Shad0wCatcher Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 @magico13 I think the 64 bit (windows) stuff is just how the plugin loader handles startup procedures being different (might be slower or faster than 32 bit) and KCT is hiccuping at startup. Works just fine after scene swapping like I said. Far as 32 bit is concerned I honestly couldn't tell you if swapping functioned or not. I've only had it occur three times or so on a new career. Every time I just deleted and started over. Did more testing on 64 bit since it occurred every new career. (I'm pretty much beyond even 32 bit OpenGL with the number of mods I use w/ 64k lol) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 23, 2015 Author Share Posted July 23, 2015 There's so much going on in that log that it's hard to say for certain what's happening. Firstly, the log is huge because Deadly Reentry is throwing an error on every FixedUpdate during Flight. There are literally about half a million or more of those errors from Deadly Reentry (I count 145 thousand in once Flight scene alone, the others are typically closer to 20 thousand), but they're likely not too serious (but DR might not be working at all).Real Fuels throws an error that would explain why the KCT error message came up, but not until after some weird behavior where you go from the Flight scene to the Space Center and then to the Space Center again. However you got to the space center scene is probably related to the issues, as switching scenes prior to a scene fully loading can cause issues. It looks like you crashed a vessel?Here's the first NullReferenceException mentioned in the final Space Center scene, which explains why the camera is totally messed up. I'm betting it's related to the fast scene change, since the OnLevelWasLoaded probably got somewhat messed up since the persistence wasn't read in the short Space Center scene. But that's just a guess.NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Behaviour:set_enabled (bool) at FlightCamera.EnableCamera () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PSystemSetup.SetSpaceCentre () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PSystemSetup.OnLevelWasLoaded (Int32 level) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 And here is the eventual Real Fuels issue that halted any persistence loading in that last scene, triggering KCT's message.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at RealFuels.RFUpgradeManager.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 I'd maybe turn on KCT's debug messages and keep playing as normal. If you find this happens more often, let me know and I'll see what I can figure out. It seems like you got to play for at least a little while without anything too catastrophic happening, so at the very least it's not totally game breaking - - - Updated - - - Shad0wCatcher said: @magico13 I think the 64 bit (windows) stuff is just how the plugin loader handles startup procedures being different (might be slower or faster than 32 bit) and KCT is hiccuping at startup.This is totally possible. The way KCT checks if there was a loading issue is by setting a flag true during Start and setting it false at the end of OnLoad. It checks the value of the flag after some number of FixedUpdates happen, and if it's still true then OnLoad didn't complete. If it takes too long for OnLoad to finish in the first place, then it could very well pop up the error message prior to OnLoad completing, despite the fact that nothing is actually wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artfact Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 (edited) Sooo, question: I am doing my first playthrough with KCS and unlocked my first tech node. Now, the science got subtracted but they didn't unlock(obviously). So, thinking that ocne again my modded KSP had botched something up I re-added the science to the save, changed my mind and unlocked a different node...only to find the two tech's being researched.Could someone tell me what to edit in the save file persistence to cancel one of these developments or re-lock either?Edit: Can I just remove this and be fine?Tech { techName = Early Aviation techID = earlyAviation scienceCost = 4 progress = 0.00551388888600131 ProtoNode { id = earlyAviation state = Unavailable cost = 4 } } Edited July 23, 2015 by Artfact Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 23, 2015 Author Share Posted July 23, 2015 @Artfact Easiest thing (if those are the only nodes you're currently working on and you want both unlocked) would be to temporarily go into the KCT settings, turn on Instant Tech Unlock, Save the settings, then open it back up and turn that setting off again. That'll automatically finish any tech research that's in progress, but future nodes will still require time to unlock.Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the situation and you're just asking how to cancel a tech node (so you're not accidentally "cheating"). Removal of that ConfigNode from the save file should be sufficient to do that. I should probably add a way to cancel research on a tech node and return the science for it.If that doesn't work for some reason, or you've still got questions, let me know! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artfact Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 Yes, that's it, I kind of cheated my way into a free tech node.I'll remove the aviation one and see if it works, thanks for the quick reply!Edit: And yes, a cancel option would be nice and logical to have, I think! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatastrophicFailure Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 OK, still getting the weird "builds in SPH not VAB" bug. Turned on debugging, I'm assuming that's in the usual log, which is here: weird errors this time. Well, no *other* ones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 23, 2015 Author Share Posted July 23, 2015 Nothing game-breaking happened right? Just the ship ending up in the wrong building? Cause I don't see anything too bad happening otherwise.MechJeb is throwing a metric crap ton of errors in the editor. They're all GUI based, but it might be worth it to try removing that and seeing what happens.Mission Controller Extended doesn't seem to be working properly. It's got at least one error in the contracts system which undoubtedly completely broke all the contracts (any error in there is treated as being catastrophic and crashes the whole system).You've got Editor Extensions, which in the past at least used to let you swap between the VAB and SPH without having to leave the editor, so you might try removing that and seeing what happens.Alternatively, what launch point do you have selected for Kerbal Konstructs? If it's not the launchpad, then KCT probably sees the launch site as not being "LaunchPad" and then assumes you're building a craft in the SPH. It might actually be as simple as that. I'll probably have to switch how that works to look at the Editor itself rather than the launch site string. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatastrophicFailure Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 Ah, now I see. Yeah, I've using KSC2 as a launch site exclusively, I'll try it with the regular KSC tonight and see what it does. That's wierd about the contract thing, they seem to be working just fine. Mechjeb has been giving me a blank window in the VAB for a while now, that sound like what you're seeing from that crap ton of errors? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 23, 2015 Author Share Posted July 23, 2015 CatastrophicFailure said: Ah, now I see. Yeah, I've using KSC2 as a launch site exclusively, I'll try it with the regular KSC tonight and see what it does. That's wierd about the contract thing, they seem to be working just fine. Mechjeb has been giving me a blank window in the VAB for a while now, that sound like what you're seeing from that crap ton of errors?If the contracts are fine, then no worries. I figured I'd at least mention it, in case you notice some issues later on down the line. The MechJeb blank window thing sounds exactly like something that would give those errors (or at least, would be caused by those errors), so if you're experiencing any slow downs in the editor, I would try turning off/removing MechJeb (or just somehow making that window disappear). Also probably not related to the actual "issue", but just a heads up. When I'm debugging someone's logs I tend to list off everything that causes me some concern, just so the person is aware of these possible issues.I'm gonna bet that it's just that you're not using the KSC LaunchPad. I really need to get the Kerbal Konstructs compatibility up and running... I don't think their API exposes quite enough, but I've been getting better at convincing other mods to do what I want through Reflection Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatastrophicFailure Posted July 24, 2015 Share Posted July 24, 2015 That's what I like about you. You break down everything that's, well, broken down even if it's not yours. Some other modders are like, "well this or that is giving an error too, so it's not my problem." At least I know what threads to go pestering people on now, heh.But yeah, it looks like it's related to not-KSC launching. Did one very quick test from KSC and it seemed to work just fine. So looks like another strike against Kerbal Konstructs, unfortunately. I miss not having KCT! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 24, 2015 Author Share Posted July 24, 2015 I'll see what I can do about Kerbal Konstructs next time I fire up Visual Studio, cause I'd like to at least remain compatible, even if it requires weird steps to do things. In this case, as long as you've got it set to launch from the launchpad when you build the vessel it should work right, and you should be able to launch from another site when you actually go to launch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Probus Posted July 24, 2015 Share Posted July 24, 2015 I want to build payloads and boosters in parallel, splitting the constructions between two assembly lines. Which is better/faster to do?1. Scrap both and put them back together with the parts in the VAB.2. Scrap one, edit the other and add the parts back (e.g. scrap the completed booster, edit the payload and add the booster back).3. Or am I missing a better way? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 24, 2015 Author Share Posted July 24, 2015 So I've never actually benchmarked it, but I think 2 should be faster. Based on my understanding of how things work (which, surprisingly, is probably worse than some other people's since I don't actually play very often) scrapping the less expensive of the two vehicles and then editing it into the more expensive vehicle should be the fastest method. At worst it will take the same time as scrapping both. The BP difference of adding the cheaper half to the more expensive half should be lower than the BP difference doing it the other way, so you can save a bit of time doing that. As long as the progress doesn't drop to 0, you'll save time over scrapping them both.You might be able to game the system a bit by building the booster without fuel (cheaper -> faster to build), then scrapping it. The booster will build faster initially, but the parts being in the inventory will actually make the fueled version faster as well (the fuel will have the InventoryEffect applied as well).I think I might switch the default from using the fueled cost to using the dry cost. It makes more sense anyway and I pass both variables to the functions, so I might as well use it. In which case fueled or unfueled won't matter, but you should still edit the cheaper (when unfueled) half onto the more expensive (when unfueled) half for the lower BP change.Note that other Presets might make it better to attach the more expensive one to the less expensive one (or more/less massive) as that's just dependent on how BP scales with cost/mass. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Probus Posted July 24, 2015 Share Posted July 24, 2015 Thanks Magico! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 25, 2015 Author Share Posted July 25, 2015 (edited) CatastrophicFailure said: But yeah, it looks like it's related to not-KSC launching. Did one very quick test from KSC and it seemed to work just fine. So looks like another strike against Kerbal Konstructs, unfortunately. I miss not having KCT!So I'm testing this right now after making a small change to make sure it gets the right editor, and it appears to be working properly. The kinda cool thing is that you select the launch site when you build the vessel, and it launches there without any issues without having to select the launch site again. Which means I don't have to make a new GUI. I'm gonna see how easily I can make it so each launch site has it's own reconditioning and rollout. Half the KCT infrastructure should support that, but I think half doesn't.Edit: Aaaaannnnddd now the Debug versions fully (mostly) support Kerbal Konstructs. You set the launch site at build time, and each launchpad has its own rollout and reconditioning queue. And building things should go in the right List now, based on the editor and not the launch site. Edited July 25, 2015 by magico13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rodhern Posted July 25, 2015 Share Posted July 25, 2015 When playing with KCT time elapsed make sense for other purposes than simply warping to next maneuver node (stock behavior). That is great!A side effect of time management under KCT is that there is a reward to letting time fly. At its simplest you build and scrap stuff giving experience, inventory parts and possibly a few science points.What other mods do you use in combination with KCT to penalize excessive time warp?I read an idea in a (non KCT related) thread with reputation fade over time. Do you have better ideas?Money loss over time seems a bit harsh to me. Maybe some compulsory contracts every 6 weeks or something along those lines to keep the schedule tight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 25, 2015 Author Share Posted July 25, 2015 There's a mod that I knew of that would apply some penalties if you didn't do anything after a certain amount of time called Punish the Lazy. I think reputation loss was one of the first, milder things, but you could have it do more after a longer time, I believe.Personally, I play with KCT + TAC Life Support. The preparation for my upcoming Duna mission makes it so wasting any time with timewarp just can't happen. I only have ~100 days to get everything designed, tested, and launched into orbit before the transfer window opens. It'll take minimally three launches (infrastructure first, then refueling, and finally Crew) so I can't afford to waste any time with excessive warping. I do let a few days or weeks go by when really focused on one mission, but I don't want to have to utilize every second of my time to the fullest because that's just a bit too much for me. I do try to keep something building just to pad the inventory or increase the number of times a part's been used.Might add TestFlight to my install, just to make things extra interesting. KCT's simulations have the option of disabling part failures, so you can test worry free or can test as if it were a real launch. When CrewQueue gets to a stable point I'll probably add that too.I am curious what other mods people pair with KCT to enhance their experience. I'd imagine Life Support mods are the most common. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyomoto Posted July 25, 2015 Share Posted July 25, 2015 I like Antenna Range, KIS and KAS as well as TAC. The issue that KSP will inevitably run into with veteran players is looking for something more to do, something more to plan for, something more to handle. Once you have the basics down, it's very much a game about planning. I've said it before, but that's what I like about your mod is it effectively turns time into a resource that can be used. Rather than just punish the player for an arbitrary metric, you can feel success and failure based on your own perceptions of your standing within the game: did you complete the challenges to succeed in your goals? Coupled with life support, a rescue mission is very much a race against the clock and one proper planning can either prevent or persevere against. I don't think those are good starting points for new players, but anyone who enjoys the game is very likely to start dabbling in one or more mod that adds further challenges and restrictions to the game.What I hate about TAC though is that it is SO FREAKING UGLY. It uses the most generic and uninspired models I've ever seen. I like what it simulates and how it does it, but it could use some massive love in the looks department. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 25, 2015 Author Share Posted July 25, 2015 Hyomoto said: What I hate about TAC though is that it is SO FREAKING UGLY. It uses the most generic and uninspired models I've ever seen. I like what it simulates and how it does it, but it could use some massive love in the looks department.I'm terrible with UI elements and even I agree with this I've used one of the optional texture replacements in the past which made it nicer, but it's still about as basic as you can get. Thankfully my ships look so ugly in the first place that it's actually not that out of place! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gryphon Posted July 25, 2015 Share Posted July 25, 2015 Hyomoto said: What I hate about TAC though is that it is SO FREAKING UGLY. It uses the most generic and uninspired models I've ever seen. I like what it simulates and how it does it, but it could use some massive love in the looks department.I use TAC LS, but I hardly use any of the TAC LS parts; mostly, I use Universal Storage parts for my life support needs.Oh, and there's at least one reskin of the TACLS parts out there, if you prefer that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artfact Posted July 26, 2015 Share Posted July 26, 2015 magico13 said: So I'm testing this right now after making a small change to make sure it gets the right editor, and it appears to be working properly. The kinda cool thing is that you select the launch site when you build the vessel, and it launches there without any issues without having to select the launch site again. Which means I don't have to make a new GUI. I'm gonna see how easily I can make it so each launch site has it's own reconditioning and rollout. Half the KCT infrastructure should support that, but I think half doesn't.Edit: Aaaaannnnddd now the Debug versions fully (mostly) support Kerbal Konstructs. You set the launch site at build time, and each launchpad has its own rollout and reconditioning queue. And building things should go in the right List now, based on the editor and not the launch site.That's wonderful news!This also makes it so you van do simulations on these launch sites?It occurred to me the other day that it would great to have separate storage for each of the launch sites. Fly a plane onto one runway, store it in the hangar, refuel it and fly it out to another. Havign to keep track of where your vehivles are and such. Altough I van imagine that this would be a bit more complicated to work around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 26, 2015 Author Share Posted July 26, 2015 I originally planned on KK integration working exactly like that, where each base was totally independent, but that's not really how KK itself works. So for KK the launch sites themselves are independent but there's only one KSC. If you use regex's KSC switcher plugin, each KSC acts more or less completely independent with separate build rates and storages. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trolllception Posted July 26, 2015 Share Posted July 26, 2015 (edited) I read the guide included with the mod and checked online but I can't seem to figure out how to reuse the exact same space plane. I can recover and then rebuild it but reusing is a mystery to me.Edit: Nevermind... just saw the recover active vessel option on KCT's menu. Edited July 26, 2015 by Trolllception Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatastrophicFailure Posted July 27, 2015 Share Posted July 27, 2015 magico13 said: I originally planned on KK integration working exactly like that, where each base was totally independent, but that's not really how KK itself works. So for KK the launch sites themselves are independent but there's only one KSC. If you use regex's KSC switcher plugin, each KSC acts more or less completely independent with separate build rates and storages.Ah, so KCT has a history of working well with KSC switcher then? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magico13 Posted July 27, 2015 Author Share Posted July 27, 2015 CatastrophicFailure said: Ah, so KCT has a history of working well with KSC switcher then?I'm not 100% positive about well but it is designed to work with it, yes. Back when that was just a part of RSS functionality I redid the whole KCT save system to support it. I believe I was 75% of the way through that work when 0.90 dropped, which resulted it taking forever for the 0.90 version of KCT to come out. When KSCSwitcher moved out of RSS proper, I made the adjustments to support it. The tests I did at the time made it seem like it was working fine, but I haven't tested it since then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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