarge/model
[LOG 01:28:22.855] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSmall/model
[LOG 01:28:22.871] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/sasModule/model
[LOG 01:28:22.888] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Command/seatExternalCmd/model
[LOG 01:28:22.905] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/RTG/model
[LOG 01:28:22.922] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBank/model
[LOG 01:28:22.938] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankLarge/model
[LOG 01:28:22.954] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankMini/model
[LOG 01:28:22.971] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryPack/model
[LOG 01:28:22.987] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/ksp_r_largeBatteryPack/model
[LOG 01:28:23.004] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/largeSolarPanel/model
[LOG 01:28:23.021] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels1/model
[LOG 01:28:23.038] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels2/model
[LOG 01:28:23.054] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels3/model
[LOG 01:28:23.072] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels4/model
[LOG 01:28:23.088] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels5/model
[LOG 01:28:23.105] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/JetEngine/model
[LOG 01:28:23.134] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/OMSEngine/NewModel
[LOG 01:28:23.171] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/engineLargeSkipper/model
[LOG 01:28:23.191] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/ionEngine/model
[LOG 01:28:23.209] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model
[LOG 01:28:23.225] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/model
[LOG 01:28:23.242] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2/model
[LOG 01:28:23.258] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2-2/model
[LOG 01:28:23.275] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine3/model
[LOG 01:28:23.291] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/model
[LOG 01:28:23.307] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/microEngine/model
[LOG 01:28:23.324] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/nuclearEngine/model
[LOG 01:28:23.340] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/radialEngineMini/model
[LOG 01:28:23.357] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/radialLiquidEngine1-2/model
[LOG 01:28:23.378] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapier
[LOG 01:28:23.398] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/sepMotor1/model
[LOG 01:28:23.413] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/smallRadialEngine/model
[LOG 01:28:23.430] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster/model
[LOG 01:28:23.448] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster1-1/model
[LOG 01:28:23.470] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/toroidalAerospike/model
[LOG 01:28:23.494] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/turboFanEngine/model
[LOG 01:28:23.512] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Engine/vernierEngine/NewModel
[LOG 01:28:23.527] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1Fuselage/model
[LOG 01:28:23.545] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model
[LOG 01:28:23.561] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSFuelTank/model
[LOG 01:28:23.577] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSTank1-2/model
[LOG 01:28:23.623] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankMini/model
[LOG 01:28:23.638] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankRadialLong/model
[LOG 01:28:23.671] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank/model
[LOG 01:28:23.689] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank1-2/model
[LOG 01:28:23.705] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank2-2/model
[LOG 01:28:23.722] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank3-2/model
[LOG 01:28:23.740] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank4-2/model
[LOG 01:28:23.757] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmall/model
[LOG 01:28:23.773] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmallFlat/model
[LOG 01:28:23.793] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model
[LOG 01:28:23.810] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/miniFuelTank/model
[LOG 01:28:23.827] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Fuselage/model
[LOG 01:28:23.844] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2SpacePlaneAdapter/model
[LOG 01:28:23.862] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/model
[LOG 01:28:23.877] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3spacePlaneAdapter/model
[LOG 01:28:23.894] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/radialRCSTank/model
[LOG 01:28:23.910] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/toroidalFuelTank/model
[LOG 01:28:23.930] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTank/model
[LOG 01:28:23.946] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTankRadial/model
[LOG 01:28:23.962] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Science/GooExperiment/GooExperiment
[LOG 01:28:23.979] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/large_crewed_lab
[LOG 01:28:24.012] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Science/MaterialBay/science_module_small
[LOG 01:28:24.025] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterLargeSmallBi/model
[LOG 01:28:24.042] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterLargeSmallQuad/model
[LOG 01:28:24.059] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterLargeSmallTri/model
[LOG 01:28:24.087] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterSmallMiniShort/model
[LOG 01:28:24.103] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterSmallMiniTall/model
[LOG 01:28:24.119] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/nacelleBody/model
[LOG 01:28:24.136] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/radialEngineBody/model
[LOG 01:28:24.153] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/smallHardpoint/model
[LOG 01:28:24.186] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/stationHub/model
[LOG 01:28:24.206] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model
[LOG 01:28:24.219] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam2/model
[LOG 01:28:24.236] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam3/model
[LOG 01:28:24.252] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralMiniNode/model
[LOG 01:28:24.269] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel1/model
[LOG 01:28:24.285] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2/model
[LOG 01:28:24.302] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylon/model
[LOG 01:28:24.318] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralWing/model
[LOG 01:28:24.335] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/strutConnector/model
[LOG 01:28:24.352] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/strutCube/model
[LOG 01:28:24.368] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/strutOcto/model
[LOG 01:28:24.386] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/trussAdapter/model
[LOG 01:28:24.402] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/trussPiece1x/model
[LOG 01:28:24.418] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Structural/trussPiece3x/model
[LOG 01:28:24.435] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/CircularIntake/model
[LOG 01:28:24.451] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/LandingLeg/model
[ERR 01:28:24.460] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[ERR 01:28:24.460] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[LOG 01:28:24.468] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/LandingLeg1-2/model
[ERR 01:28:24.473] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[ERR 01:28:24.473] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[LOG 01:28:24.484] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/RCS block/model
[LOG 01:28:24.500] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/StackDecoupler/model
[LOG 01:28:24.518] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/airScoop/model
[LOG 01:28:24.534] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/commDish/model
[LOG 01:28:24.566] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/decoupler1-2/model
[LOG 01:28:24.582] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort1/model
[LOG 01:28:24.621] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort2/model
[LOG 01:28:24.640] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort3/model
[LOG 01:28:24.656] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model
[LOG 01:28:24.689] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLateral/model
[LOG 01:28:24.707] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/fuelLine/model
[LOG 01:28:24.722] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/ladder1/model
[LOG 01:28:24.739] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/largeAdapter/model
[LOG 01:28:24.755] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/largeAdapter2/model
[LOG 01:28:24.773] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/launchClamp1/model
[LOG 01:28:24.789] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/linearRCS/model
[LOG 01:28:24.805] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/longAntenna/model
[LOG 01:28:24.822] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/mediumDishAntenna/mediumDishAntenna
[LOG 01:28:24.839] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/miniLandingLeg/model
[ERR 01:28:24.842] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[ERR 01:28:24.842] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[LOG 01:28:24.855] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteDrogue/model
[LOG 01:28:24.872] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteLarge/model
[LOG 01:28:24.888] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteRadial/model
[LOG 01:28:24.904] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/parachute_single/model
[LOG 01:28:24.925] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/radialDecoupler/model
[LOG 01:28:24.940] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/radialDecoupler1-2/model
[LOG 01:28:24.956] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/radialDecoupler2/model
[LOG 01:28:24.974] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/ramAirIntake/model
[LOG 01:28:24.990] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/roverBody/model
[LOG 01:28:25.006] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/sensorAccelerometer/model
[LOG 01:28:25.023] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/sensorBarometer/model
[LOG 01:28:25.039] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/sensorGravimeter/model
[LOG 01:28:25.056] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/sensorThermometer/model
[LOG 01:28:25.072] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight1/model
[LOG 01:28:25.090] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight2/model
[LOG 01:28:25.106] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackBiCoupler/model
[LOG 01:28:25.122] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackDecouplerMini/model
[LOG 01:28:25.139] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackPoint1/model
[LOG 01:28:25.155] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackQuadCoupler/model
[LOG 01:28:25.172] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparator/model
[LOG 01:28:25.205] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparatorBig/model
[LOG 01:28:25.222] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparatorMini/model
[LOG 01:28:25.239] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/stackTriCoupler/model
[LOG 01:28:25.256] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadder/model
[LOG 01:28:25.272] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model
[LOG 01:28:25.291] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/model
[ERR 01:28:25.302] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[ERR 01:28:25.303] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[LOG 01:28:25.307] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel1/model
[ERR 01:28:25.311] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[ERR 01:28:25.311] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[LOG 01:28:25.323] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel2/model
[ERR 01:28:25.335] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[ERR 01:28:25.335] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[LOG 01:28:25.341] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel3/model
[ERR 01:28:25.346] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[ERR 01:28:25.346] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[LOG 01:28:25.365] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model
[ERR 01:28:25.376] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[ERR 01:28:25.376] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[LOG 01:28:25.382] Load(Model): Squad/Props/AltimeterThreeHands/model
[LOG 01:28:25.402] Load(Model): Squad/Props/AtmosphereDepth/model
[LOG 01:28:25.421] Load(Model): Squad/Props/AxisIndicator/model
[LOG 01:28:25.437] Load(Model): Squad/Props/ButtonSquare/model
[LOG 01:28:25.454] Load(Model): Squad/Props/Compass/model
[LOG 01:28:25.470] Load(Model): Squad/Props/IndicatorPanel/model
[LOG 01:28:25.487] Load(Model): Squad/Props/NavBall/model
[LOG 01:28:25.503] Load(Model): Squad/Props/VSI/model
[LOG 01:28:25.520] Load(Model): Squad/Props/circularButton/model
[LOG 01:28:25.536] Load(Model): Squad/Props/directionalKnob/model
[LOG 01:28:25.553] Load(Model): Squad/Props/directionalKnob2/model
[LOG 01:28:25.570] Load(Model): Squad/Props/ledPanelSpeed/model
[LOG 01:28:25.586] Load(Model): Squad/Props/pullSwitch/model
[LOG 01:28:25.603] Load(Model): Squad/Props/radarAltitude/model
[LOG 01:28:25.619] Load(Model): Squad/Props/squareButton/model
[LOG 01:28:25.636] Load(Model): Squad/Props/standingSwitch/model
[LOG 01:28:25.653] Load(Model): Squad/Props/switch/model
[LOG 01:28:25.669] Load(Model): Squad/Props/switchGuard/model
[LOG 01:28:25.686] Load(Model): Squad/Props/switchWithGuards/model
[LOG 01:28:25.719] Load(Model): Squad/Props/throttle/model
[LOG 01:28:25.735] Load(Model): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model
[LOG 01:28:25.763] Load(Model): Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/model
[LOG 01:28:25.784] Load(Model): Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/model
[LOG 01:28:25.809] Load(Model): Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/model
[LOG 01:28:25.833] Load(Model): Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/model
[LOG 01:28:25.849] Load(Model): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model
[LOG 01:28:25.866] Load(Model): Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/model
[LOG 01:28:25.882] Load(Model): Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/model
[LOG 01:28:26.250] Load(Model): Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model

Edited by sal_vager
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The actual game files are under a directory called Steam Apps. You can simply copy the game files out of there and it will run perfectly fine independently from steam. You can find it under /home/(your user name)/.steam/steam/steam apps/common/kerbal space program/

I did exactly that, and the game works fine. No crashing. So it's a Steam issue.

But I didn't buy the game through the KSP store, I got it through the recent Humble Bundle promotion. Humble Bundle only sent me a Steam code and nothing more; that's why I've been trying to run the game through Steam.

Will I still be able to get updates for the game if I didn't get it directly from Squad?

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foole, you can still get the up to date copy via Steam, and if you look here you can see how to start KSP via Steam using posix mode, this fixes your bug, do delete the settings.cfg though as it can be damaged if run with a non-English language.




(7) KSP for Windows in Wine.


It is still possible to run the Windows version of KSP 1.0.4 in the Wine compatibility layer, KSP works best with the rawinput support of Wine 1.5.13 and higher, so make sure you are using the latest version of Wine.

You will need the updated proprietary drivers for your graphics adapter and the Eufonts pack which is part of Winetricks, then KSP for Windows should work fine in Wine.

There won't be joystick support, and shadows can be messed up, but actual game performance can be slightly higher then in the native Linux build, see the old Wine thread for more.

Back to top)

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foole, you can still get the up to date copy via Steam, and if you look here you can see how to start KSP via Steam using posix mode, this fixes your bug, do delete the settings.cfg though as it can be damaged if run with a non-English language.

Thanks Sal, I guess I don't NEED Steam to play the game. I only got into Steam because of the Humble Bundle promo.

What is posix mode? Is this what you're talking about? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92231-The-Linux-Thread?p=1380985&viewfull=1#post1380985

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This one foole :)

Link to post, click me!

LC_ALL sets the language and numerical system used by the program, LC_LANG only sets the language for example and =C sets the language to the Posix standard, LC_LANG=ENG also works but it's extra typing :)

Other languages can cause the period and comma to be swapped round, breaking the floating point values in the settings.cfg, that's why it has to be deleted and the game has to be started with LC_ALL=C each time.

This is easy enough with a script, or you can set custom launch options in Steam.

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I'm having trouble with the 64-bit build freezing on me. I have an AMD card but aliasing is turned off and AMD mode on. I've tried running the 32-bit but it won't even run. A window opens then immediately closes; there isn't even a log file for it. This is on a freshly downloaded copy of 24.2 for both 64 & 32 bit. I've had the freezing trouble with earlier versions as well.

Terminal output when trying to run 32-bit (the same thing happens whether I run the launcher or the game itself)

$ ./Launcher.x86
Set current directory to /home/user/Downloads/KSP_linux
Found path: /home/user/Downloads/KSP_linux/Launcher.x86
Mono path[0] = '/home/user/Downloads/KSP_linux/Launcher_Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = '/home/user/Downloads/KSP_linux/Launcher_Data/Mono'
Mono config path = '/home/user/Downloads/KSP_linux/Launcher_Data/Mono/etc'

And the log from the 64-bit run is here - http://pastebin.com/7dmr95w5 . It's fine until I try to launch for the most part. It froze once while building a rocket and another time I was able to launch but it froze ~20 seconds in. The computer is completely unresponsive and I have to remote in and reboot to get it back

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I'm having trouble with the 64-bit build freezing on me. I have an AMD card but aliasing is turned off and AMD mode on. I've tried running the 32-bit but it won't even run. A window opens then immediately closes; there isn't even a log file for it. This is on a freshly downloaded copy of 24.2 for both 64 & 32 bit. I've had the freezing trouble with earlier versions as well.

Terminal output when trying to run 32-bit (the same thing happens whether I run the launcher or the game itself)

$ ./Launcher.x86
Set current directory to /home/user/Downloads/KSP_linux
Found path: /home/user/Downloads/KSP_linux/Launcher.x86
Mono path[0] = '/home/user/Downloads/KSP_linux/Launcher_Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = '/home/user/Downloads/KSP_linux/Launcher_Data/Mono'
Mono config path = '/home/user/Downloads/KSP_linux/Launcher_Data/Mono/etc'

And the log from the 64-bit run is here - http://pastebin.com/7dmr95w5 . It's fine until I try to launch for the most part. It froze once while building a rocket and another time I was able to launch but it froze ~20 seconds in. The computer is completely unresponsive and I have to remote in and reboot to get it back

I noticed you were having errors with some wheels in that log, but other than that, didn't really see anything that unusual.

I too have an AMD card and I'll tell ya that Catalyst Control Center can really screw with KSP. As root, open CCC -- alt+f2 then "gksu amdcccle"

go down to 3d, set AA to use application settings (and disable AA in game),

set AA mode to whatever since it won't matter,

I'm using CCC AF x16 but set that to use app settings, (just to be safe and rule out CCC as causing your issues)

under More Settings set refresh to Off, unless blah and turn off Catalyst AI.

You might also want to turn off Tear Free Desktop under Display Options.

I'm currently using beta 14.6 drivers (the latest one if you select Linux Beta on AMD.com). Oh Whoop Whoop, new 14.9 Driver came out between me going to bed and writing this post....off to install after this post. The OP of this thread (or 2nd/3rd) has the install instructions for the driver.

Next, patch the 64bit executable with this script

#!/bin/shposition1=$(echo "obase=16; $(perl -n0777e 'print pos()-1,"\n" while /\x01\x00\x00\x00\xB8\x01\x00\x00\x00\xC3\x41\x56\x41\x55\x49/g' "./KSP.x86_64") - E" | bc)
if [ $position1 != "-E" ]
echo "Patching Segfault out of the Rockets ..."
cp -n "./KSP.x86_64" "./KSP.x86_64.unpatched"
position2=$(echo "obase=16;ibase=16; $position1 + 5" | bc)
echo "$position1: 00" | xxd -r - "./KSP.x86_64"
echo "$position2: 00" | xxd -r - "./KSP.x86_64"
echo "This seems to be not a vanilla KSP executable"

Run the game with this shell script


LC_ALL=C LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1"
exec taskset -c 2-3 ./KSP.x86_64

To use those, go to your KSP directory with the executables, right click and make a new file named patch.sh and ksp.sh, put the first one in patch.sh and the second one in ksp.sh, right click them, go to properties, and mark as executable or just open a terminal in the KSP directory and type "chmod +x ./ksp.sh && chmod +x ./patch.sh && sh patch.sh" -- that one line will mark both as executable and patch the 64bit executable so it doesn't crash at 2gb of ram. Then just double click ksp.sh to run the game. AFter that, you can delete patch.sh, but it's worth keeping around so you can patch KSP again if necessary. Only use that patch with 0.24.2, OP has commands for other KSP versions.

Note that "taskset -c 2-3" forces KSP to use cores 3 and 4 of my PC. Not sure how many cores you have, but with that command, 0 is 1, 1 is 2, etc. You could also do something like "taskset -c 1-3" to use cores 2, 3, and 4. Anything after -c can either be a range like 0-2 or specifically set like 0,1,2,3....note that KSP, IIRC, only has 2 threads, which is why I'm using only 2 cores with taskset.

Oh, and "__GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1" doesn't actually do anything for us. It's an nVidia feature that we don't have, but including that hasn't effected my gameplay at all. All Linux Valve Steam games are forced to use that actually.

You really, really need to use a higher version kernel. Maybe even consider doing a dist-upgrade to Mint 17. I'm about to update to a 3.15 kernel over the 3.13 I'm currently using (install instructions). A lot of games and benchmarks have been reported to work a heck of a lot better with the AMD driver and 3.15 kernel.

Kernels and Drivers and Rockets, oh my.

EDIT: That 3.15 kernel doesn't build with the AMD 14.6 driver. Installing the 14.9 driver now and I'll post back when I'm done.

EDIT2: The 14.9 Driver moudle DOES compile with the 3.15 kernel.

Install instructions for Mint 17 and Ubuntu 14.04

no guarantees this will work with any version below those..this uses the 14.10 kernel so all instructions should be applicable to Ubuntu 14.10 too

Download the driver linked above and move it to /root and open a terminal (wget doesn't work for me on AMD.com or I'd just list the wget command; emphasized because that's the most important step)

If you downloaded the driver as a regular user, use a command like "cp /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/Downloads/amd*.zip /root" as the 2nd command to copy the driver over to root's home. Every command listed is exactly as I just did it on my computer running Mint 17, even copying the driver over to /root (cp /home/skeevy/Downloads/amd*.zip /root was the exact command I used)

cd /root (goes to root's home)
sudo -i (uses a sudo/root shell)
unzip amd*.zip (unzips the driver)
cd fg* (goes to extracted driver directory)
./amd*.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/trusty (builds the driver packages;[B]change trusty to saucy for Mint 16 or Ubuntu 13.10[/B])
dpkg -i fglrx*.deb (installs the driver and builds the kernel module)
cd ../ (goes back to /root)
mkdir 3.15 (makes directory to hold 3.15 packages)
cd 3.15
wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.15.10-utopic/linux-headers-3.15.10-031510_3.15.10-031510.201408132333_all.deb (3.15 headers)
wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.15.10-utopic/linux-headers-3.15.10-031510-generic_3.15.10-031510.201408132333_amd64.deb (3.15 headers generic)
wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.15.10-utopic/linux-image-3.15.10-031510-generic_3.15.10-031510.201408132333_amd64.deb (3.15 kernel image)
dpkg -i linux-headers-3.15.10-*.deb linux-image-3.15.10-*.deb (installs kernel and will build modules for it)

reboot the system and have fun

Haven't tested KSP with any of this yet. Thought I'd post success using the latest AMD driver and a kernel reported to work much better with AMD drivers as well as sharing how to do it with everyone else.

I moved everything and did it all under /root so if something went wrong, they're all right there and easy to access.

And I hate typing, hence all the * commands :sticktongue:

EDIT 3: So far so go playing KSP with 3.15 Kernel and AMD 14.9 Driver. About to orbit Minmus, do a Karbonite scan, land, refuel, and go home. I forgot my antenna like a dumbass....

Edited by skeevy
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Woah, thanks for all that. I'll give it a shot and get back to you. At least I know now that an AMD card can play with KSP without any issues.

SS32, if you use this in a terminal:

ldd KSP.x86 | grep "not found"

It should show any missing libraries, these being 32bit seeing as you are using a 64bit system.

It didn't return anything, I have all the libraries.

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I just checked and you definitely need to update your graphics driver. Ubuntu Saucy (Mint 16) uses the very old 13.101.xxx driver from last year and neither one of our GPU's is even supported with it. I have an MSI R7 260X 2GDDR5 so you have an idea of what I'm using.

If you don't want to do the whole kernel update route (working very well for me), it would be best to start with the 14.6 beta driver (I know it works with KSP, just updated from it) and work your way down from there if it doesn't work with your kernel. Install instructions are the same, only the unzip command is "unzip lin*amd*.zip" for 14.6 (it has a different starting file name).

And I misread last night, it's the 3.12 kernel and up that brings the better AMD performance....your kernel is 3.11. Here's the links to Ubuntu's latest 3.12 kernel for Trusty (Mint 17) if AMD 14.6 doesn't compile with Linux 3.11 or you want better AMD performance without risking using a much higher kernel version. Just use those download links (all labeled 64bit, generic, and the headers with all; 3 files in total) in the wget commands above.

Good Luck.

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I just checked and you definitely need to update your graphics driver. Ubuntu Saucy (Mint 16) uses the very old 13.101.xxx driver from last year and neither one of our GPU's is even supported with it. I have an MSI R7 260X 2GDDR5 so you have an idea of what I'm using.

If you don't want to do the whole kernel update route (working very well for me), it would be best to start with the 14.6 beta driver (I know it works with KSP, just updated from it) and work your way down from there if it doesn't work with your kernel. Install instructions are the same, only the unzip command is "unzip lin*amd*.zip" for 14.6 (it has a different starting file name).

And I misread last night, it's the 3.12 kernel and up that brings the better AMD performance....your kernel is 3.11. Here's the links to Ubuntu's latest 3.12 kernel for Trusty (Mint 17) if AMD 14.6 doesn't compile with Linux 3.11 or you want better AMD performance without risking using a much higher kernel version. Just use those download links (all labeled 64bit, generic, and the headers with all; 3 files in total) in the wget commands above.

Good Luck.

Ok now I'm confused. 14.9 is their new beta but it looks like I'm running 14.10?

$ dmesg | grep fglrx | grep module
[ 4.146634] fglrx: module license 'Proprietary. (C) 2002 - ATI Technologies, Starnberg, GERMANY' taints kernel.
[ 4.152738] <6>[fglrx] module loaded - fglrx 14.10.2 [Apr 17 2014] with 1 minors

$ fglrxinfo
display: :0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
OpenGL version string: 4.4.12874 Compatibility Profile Context 14.10.1006

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Ok now I'm confused. 14.9 is their new beta but it looks like I'm running 14.10?

$ dmesg | grep fglrx | grep module
[ 4.146634] fglrx: module license 'Proprietary. (C) 2002 - ATI Technologies, Starnberg, GERMANY' taints kernel.
[ 4.152738] <6>[fglrx] module loaded - fglrx 14.10.2 [Apr 17 2014] with 1 minors

$ fglrxinfo
display: :0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
OpenGL version string: 4.4.12874 Compatibility Profile Context 14.10.1006

This is from 14.9

skeevy@Nebula ~/Documents/Kerbal Space Program $ dmesg | grep fglrx | grep module[   24.943062] <6>[fglrx] module loaded - fglrx 14.30.4 [Sep 15 2014] with 1 minors
skeevy@Nebula ~/Documents/Kerbal Space Program $ fglrxinfo
display: :0.0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
OpenGL version string: 4.4.13084 Compatibility Profile Context 14.20

skeevy@Nebula ~/Documents/Kerbal Space Program $

If I had to guess, yours is from 14.4 or earlier. 14.6 beta is listed as fglrx 14.201.


AMD driver naming is a bit confusing. The driver numbers in the name is YY.MM (year, month) where the internal version is Year and, guessing at this one, order of release.


14.9 isn't a beta driver, it's the latest stable release....I've installed so many different AMD beta drivers lately I didn't even catch that. Even the beta 14.400 for after this one...it has bad screen tearing and another leaked 14.500 beta is a serious pain to get working.

Edited by skeevy
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When I bought the cards for mining it was such a PITA to get the drivers working properly that I haven't touched the configuration for probably 8 months. Do I need to uninstall the current one or will the new one just patch over? Thanks in advance for your help.

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When I bought the cards for mining it was such a PITA to get the drivers working properly that I haven't touched the configuration for probably 8 months. Do I need to uninstall the current one or will the new one just patch over? Thanks in advance for your help.

It's always safer to uninstall first...but honestly, I haven't yet and I haven't had any odd issues with 14.6 or 14.9.

I didn't realize that running "aticonfig --initial" after the initial driver install was a PITA. J/K, but that's all I needed to do.

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It's always safer to uninstall first...but honestly, I haven't yet and I haven't had any odd issues with 14.6 or 14.9.

I didn't realize that running "aticonfig --initial" after the initial driver install was a PITA. J/K, but that's all I needed to do.

The old ones weren't that easy otherwise I wouldn't be complaining. For one, there wasn't a build for the most recent Debian/Mint/Ubuntu build at the time so I had to hack together an older build with a patch and then hope that x-server would start at boot. If not, edit grub with a switch to use a fallback x-server, delete the config, start over. Rinse and repeat until somehow it worked. I think that was version 13.XX. And what worked in Ubuntu for some reason didn't cooperate with Lubuntu, and running Lubuntu got me ~8% higher hash rates when mining, so it was kind of necessary. I'm not mining any more....

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The old ones weren't that easy otherwise I wouldn't be complaining. For one, there wasn't a build for the most recent Debian/Mint/Ubuntu build at the time so I had to hack together an older build with a patch and then hope that x-server would start at boot. If not, edit grub with a switch to use a fallback x-server, delete the config, start over. Rinse and repeat until somehow it worked. I think that was version 13.XX. And what worked in Ubuntu for some reason didn't cooperate with Lubuntu, and running Lubuntu got me ~8% higher hash rates when mining, so it was kind of necessary. I'm not mining any more....

I know what ya mean. I've spent plenty of time scouring the AUR for their various patches to things...like getting 13.10 AMD driver to compile on Debian Sid last winter when I got my card...The only difference is I did all my fixes with a LiveCD and chroot because I find that method easier as well as I'm less likely to leave an old config laying around to get me in the future....and I got lucky that the first patch I tried worked...something in firegl.c or .h IIRC.

For hash mining, look into a headless Arch Linux or Gentoo/Funtoo setup (no X). Or a headless Debian with a custom compiled libc, kernel, and a few others I just can't remember right now. Anything that isn't Ubuntu based actually. Lubuntu runs with almost as much bloat as a full fledged Gnome setup because of all the Gnome services Lubuntu uses (kind of why I'm not liking Mint 17 XFCE actually). With the Buntus, you trade speed and efficiency for nice and easy. Arch, the Toos, Sabayon, and Slackware are where its at if you need all the computing power will the least amount of background stuff. I'm thinking about moving over to Sabayon because I'm too lazy to get Gentoo up and running from Stage 3...

(had to go install a new blower unit and heater core for the house only to find out that the AC needs some freon...back to the window units, dammit)

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Well, I installed the newest driver, patched the executable, ran it using the script, and it still froze just like before. Log - http://pastebin.com/ZTqfumtQ

Hmmm this is weird though.

$ dmesg | grep fglrx | grep module
[ 4.191446] fglrx: module license 'Proprietary. (C) 2002 - ATI Technologies, Starnberg, GERMANY' taints kernel.
[ 4.198010] <6>[fglrx] module loaded -[B] fglrx 14.10.2 [Apr 17 2014[/B]] with 1 minors

That should be updated shouldn't it?

Edited by ss32
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Well, I installed the newest driver, patched the executable, ran it using the script, and it still froze just like before. Log - http://pastebin.com/ZTqfumtQ

Hmmm this is weird though.

$ dmesg | grep fglrx | grep module
[ 4.191446] fglrx: module license 'Proprietary. (C) 2002 - ATI Technologies, Starnberg, GERMANY' taints kernel.
[ 4.198010] <6>[fglrx] module loaded -[B] fglrx 14.10.2 [Apr 17 2014[/B]] with 1 minors

That should be updated shouldn't it?

Here's a lot of crap to try. Without moar logs, all I can do is guess and suggest possible solutions.

If you followed my instructions, it should be the updated version. Checked and the above flgrx 14.10.2 is AMD's 14.4 driver (the previous stable release).

According to the OpenSUSE 14.4 release notes, KSP should work with your current driver. KSP was one of their tested games. That said, it still might be a driver issue.

Let's completely remove FGLRX and start over. From your posts, you seem like you know your way around linux when X isn't running, so boot up into recovery mode (it's in the grub menu)

apt-get install -f (not a required command, but it'll fix any apt issues or broken packages)
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]sh /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh (might not work, just continue on if it doesn't)
[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx_* fglrx-amdcccle* fglrx-dev*
[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]Not listing the commands, but backup your existing xorg.conf then remove it (xorg.conf likes to change location depending on distro)
[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]From there, if you've already built the debs from 14.6 or 14.9, just install them and run "aticonfig --initial" afterwards.
[/FONT][/COLOR]If you want to rebuild them, wouldn't hurt, they should be right there and ready to access if you followed my previous instructions (I had a reason for moving it all to /root...this is it)

Do you have any mods installed? Yeah, I realize this is unmodded installs, but I'm trying to narrow down the issue. (the log looks mod free)

And try running that script to start KSP from a terminal window...we may get lucky and it'll throw an error message we'd normally miss just by double clicking it.

One thing to keep in mind, Steam isn't supported above Ubuntu 12.10. I also saw that quite a few people had issues with Steam and Ubuntu 13.10 due to library changes from 13.4 to 13.10. My 14.04 (Mint 17) setup is working just fine. So if all else fails, update to 14.04/17 (it's an LTS release so it'll have better support compared to the rest).

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Just in case it might help, posted my current KSP settings.cfg down below. Make a backup of your existing one and try mine. It could just be a messed up config (saw some warnings about the fallback shaders in your log). You might want to change the CONIC settings to MODE=1 and LIMIT=3. I like mode 0 better and, while somewhat inaccurate, the extra plot lines are damn helpful when, say, leaving Minmus orbit and plotting a course back to Kerbin using Mun to slingshot you in the right direction. Did that last night and I came within 7000m of the Mun during my slingshot turn...which went directly into Kerbin...had to then tweak it a bit into an aerobrake maneuver. Managed so slow myself so much I didn't even have re-entry effects (I have Deadly Reentry installed so that matters to me). I had a ton of fuel to go from 3000m/s to 600m/s because it was my Karbonite miner/science ship.

Another note on the fallback shaders warning, apparently it can be caused by a missing texture not being loaded. One thing to try would be removing all save games and testing on a new save, reinstalling KSP if that doesn't work , don't import any save games or anything (to me, it looks like you have a ship loaded that the game doesn't like or you did a copy/paste job from windows KSP to linux and something isn't jiving). This error can also be caused by jacked up amdcccle settings or a bad driver install. I happened to come across posts with Windows+Nvidia users having this error and having to tweak Nvidia Control Panel settings to fix it.

And post $HOME/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log ($HOME is the current user's home directory -- I like to add little tips like that...you might know it, but it could help someone else in the future who doesn't). I just learned I'm having some KSPI LIte ORS issues when I checked mine just now.

// KSP Game Settings

UI_SIZE = 768
dontShowLauncher = False
primary = W
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = S
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = A
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = D
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Q
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = E
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = LeftShift
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = LeftControl
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = F
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = T
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Space
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = C
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = V
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Escape
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = CapsLock
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = KeypadPlus
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = KeypadMinus
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = PageUp
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = PageDown
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Home
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = End
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = UpArrow
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = DownArrow
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = LeftArrow
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = RightArrow
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Backspace
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Period
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Comma
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = M
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Insert
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Delete
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = K
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = I
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = J
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = L
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = H
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = N
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = R
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = RightBracket
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = LeftBracket
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = F2
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = F3
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = F1
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = F4
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = F5
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = F9
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = X
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = G
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = U
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = B
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = ScrollLock
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = W
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = S
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = A
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = D
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = Q
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = E
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = W
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = S
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = A
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = D
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = LeftShift
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = LeftControl
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = Space
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = LeftShift
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = LeftAlt
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = R
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = F
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = Space
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = L
secondary = None
group = 268435456
switchState = Any
primary = S
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Rotation
primary = W
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Rotation
primary = A
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Rotation
primary = D
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Rotation
primary = Q
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = E
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Space
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = None
primary = W
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Translation
primary = S
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Translation
primary = A
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Translation
primary = D
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Translation
primary = LeftShift
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Translation
primary = LeftControl
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Translation
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = None
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = None
primary = S
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = W
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = A
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = D
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Q
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = E
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Space
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = A
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = D
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = S
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = W
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Translation
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Translation
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Translation
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Rotation
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Rotation
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Rotation
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = None
name = None
id = None
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0.05
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = None
name = Mouse ScrollWheel
id = Mouse ScrollWheel
inv = False
sensitivity = 1
deadzone = 0
scale = 1
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = LeftAlt
secondary = RightAlt
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = Backspace
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
primary = None
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any
preset = High
version = 0.21.1
name = Optimized Low
name = Kerbin
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = KerbinOcean
minDistance = 3
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Mun
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Minmus
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 5
name = Bop
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 5
name = Duna
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Eve
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = EveOcean
minDistance = 3
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Gilly
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 5
name = Ike
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Laythe
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = LaytheOcean
minDistance = 3
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Moho
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Tylo
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Vall
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Dres
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Pol
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Eeloo
minDistance = 4
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Optimized Default
name = Kerbin
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9
name = KerbinOcean
minDistance = 3
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 7
name = Mun
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 8
name = Minmus
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Bop
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Duna
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 8
name = Eve
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9
name = EveOcean
minDistance = 3
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 7
name = Gilly
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Ike
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Laythe
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9
name = LaytheOcean
minDistance = 3
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 7
name = Moho
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 8
name = Tylo
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 8
name = Vall
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 8
name = Dres
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 8
name = Pol
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 8
name = Eeloo
minDistance = 6
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 8
name = Optimized High
name = Kerbin
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 10
name = KerbinOcean
minDistance = 3
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 7
name = Mun
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9
name = Minmus
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 7
name = Bop
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 6
name = Duna
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9
name = Eve
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 10
name = EveOcean
minDistance = 3
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 7
name = Gilly
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 7
name = Ike
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 7
name = Laythe
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 10
name = LaytheOcean
minDistance = 3
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 7
name = Moho
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9
name = Tylo
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9
name = Vall
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9
name = Dres
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9
name = Pol
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9
name = Eeloo
minDistance = 8
minSubdivision = 1
maxSubdivision = 9

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Reinstalled the drivers, no change. It froze in the rocket bay this time, didn't even make it to launch.


edit: I see errors about the graphics shader being in fallback mode.

The only real error in the logs that I see is

[COLOR=#000000][ERR 14:33:52.170] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.[/COLOR]

There's a few warnings like the fallback shader stuff (seen that in my logs before), but actual errors...all your stock landing legs are throwing that one. Checked my logs, both modded and unmodded, every single one of my legs/wheels throws that error...B9, Stock...all of em...that makes this really damn odd. My stock log is almost identical to yours, WheelCollider and Fallback shaders...

We've eliminated GPU Drivers from the offending list, wait, actually, there is one thing GPU left that I can think of -- if you're on a laptop that has a dual Intel/AMD GPU that uses Intel for low freqs and AMD for high freqs. If you are, we'll go that route. (The fix is to disable the Intel part completely...you lose a bit of battery life, but games work...laptop dual GPU's cause issues with Windows and Linux in regards to gaming).

If it isn't the GPU, that means it could be -->

  • a bad KSP install (back up saves, delete it all, and reinstall...not likely since I have the exact same errors)
  • it doesn't like something with your OS*** (what I think is most likely; here's a good guide just for updating Mint 16 to 17 -- probably better than my power user run a few apt commands, fix it if it breaks method...)
  • you launch with Steam and KSP doesn't like Steam's libraries (fix is to try and run it directly)
  • you launch from the KSP executable directly and KSP doesn't like your System libraries (see ***)

Logs, we need logs. That same pastebin isn't helping. Every error it has, I have, and my KSP runs just fine (I checked my unmodded backup as well as my current modded game). I even added in a "few" more mods yesterday (all Klockheed except Asteroid because I use Roverdude's ART), putting me up to around the 70 mod mark, using 5200+GB of ram, 2850 Mod Manager patches, no Active Texture Management, and it runs for hours on end without crashing (it's never crashed, not counting mod related issues, actually).

/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log

Running KSP from the terminal might shed some light on this too. This is from my modded setup ran from the terminal from load to VAB to exit. We may get lucky and some error will be thrown here when you crash.

skeevy@Nebula ~/Documents/Kerbal Space Program $ '/home/skeevy/Documents/Kerbal Space Program/ksp.sh'Set current directory to /home/skeevy/Documents/Kerbal Space Program
Found path: /home/skeevy/Documents/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.x86_64
Mono path[0] = '/home/skeevy/Documents/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = '/home/skeevy/Documents/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/Mono'
Mono config path = '/home/skeevy/Documents/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/Mono/etc'
/dev/input/js0: driver version: 2.1.0 (20100)
/dev/input/js0: fd 3, buttons 8, axes 6, name Microsoft SideWinder Precision 2 Joystick
/dev/input/js0: axis 0: raw 0, mapped 0.000000
/dev/input/js0: axis 1: raw -32767, mapped 0.000000
/dev/input/js0: axis 2: raw -32767, mapped 0.000000
/dev/input/js0: axis 3: raw -32767, mapped 0.000000
/dev/input/js0: axis 4: raw 0, mapped 0.000000
/dev/input/js0: axis 5: raw 0, mapped 0.000000

With all the info I have so far, it's either your OS or a bad KSP install. If a reinstall of KSP doesn't work, update to 17. See all the bolded stuff below for why you really should update.

***Mint 16/Ubuntu 13.10 do have a lot of negative posts in Steam for various games. As of Mint 17, Mint isn't gonna base off the .10 releases any more so they can focus on having good LTS releases. All Mint 16 users are recommended to update to 17 on their forums (16 is no longer supported). Most importantly, Ubunut dropped 13.10 support on July 17 this year. That means no security updates, no bug fixes, no support on their forums, etc. That means you're running an out of date OS and need to update it. Also, there is a bash security vulnerability and you won't get it fixed until you upgrade. I can't stress how much you really, really, really f***ing need to update/upgrade your OS because of that. Pardon the language, but it needs to be said. Bash is the underlaying shell of most peoples' systems, yours included; it being vulnerable to unauthorized code execution is really, really bad, and IMHO, worse than Heartbleed.

Well, gotta go update B9 :D

@sal_vager -- none of the links in the 2nd post under the code box work. Just curious and since you're a mod, what's up with some of the KSP links doing that? It sucks doing a Google search, finding a KSP forum link that looks like it has good info, then getting the no permission to access when I go to look at it...Double suck -- Google cache doesn't work with em either. I've just assumed it was from moving threads around and/or forum maintenance.

Edited by skeevy
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Yeah I knew about the bash vulnerability. That "exploit" has been around for 22 years but I guess people just now figured out how to use it. Anyway, I guess I'll update to 17.....

Edited by ss32
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@sal_vager -- none of the links in the 2nd post under the code box work. Just curious and since you're a mod, what's up with some of the KSP links doing that? It sucks doing a Google search, finding a KSP forum link that looks like it has good info, then getting the no permission to access when I go to look at it...Double suck -- Google cache doesn't work with em either. I've just assumed it was from moving threads around and/or forum maintenance.

Which links? The only ones under the second code box in the second post are in my signature.

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I think I'm good now, finally! Updated to 17, installed the newest drivers...again, and updated the kernel to 3.15. The graphics aren't as smooth as running in windows but I'll take it.

Glad to hear it. About the graphics...we get lots of mods with stability, so lesser graphics is a fair trade off IMHO. Best we can hope for is that Squad works on the current OGL or that when KSP goes to Unity 5, that'll have better OGL graphics...and AA with AMD cards...that would be nice.

Which links? The only ones under the second code box in the second post are in my signature.

My fault, I meant post 5. Dyslexia kicked in.

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