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[The Infamous] Exocet Block II Cruise Missile + F/A-18 SH

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RIP HMS Sheffield.

Exocet Block 2 has finished development. I can destroy probe cores through multiple layers of armor, and simultaneously destroy multiple internal structures through its new armor piercing fragmentation warhead. This missile is cheap and light.

It weighs 1.4 tons, is 40 parts, and costs $18,000. Further mods of this weapon are under development, with an expected turbojet-equipped block III to be released if a 0.625 m jet engine is added to the stock game.

The launch platform is the standard F/A-18 SH, but the jet with the two missiles before firing is slightly unstable. Exocet engines are lighted after you drop them, and are guided with the help of SAS. Max recommended range is 10 km. Sea and land-launch versions are already under-development.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hc2v54b8o6pgm5v/FA-18%20Super%20Hornet%20Exocet%20Final.craft?dl=0

This picture has quite some history behind it. Most Iranians really won't like it, though. French aerospace technology FTW. :)



After strike.


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Even daemon's oni can't survive. We should call this ship the USS Stark.

The oni went dead in the water. The exocet blew the command structure and the center armor clean off.



Don't worry. My naval-launched version is already under-development. :)

Edited by andrew123
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