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The Linux Thread!

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Hmmm, they still work but they go to the now-closed original Linux thread.

Or at least they worked for me just now, does anyone else have trouble with them?

I get an insufficient permissions warning. Perhaps the old threads have permissions set in a way the only certain users or moderators can access them.

I can tell ya that I've had issues with many, many links all around the KSP forums with the same errors as those. It has happened to me on Linux (Debian Sid & Mint 17) with Opera, Chrome, and Firefox; on Windows (8/8.1 x64) with Opera, Chrome, and Firefox; and on Android with the native Android browser, Chrome, and Opera; I've tried almost all of them being logged in and logged out of my account.

EDIT: Took a screenshot of what I'm talking about

This one is clicking the link in this line of post 5

Locked to a resolution/fullscreen mode and unable to change? <Click here> for finding the Unity prefs file.


Edited by skeevy
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You can install the latest stable AMD proprietary driver in Ubuntu 14.04 by first converting the .run file into a .deb with this command:


sudo sh amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.12-linux-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/trusty

Then install the .deb with the following:


sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb

Hello. I'm new to Linux, attempting to run Xubuntu in a Win7 OracleVM. The VM portal doesn't seem to be giving me issues at this time.

I'm not sure how to use the above-quoted information. I've downloaded the .run file in question from AMD.com, and it seems appropriate to my 3x RadeonHD 4895 cards. I'm currently dealing with a 640x480 peephole desktop on a 1900x1280 display, and there are buttons below my field of view that I can tab to and activate, but I cannot read them. I've stumbled upon the command line environment, but the "--buildpkg" argument seems to be rejected. In running the file from the desktop, I can get past the sudo permission challenge, but either of the two install options throws a "vcdk is missing" error.

I feel like this is a simple problem, but I'm a Linux virgin. Can someone please help me?

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Might be worth trying the driver from the ubuntu repos:

From a terminal:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list -> uncomment the 'restricted' repos.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install fglrx

Or do it from 'ubuntu software centre' silly GUI ;)

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Hello. I'm new to Linux, attempting to run Xubuntu in a Win7 OracleVM. The VM portal doesn't seem to be giving me issues at this time.

I'm not so sure you can use native hardware drivers (esp. graphics) while running inside a VM. Haven't used OracleVM (Used to be VMWare) for a long time (usually use VirtualBox now), but at least in VB you use the VB drivers which come with the VirtualBox install.

Still, performance for gaming may not be especially great while running inside a VM...

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Hello. I'm new to Linux, attempting to run Xubuntu in a Win7 OracleVM. The VM portal doesn't seem to be giving me issues at this time.

I'm not sure how to use the above-quoted information. I've downloaded the .run file in question from AMD.com, and it seems appropriate to my 3x RadeonHD 4895 cards. I'm currently dealing with a 640x480 peephole desktop on a 1900x1280 display, and there are buttons below my field of view that I can tab to and activate, but I cannot read them. I've stumbled upon the command line environment, but the "--buildpkg" argument seems to be rejected. In running the file from the desktop, I can get past the sudo permission challenge, but either of the two install options throws a "vcdk is missing" error.

I feel like this is a simple problem, but I'm a Linux virgin. Can someone please help me?

First, I'd like to say that I don't recommend going the VM route unless you have a 6 core or better PC with 10+GB of ram. You'll have a crappy experience otherwise. With two OS's + KSP at the same time, you're gonna want to run Windows on the first two cores you have with 4GB ram, Linux on the two after that with the rest of the RAM, and KSP on the two CPU cores after that. Even with that setup, you won't come anywhere near the performance of my 2008 Vista special.

Anyways...3D acceleration with VM's suck. You're gonna want to go to AMD's website and get the latest 14.9 drivers for Windows...for Linux...the driver doesn't matter because it's a VM and uses the VM's driver to take Linux's GPU commands and parse them over to Windows for rendering and whatnot. In other words, simple graphics, videos, and stuff like that will work, but with games, it can be hit and miss. You really need to know your system and how to configure it to use every advantage that you have.

And that command does work for building drivers...been using it since I've had an AMD GPU. Also, the driver linked in the OP is literally a year old, see below for a link to the latest AMD Linux stable driver and the one I play KSP with.

Another thing...update the Linux kernel. The highest that Ubuntu 14.04/Mint 17 can use with AMD proprietary drivers is the 3.15 kernel here. I have install instructions a page or two back in this thread. Even if you go the VM route, update the kernel. It might help; it helped on my Linux box to update from the 3.13 kernel that comes stock with 14.04.


Can you update the AMD drivers in the OP to link to the latest 14.9 Stable driver. It has better performance compared to 13.10 and is designed for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS & Mint 17, either OS is one I'd hope our Linux noobs will pick to use. And thanks for looking into regular users having read-only access to the archives.

Linux Stable Driver Page -- http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Linux+x86

Direct Link to 14.9 -- http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-catalyst-14-9-linux-x86-x86-64.zip

And those Windows punks now have a 14.9.1 Beta driver....where's my 14.9.1 Beta Linux driver :huh:

Edited by skeevy
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Hello. I'm new to Linux, attempting to run Xubuntu in a Win7 OracleVM. The VM portal doesn't seem to be giving me issues at this time.

I'm not sure how to use the above-quoted information. I've downloaded the .run file in question from AMD.com, and it seems appropriate to my 3x RadeonHD 4895 cards. I'm currently dealing with a 640x480 peephole desktop on a 1900x1280 display, and there are buttons below my field of view that I can tab to and activate, but I cannot read them. I've stumbled upon the command line environment, but the "--buildpkg" argument seems to be rejected. In running the file from the desktop, I can get past the sudo permission challenge, but either of the two install options throws a "vcdk is missing" error.

I feel like this is a simple problem, but I'm a Linux virgin. Can someone please help me?

Since you are using a virtual machine, you will very probably need graphics drivers for the virtual (emulated) graphics card, not for your real GPUs, just as Micha said.

Also, on most Linux distributions the (strongly!) recommended way to get software is through the official repositories (if the software you are looking for is available there, of course). The main advantage is, that the systems Update Manager will take care of, well, updates for every piece of software coming from the official repos. The way steve_v wrote will work, but there is a GUI setting available for this as well, that might also help you with your graphics issues:

Somewhere in your System settings menu you should find an entry labelled "Software Sources" or "Software & Updates" or something similar (I don't have Xubuntu 14.04 or 14.10 installed anywhere, so I can't tell you the exact location). In that window there should be a tab called "Additional Drivers" (at least on Ubuntu 14.04). This will list all detected hardware for which proprietary drivers are available.

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Also, on most Linux distributions the (strongly!) recommended way to get software is through the official repositories (if the software you are looking for is available there, of course). The main advantage is, that the systems Update Manager will take care of, well, updates for every piece of software coming from the official repos.

I agree with that, except with graphics drivers....especially AMD ones. We don't have a PPA for new drivers like Nvidia cards have. If you have AMD on Linux and you're not running Arch, install them from AMD directly. A lot of distros are just now getting around to using the 14.4 oldstable drivers or 14.6 beta, 14.04 Ubuntu currently uses the 13.10 drivers from a year ago. If you think a year old driver is worth using over the current stable driver, then by all means, use the Update Manager...

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I don't think it's been mentionned before on this thread, so just FYI: Intel's deactivated some virtualization functions with certain CPUs (the "k" series : wiki link). If you've got one of these you're doomed to use emulated hardware. If you don't you should be able to access any peripherical (so just some tweaks to do in the VM configuration). Though, for gaming purpose, I would recommend a dual-boot instead.

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Been going over the thread and I'm still stuck at the moment. I'm using Linux Mint 17 XFCE (x32) and extracted KSP .25_linux to my home folder (zip file from store). Whenever I try to run the KSPx86/Launcherx86, I just receive a message for selecting the appropriate app to use. Now, I've used Linux for quite some time now but not with games. I attempted to execute with Wine, but received a Mono error.

It appears I'm missing something and am wondering if anyone here can assist me in this. My laptop can run KSP just fine when I boot to Win7 so the hardware shouldn't be an issue (AMD driver). I'm looking to ultimately remove Windows, but not until I know I can run KSP on the other side.

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Just guessing here, but is your executable actually marked as executable? try (from a terminal, in the KSP directory) chmod +x ./KSP.x86, then ./KSP.x86

Ignore the launcher ;)

Also, check that KSP.x86 is actually something that _can_ be executed - ldd ./KSP.x86 should output a bunch of libraries, if it just says 'not a dynamic executable' there's probably something wrong with your download...

Edited by steve_v
Oops, you're running 32 bit.
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14.04 Ubuntu currently uses the 13.10 drivers from a year ago.

Despite being fairly old, according to the AMD site that's actually the correct driver version for RadeonHD 4xxx cards. For some unfathomable reason AMD dropped support in the later drivers.

Of course, not having an AMD card myself I may be reading it wrong.

Edited by steve_v
Add disclamer: not all knowing.
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Been going over the thread and I'm still stuck at the moment. I'm using Linux Mint 17 XFCE (x32) and extracted KSP .25_linux to my home folder (zip file from store). Whenever I try to run the KSPx86/Launcherx86, I just receive a message for selecting the appropriate app to use. Now, I've used Linux for quite some time now but not with games. I attempted to execute with Wine, but received a Mono error.

It appears I'm missing something and am wondering if anyone here can assist me in this. My laptop can run KSP just fine when I boot to Win7 so the hardware shouldn't be an issue (AMD driver). I'm looking to ultimately remove Windows, but not until I know I can run KSP on the other side.

See steve_v's post above. It's what I was gonna say. One thing I'll add is that if you can, use Mint 17 x64. Even if you don't have more than 4gb of ram, x64 is still a bit faster than x32 Linux in my experiences. Anecdotal, but on my old system with the only difference being Ubuntu 9.10 x32 and x64, 64 would consistently get a few more frames per second doing x264 encodes. Haven't bothered with 32 bit Linux ever since. XFCE and LXDE use the least amount of resources making them a bit better for gaming.

Since I have Steam KSP, I don't know if the KSP Store has a checksum of the zips. If they do, check to make sure the download didn't become corrupted.

Despite being fairly old, according to the AMD site that's actually the correct driver version for RadeonHD 4xxx cards. For some unfathomable reason AMD dropped support in the later drivers.

Of course, not having an AMD card myself I may be reading it wrong.

Didn't realize we were discussing a card that old (looked it up). Just use the open source drivers. They work good enough for new cards and recommended for legacy cards. If you have a 7000 or higher, especially the new R series cards, use the proprietary drivers directly from AMD.com. If it's in between, try both.

If possible, update to a new card. The low end of the AMD R series run in the 80-150 USD range. This is the card that I have and I'm happy with it. For $130, it allows me to play almost any game with near max settings in 1080p (not using a lot of AA). I'm hoping that AMD's Carrizo APU that'll come out next year will be crossfire compatible with my GPU. Sucks that the current APU's only crossfire up to the R7 250 cards...I have a 260x...

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for some people maybe i still seem to have the problem. Also needed them to work correctly with .24 even though it was supposedly fixed then as well.

Linux version and kernel revision?

I can confirm x86_64 KSP working with over 4GB ram used on Mint 17 x64 XFCE, 14.9 AMD GPU drivers, 3.15.10 Ubuntu Utopic kernel.


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converting mission controller textures to png fixed the problem now i have to wonder why it was only crashing about 50-60% of the time during load and why other mods truecolor and tga files weren't crashing

addendum apparently i just got lucky with 5 loads in a row no crashing still crashes on mission controller textures odd

running ubuntu 14.04 lts kernel revision is 3.13.0-37-generic

lots of mods so wasn't going to ask for support just figured that the offsets may fix this as they did in .24

Edited by toril
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Hi guys!

I'm having some difficulties with the planet rendering. This started happening after the Economic Boom Update. I've tried reinstalling the game in Steam, running it outside Steam, starting a new game, and even trying it in other modes.

Here's what the KSC looks like. Note the translucent planet around it; you can see the stars through it.


The same problem occurs during flight as well. Note that I'm looking through Kerbin and seeing Kerbol on the other side.


Reentry shows a white globe in the center of Kerbin:


As I go further into Kerbin's atmosphere, it changes to a strange blue globe in the center:


Finally, looking at the ground, it almost looks like water. It even has some waves.


Computer specs:

OS: Lubuntu 14.04

Processor: Intel i3 Sandy Bridge

Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 Ti

Driver: NVidia Binary Driver version 331.38

Thanks in advance!

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@POGtastic. Dunno. Imgur is overcapacity so the pics won't load.

To AMD GPU users, I can confirm working AA with 0.25 on Mint 17, 14.9 Driver, and an R7 260x

Got it by opening amdcccle as root

setting AA to enhance application

mode to msaa

also using amdcccle override for x16 AF

didn't get a drop in fps...or the fps plugin is wrong (always says 25 fps...)

haven't tried override on the AA and edge detect or anything over enhance with x4 AA set in game.

only posting this because I had horrible results or none at all when using any form or combination of AA in previous KSP releases...it might be the GPU driver since I never did any testing with 0.24/0.23 with the latest driver release. I'll fire up 0.24 tomorrow and find out if it's KSP being fixed or AMD fixing the driver...

it's late...didn't plan on staying up so long but I had to try all the mods that updated today, saw some jaggies on a wing, thought why not try AA again, and no more jaggies.

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@ POGtastic: Any errors in your logs?

If you're sure your download is ok, check permissions in your KSP directory: 'find ./ ! -user [username]' (replace'[username]' as appropriate)

Try updating your GPU drivers; Nvidia 343.22 work just fine for me (Debian Sid). Smxi may be of intrest here, esp. if you want to try the betas.

AA works fine too, when set to 'override' with nvidia-settings.

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use Mint 17 x64.

I would agree on this one, there's pretty much no reason not to run x64 (x32 binaries will still run just fine), unless perhaps you're running with <2Gb RAM.

Edited by steve_v
Replying to solved problems.
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@ POGtastic: Any errors in your logs?

If you're sure your download is ok, check permissions in your KSP directory: 'find ./ ! -user [username]' (replace'[username]' as appropriate)

Try updating your GPU drivers; Nvidia 343.22 work just fine for me (Debian Sid). Smxi may be of intrest here, esp. if you want to try the betas.

AA works fine too, when set to 'override' with nvidia-settings.

SMXI...on Arch or Debian, hell yeah, but for Ubuntu...xorg-edgers ppa, at least for the Nvidia & Intel GPU drivers and some updated X goodness. I use it for the updated X components. The FGLRX (AMD) drivers there are old and not worth using.

If I knew a better source for AMD drivers I'd post it, but, straight from AMD is the best I've found (not counting Arch Linux...maybe Gentoo/Funtoo) and relatively easy to do (plenty of posts on the subject, a basic guide on the first page here, and I'll help if asked).

I would agree on this one, there's pretty much no reason not to run x64 (x32 binaries will still run just fine), unless perhaps you're running with <2Gb RAM.

On my anecdotal evidence post, my system then was an Athlon x64 dual core wtih 2gb of ram. It came with Windows XP (giggity), but I quickly removed that dual booted with Win2k and Ubuntu. On a sidenote, I wish Microsoft would release a version of Windows 9 with the Win2k interface -- plain, crappy, extremely lightweight, optimized for point and click operations, and no enhanced UI like Aero or Luna, though they could take some ideas from XFCE's Window Manager Tweaks.

For those that don't know, 64 bit linux installs have the advantage of being able to use more CPU instruction sets over 32 bit linuxes...not counting those i686 x32 linux distros...which can bring improved performance, though 64bit can use more ram than the same stuff in 32bit. Steve_V is correct with that less than 2gb ram statement, though, even then, it's still worth a shot to try x64...and get moar ram...you won't do much in the way of KSP, or anything really, with under 2GB of ram regardless of CPU architecture.

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