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[1.4.1] Kerbal Construction Time (2018-03-24) - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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  Bizz Keryear said:
I am pretty happy with KCT no, but is there any form of official or inofficial wiki or documentation of any kind?

I am currently having a hard time understanding how the little upgrade points are made and hope to read somewhere to red about the flowers and the bees.

Included in the zip is the getting started guide. It's also linked to on the first post and right here. It's a bit out of date, but still very applicable.

If that doesn't answer your questions, feel free to ask them here :) And if anyone wants to make a wiki on the github wiki, I'd be up for that.

BTW, upgrade points come from tech tree unlocks. You get one per tech node you purchase.

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  icedown said:
Ended up with an interesting situation. I tested this rocket in simulation many(way to many) times and it worked fine. But when I finally got to launch it for real, when I got to the launch scene this is what I found. I have had problems with another rocket of comparable size. It would simply rip itself apart on the pad.

It's just kinda floating there, swaying a little but not moving. I had a considerable investment in it so I didn't try to launch. To many parts that could act like a guided missile pointed at my space center.




That happened because.... Reasons?

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  vardicd said:
That happened because.... Reasons?

Wow, in my half awake state going through these posts this morning I thought the MM config posted after that post was related. I realize now that they're totally unrelated :P That is an amazing bug and I'm looking into it now.

E: @icedown No errors being logged, just the standard ground contact message with an error that's way higher than normal. The only time I've seen similar occurrences were when launching from the Tracking Station. Does this happen every time with this ship? The way KCT launches is by saving the ship to a file, then calling the same function that KSP uses when launching from the launchpad.

If that ship has the issue all the time, please launch it, revert to editor, then go into the KSP/saves/{Your Save Name}/Ships folder and find the "temp.craft" file and move it into the VAB folder. Then, launch that ship by clicking on the launchpad and selecting it (make sure it's the right one, not one that you've saved previously in the editor. It might be easiest to temporarily move all other craft files out of the VAB folder). That'll start a simulation, but KCT won't handle the launch at all. If it still has issues, but launching one that you've saved previously in the editor (same method, but use a craft file that you've saved in the editor rather than the temp.craft) doesn't have that issue, let me know. If they both have the issue, it's probably a KSP bug or a bug with another mod.

What happens when you "edit" that ship through the * button? Does it appear correct in the editor, and when you simulate it there does it work properly?

[Kerbin Kontract Station]: ground contact! - error: 16.626m // <-- Should be <1 meter typically

Unpacking Kerbin Kontract Station

FF: vessel situation change for Large.Crewed.Lab, situation changed from PRELAUNCH to LANDED

FF: launch of vessel Large.Crewed.Lab at kerbin detected at Year 3, Day 193 03:15:45

FF: situation change for active vessel

E2: Wait a minute. I did find an error being logged from KCT. Did anything weird happen when the KCT crew selection window popped up? There's an NRE being logged twice but I'm not sure why. Might be Final Frontier related.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_GUI.DrawShipRoster (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Edited by magico13
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I have been really enjoying the mod and I've had an idea.

How hard would it be to add a routine that allows you to put planes, and/or rockets landed at or close to KSC back into storage rather than being scrapped?

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  Fizwalker said:
I have been really enjoying the mod and I've had an idea.

How hard would it be to add a routine that allows you to put planes, and/or rockets landed at or close to KSC back into storage rather than being scrapped?

Already exists. Quick save, then open the KCT window while landed on Kerbin. Click "recover to storage" in either the VAB or SPH tab. That code can frequently have issues, especially if the craft is damaged, so definitely keep that quick save until you're sure the vessel was recovered properly (by editing it). If you recover to the SPH, you'll have to edit the vessel and flip it so it faces forward.

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  magico13 said:
Already exists. Quick save, then open the KCT window while landed on Kerbin. Click "recover to storage" in either the VAB or SPH tab. That code can frequently have issues, especially if the craft is damaged, so definitely keep that quick save until you're sure the vessel was recovered properly (by editing it). If you recover to the SPH, you'll have to edit the vessel and flip it so it faces forward.

Wow, I didn't know that. If you just use the stock KSP "Recover Vessel" or whatever its called, do the recovered parts go into your KCT inventory? Obviously the advantage to recovering the whole craft via KCT would be no need to reassemble if you want to launch it again. But I guess I haven't paid much attention to which parts end up in your inventory.

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  jfjohnny5 said:
Wow, I didn't know that. If you just use the stock KSP "Recover Vessel" or whatever its called, do the recovered parts go into your KCT inventory? Obviously the advantage to recovering the whole craft via KCT would be no need to reassemble if you want to launch it again. But I guess I haven't paid much attention to which parts end up in your inventory.

Yeah, recovering normal just puts them in the inventory, ready to be used in new builds (at 1/100 the effective cost, which means rebuilding the exact same vessel takes about 1/10 of the time). Recovering the whole vessel takes some time (more the further you are from KSC and minimally as long as rolling out the vessel would take) but means you get it already completed. You then edit it to replace some parts as needed and to refill tanks. KSP doesn't like turning vessels back into craft, so it sometimes has issues, hence the quick save suggestion (next version I'll make it quick save automatically)

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  magico13 said:
Already exists. Quick save, then open the KCT window while landed on Kerbin. Click "recover to storage" in either the VAB or SPH tab. That code can frequently have issues, especially if the craft is damaged, so definitely keep that quick save until you're sure the vessel was recovered properly (by editing it). If you recover to the SPH, you'll have to edit the vessel and flip it so it faces forward.

Too freaking cool! Thanks!

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After obsessively binging on my new copy of From Earth to the Moon I have finally constructed the ultimate 1.0.2. super career game. KCT is the foundation. Also includes final fronteir and dang it! I want the full experience.. from mercury to apollo and beyond. This is going to be ridiculously sweet. I have even been creating special ribbons for my "Kerpury 4" to give them unique backgrounds (valentina is a heli test pilot, Jeb flew sub-orbital test rigs for the air force, oh and each has a different nation of origin). I feel like such an absolute DORK.

Something hit me, though. For those of us into the historical/engineering/admin side of things. A time-line plugin for KCT. I wonder what the game normally logs. Like, is there an event log somewhere? It would be a hell of a grind but sweet to have a log transformed into a historical timeline of your space program. With failures, deaths, triumphs, etc. Be great to link it between both KCT and FF, as FF marks "firsts". Is there something like this already out there?

The ultimate of course would be something like community science reports. A series of game driven events interdispersed with community built non-game events. "Jeb caught selling stamps brought on the 1st Mun mission". "Scandal when Bill sleeps with Jeb's wife". "X kerbal becomes obsessed with X-famous kerbal and chases them across the country in a diaper". Just for fun, random, and not impacting the game but filling up empty time-space. Haha sorry this is the stupid fan girl in me writing freaking Kerbal fan fiction I guess. <- history nerd

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A history plugin would make sense to have, in general and especially with KCT. I'd be surprised if there wasn't something like that already existing somewhere, at least the starts of one lost to the Addon Development forums. Unfortunately, it looks like I will be having less time this next year to work on things than I did this past year, so unfortunately I won't be developing any history recording plugins. Keeping up with KCT, StageRecovery, and the modlets already eats up more time than I should let it (but it's a lot more fun than school and work) :P

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  magico13 said:
A history plugin would make sense to have, in general and especially with KCT. I'd be surprised if there wasn't something like that already existing somewhere, at least the starts of one lost to the Addon Development forums. Unfortunately, it looks like I will be having less time this next year to work on things than I did this past year, so unfortunately I won't be developing any history recording plugins. Keeping up with KCT, StageRecovery, and the modlets already eats up more time than I should let it (but it's a lot more fun than school and work) :P

It's all good! Don't overload yourself pleeeeeease. I've been looking around myself. Honestly I have been looking for some idea to tackle on my own. I'm starting some programming courses this summer and need something to keep me interested. Final frontier keeps a log of various Kerbal milestones I noticed as well, so it's doable in some sense.

The short: I may try this myself? If I do, could I associate it with KCT as a companion mod? I have never done anything besides modify parts and configs so who knows.. but then again, it could be fun :)

At the very least, I could see it being useful for those who like to post their careers and for RPers like myself. With screen shots, it would tell a great story. And KCT stretches out space programs to realistic time frames, otherwise the mod would be like "Day 1-10: A million things happened. Day 15: Space CONQUERED! The end"

Plus you have that lovely pulse pounding drama as Kerbals struggle to push a rescue rocket onto the pad as Jeb floats around with life support dying. Can't do that in stock :D

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Hey magico I do have one small idea for a future version that might not be too hard to implement (correct me if I'm wrong)

We have vessel recovery time, what about crew recovery time? A good, maybe adjustable wait (50? 100 days?) where a crewmen is down after a mission. Requiring us to diversify our crew rosters. Basically it would add a simple flight rotation to KCT. Optional of course. I roleplay it myself. I basically prevent myself from power leveling and gaming too much. Perhaps in the ship crew selection you could have the select key blacked out with a timestamp "x is on R&R for x days".

I swore this was done once but can't find it anywhere.

Edited by autumnalequinox
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  autumnalequinox said:
Hey magico I do have one small idea for a future version that might not be too hard to implement (correct me if I'm wrong)

We have vessel recovery time, what about crew recovery time? A good, maybe adjustable wait (50? 100 days?) where a crewmen is down after a mission. Requiring us to diversify our crew rosters. Basically it would add a simple flight rotation to KCT. Optional of course. I roleplay it myself. I basically prevent myself from power leveling and gaming too much. Perhaps in the ship crew selection you could have the select key blacked out with a timestamp "x is on R&R for x days".

I swore this was done once but can't find it anywhere.

There's a mod called CrewQueue by enneract that does this. Compatibility with KCT is in the works.

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  autumnalequinox said:


The short: I may try this myself? If I do, could I associate it with KCT as a companion mod? I have never done anything besides modify parts and configs so who knows.. but then again, it could be fun :)


With screen shots, it would tell a great story.


I'd say go for it! There's actually nothing that would need to be KCT specific, but once you've got something up and running I'd gladly put it up as a suggested companion to KCT. I've been thinking of expanding KCT out into smaller, more specific mods, that all interact with each other and calling the whole thing something cheesy like the "Space-Time Continuum" of mods (they're mods that focus on time, but are specific to a space game. Therefore, Space Time. Space is actually an adjective, not a noun :P), which would hopefully include mods by other authors as well (like CrewQueue and HoloDeck). Kinda like how Realism Overhaul is a mod conglomeration, and so is the USI Constellation.

As for screenshots, I've got two things that will help with that (one is mine, one isn't). First, a mod by someone else called Historian which adds a bunch of awesome things onto screenshots, and my modlet Sensible Screenshot that can add similar info to the name of a screenshot file (to make finding a specific moment much easier, or to ensure nothing gets overwritten improperly when backing up screenshots).

  autumnalequinox said:

We have vessel recovery time, what about crew recovery time?

As UnanimousCoward mentions, CrewQueue is exactly what you're thinking of. KCT compatibility is one of the next things on enneract's list, when he gets the chance.

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Sweet! No wonder I couldn't find it. As an American I forget about the british-ism "queue" and kept searching for "flight line" "flight rotation" etc. ::slaps head::

@magico: That sounds awesome! I think the general trend of modding with KSP seems to be this kind of mod-unity where like-minded gamers and modders start pooling together. I love it. Everybody plays nice and everyone wins. Plus I think it helps those of us with differing playstyles, since KSP is fundamentally a very unique experience (Pilots, Simmers, Engineers, Admin/RPers, Mission Planners, Math Geeks, etc etc).

If everything clicks in a month I'll let you know where I'm at.

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  autumnalequinox said:
Sweet! No wonder I couldn't find it. As an American I forget about the british-ism "queue" and kept searching for "flight line" "flight rotation" etc. ::slaps head::


In addition to the British usage, it's programmer-speak for the data structure that you use to keep track of which item or task to access next.

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(I'm going to leave this here as it will *very likely* be KCT dependent. I'll make a post in mod suggestions later and leave a link. Nobody has to reply, don't want to hijack the thread.)

Kerbal Historical Society

- Creates a timeline of activities using game logs and arranges them in a way to be pleasing and encyclopedic

- Adds decision points in-game on occasion with choices and consequences (minor and mostly relating to crew, cash, rep, and research) Nothing effecting active flight scenes. Adds some extra pressure during long waits for ship builds/pad reconditionings/etc

- Adds comedic news stories to timeline with no game impact. May crowdsource this out ala community research results to give it a "kerbalized" feel.

- Have an in-game summary and a file created outside of the game for easy posting/reading in save folder. Fun for the whole family!

That's the plan! :)

- - - Updated - - -

  undercoveryankee said:
In addition to the British usage, it's programmer-speak for the data structure that you use to keep track of which item or task to access next.

It's weird I just thought about that. I used to code in older, simpler languages forever ago (basic, vbasic, C+) and just in my head was like "enqueue and dequeue" and such. It's true that word is only associated with british-english and programming for me.. I Just never realized that

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If you really want it to be dependent on KCT, I'm planning on adding in an API soon-ish (working on presets at the moment, the API comes afterward) so if there's anything you need or want access to just let me know. Here's a link to the github issue where we've been discussing it. I think for the most part you should be able to do everything without dependingon KCT, even if it's intended to be played with KCT. I can offer some pointers if you have questions, and feel free to link to any threads you make about it.

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  vardicd said:

E2: Wait a minute. I did find an error being logged from KCT. Did anything weird happen when the KCT crew selection window popped up? There's an NRE being logged twice but I'm not sure why. Might be Final Frontier related.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_GUI.DrawShipRoster (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I had removed Jeb and Bill from the ship. It was going up unmanned. I did not notice any issues with this though.

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  magico13 said:
If you really want it to be dependent on KCT, I'm planning on adding in an API soon-ish (working on presets at the moment, the API comes afterward) so if there's anything you need or want access to just let me know. Here's a link to the github issue where we've been discussing it. I think for the most part you should be able to do everything without dependingon KCT, even if it's intended to be played with KCT. I can offer some pointers if you have questions, and feel free to link to any threads you make about it.

Ooo ok. Sorry bad use of terminology. I'll check it out once I get some real free time (working too many back to back shifts lately). And an API would be lovely.

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Hi Magico,

I have Exception Detector on my install and each time I'm "warping to complete" something, it detects a Kerbal Alarm Clock NRE. The log fragment looks like this:

5/30/2015 8:15:59 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Reducing Warp-Transition

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

5/30/2015 8:16:01 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Triggering Alarm - KCT: Vessel Rollout Complete

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

5/30/2015 8:16:01 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,KCT: Vessel Rollout Complete-Halt Warp

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

5/30/2015 8:16:01 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Actioning Alarm

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

5/30/2015 8:16:01 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,API-DeleteAlarm-Deleting:73a1d489e3394167bf63ba80c5b9ace1

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at KerbalAlarmClock.KerbalAlarmClock.FillAlarmWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

It was living with this error for quite a while and never reported. Finally took my time to bring it to you.


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Hmm, just looking through the code that handles alarms and I'm trying to make sense of what's going on. The KCT debug messages would be handy since they report when alarms are created or deleted, and I imagine this happens during one of the two. It might be as simple as not creating or checking alarms within a certain margin of time (like if it's within a minute then don't have KCT do anything at all with the alarms).

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I occasionally get warning about alarms that I have deleted, not KCT related ones. They usually show up when using the warp to function of the KCT window from the space center view. If I remember correctly, they act like the alarm should be triggering, but it's been, in some cases days, since the time the alarm was set for. It's not a KAC window either, more like the ones KCT makes. The next time I encounter one, I'll grab a screen and post the log.

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