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[0.24.2]MapResourceOverlay for Science,Karbonite/MKS and biomes VERSION 0.2.7


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and here´s the height map:


still need to cleanup the code so i don't break everyone's install, but those two pics show what it could look like. both with a bit of code stolen from the awesome scansat plugin

once this update is done I think I'll try to draw a heatmap of the missing sience, so you see where it would be best to land:) Once that is done i will have to rename the plugin MapOverlay;)

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and here´s the height map:


still need to cleanup the code so i don't break everyone's install, but those two pics show what it could look like. both with a bit of code stolen from the awesome scansat plugin

once this update is done I think I'll try to draw a heatmap of the missing sience, so you see where it would be best to land:) Once that is done i will have to rename the plugin MapOverlay;)

This is downright pretty and freaking awesome

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It looks great, but absolutely destroys my framerate. Sitting in a simple plane on the runway with MRO disabled, I'm getting 80+ FPS. Turn the overlay on, and I'm getting <<<1 FPS, with the mission timer ticking off one second every 10 real seconds. Any thoughts on how I could improve performance? I am running the game heavily modded, but again, without the overlay, my FPS are just fine.

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I love it. A possible bug (or pilot error on my part) is that it doesn't seem to retain the disabled state for the overlay between screen changes. For example, Jumping between ships, or even sitting on the launchpad to launch a new ship it will enable. I can press disable, tap ESC and it automagically re-enables.) ScanSat and Tooltip retain state.

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I love it. A possible bug (or pilot error on my part) is that it doesn't seem to retain the disabled state for the overlay between screen changes. For example, Jumping between ships, or even sitting on the launchpad to launch a new ship it will enable. I can press disable, tap ESC and it automagically re-enables.) ScanSat and Tooltip retain state.

Ah thank you. Pressing escape really enables it, even if it was disabled before. Jumping from ship to ship in map mode doesn't for me and shouldn't for you, I'll look into that.

It looks great, but absolutely destroys my framerate. Sitting in a simple plane on the runway with MRO disabled, I'm getting 80+ FPS. Turn the overlay on, and I'm getting <<<1 FPS, with the mission timer ticking off one second every 10 real seconds. Any thoughts on how I could improve performance? I am running the game heavily modded, but again, without the overlay, my FPS are just fine.

A quick way to fix it, is to disable scansat integration. That should help a lot on slower computers. Other then that, the overlay is very detailed right now (360*180 triangles). I'll make a less detailed version. Was working too much on new features instead of cleaning that up, sorry.

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A quick way to fix it, is to disable scansat integration. That should help a lot on slower computers. Other then that, the overlay is very detailed right now (360*180 triangles). I'll make a less detailed version. Was working too much on new features instead of cleaning that up, sorry.

I'll try that. My computer isn't exactly an antique, but as I said, my install is heavily modded. I should probably cull some of them soon, as I find I'm only really using a handful of mods lately. Otherwise, I agree with everyone else, this looks really good. I keep meaning to settle down and concentrate on setting up some MKS/OKS bases, but I've caught the space plane bug lately. My KSP sessions of late have been spent coming up with the most outlandish winged freaks and flinging them to the sky to see what they do. :D

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Just to update on my issues, they are indeed entirely my own. I just did a clean install with SCANSat, MKS, Karbonite, and MRO, and it's running as smooth as butter. I have a feeling it might be remnants of a botched install of an environment/clouds/atmosphere bundle that turned everything wonky.

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Ok I feel like an idiot. I can usually figure something out without asking. I've installed this mod. I get no errors or anything. But I also am not seeing anything. No pretty overlays at all.

hey, sorry i´m a bit late. was trying to get a science overlay working:)

have you installed blitzys toolbar and karbonite or mks? if you have everything installed you should be able to put a red planet icon into your toolbar while you are in flight with a vessel. if thats not available, one of your mods isn't correctly installed. in that case a ksplog would be helpful.

@jonrd463 glad its working for you now!

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very much early alpha, but going in the right direction for science overlays?


btw this is the monster that produces the tooltip:

var test = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ExperimentSituations)).Cast<ExperimentSituations>()
.Select(situation => ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperimentIDs().Select(ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperiment)
.Where(x => x.biomeMask != 0 && x.situationMask != 0)
.Where(x => x.IsAvailableWhile(situation, body))
.GroupBy(x => x.BiomeIsRelevantWhile(situation))
.SelectMany(x => x.Select(y => new { exp = y, subj = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperimentSubject(y, situation, body, x.Key ? biome.name : "") }))
.Select(x => new {value =ResearchAndDevelopment.GetScienceValue(x.exp.dataScale * x.exp.baseValue, x.subj), exp = x})
.Aggregate(new {str = "", total = 0f},
(a,x) => new {str = a.str+" n: "+x.exp.exp.experimentTitle+" v: "+x.value, total = a.total + x.value},
result => "Situation "+Enum.GetName(typeof(ExperimentSituations),situation)+"total: "+result.total+result.str))
.Aggregate("", (str,x) => str+x+"\n");

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new version is out!:) try the new biome and height maps.

The SCANSAT overlay looks great. A much more elegant solution than SCANSATs map window. Once this matures I can see this becoming the default display style for all resource/scanning mods. It might even inspire Squad for stock.

Thank you! That is very high praise indeed. Helps me through some of the times where i have to start KSP 10 times an hour...:)

oh and i nearly forgot, for all the modders out there, if you want to put your own overlay on top of a planet, just implement this tiny interface and it should automatically appear in the selection menu!

public interface IOverlayProvider :IConfigNode
Color32 CalculateColor32(double latitude, double longitude, CelestialBody body, bool useScansat, bool bright, double cutoff);
OverlayTooltip TooltipContent(double latitude, double longitude, CelestialBody body);
bool IsCoveredAt(double latitude, double longitude, CelestialBody body);
string GuiName { get; }

public class OverlayTooltip
public OverlayTooltip(string title, GUIContent content, Vector2 size = new Vector2())
Title = title;
Content = content;
Size = size;

public string Title { get; set; }
public GUIContent Content { get; set; }
public Vector2 Size { get; set; }

Edited by Cyrik
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On lower terrain settings the overlay clips through the northern peaks on the Mun. Also I can't get the in-progress SCANSAT map to show up as you have in the OP. I only get the finished height and biome maps, whether or not I have anything scanned at all.

A suggestion (if possible): make the overlay a map view only thing. That gets rid of seeing the map from orbit or from the ground and since maps both for resource and SCANSAT scans are going to be mostly used for pinpointing a landing, you only really need them in the map view where you can see where your suborbital path will take you.

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The version file still calls it 0.21 prompting me to update it.
Confirmed its the same for me.
Sorry for dumb question but were do i drop the Map Resource Overlay file in the Game data ???
You have to put the whole MapResourceOverlay folder into GameData.
very much early alpha, but going in the right direction for science overlays?


This is also an awsome Idea.

Here are some further suggestions.

- A way of disable the overlay for certain bioms would be nice so that you just see the biome you are looking for and not every one.

- For the height map a min hight that needs to be shown just like for ppm at the resource map.

- Not realy a suggestion ^^ sometimes the change between the overlays takes a few seconds espacely when switching to or from the science overlay.

I will give a few more later they just need a litte investigation by myself.

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only get the finished height and biome maps, whether or not I have anything scanned at all.

Do you have turned ScanSat in the MapResourceOverlay window on? If not try turning it on it works for me just fine.

A suggestion (if possible): make the overlay a map view only thing. That gets rid of seeing the map from orbit or from the ground and since maps both for resource and SCANSAT scans are going to be mostly used for pinpointing a landing, you only really need them in the map view where you can see where your suborbital path will take you.

I would dissagree for me it is helpfull to see it while landing somewhere. But mabye make it toggable so everyone is happy :D.

Acording to this currently the overlay in the normal view is fading out if you get closer to the surface. If possible it would be nice if you can make it not fading away to the invisible. Just so that you can see both the surfcace of course and the overlay. But I think if implementing this it should be toggable.

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hey, sorry i´m a bit late. was trying to get a science overlay working:)

have you installed blitzys toolbar and karbonite or mks? if you have everything installed you should be able to put a red planet icon into your toolbar while you are in flight with a vessel. if thats not available, one of your mods isn't correctly installed. in that case a ksplog would be helpful.

Sorry, I guess I should have specified the obvious. Yes I have all the required mods. In addition I have scansat. But when I pull up the map overlay screen, nothing I click on has any effect. I don't see any errors in the output log. Here is my output and ksp log



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Sorry, I guess I should have specified the obvious. Yes I have all the required mods. In addition I have scansat. But when I pull up the map overlay screen, nothing I click on has any effect. I don't see any errors in the output log. Here is my output and ksp log



here´s your problem : Could not load file or assembly 'OpenResourceSystem_1_1_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' your ORS install seems to be broken since he cant find it. you can usually find the errors by searching for lines starting with "[EXC".

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The version file still calls it 0.21 prompting me to update it.

Also, could you fit the MapResourceOverlay folder into a GameData folder for the download? That way it's easier for people using Mod installers like JSGME.

version file is temporarily set back to 0.2.1 on the server so you dont get the warning until i put up a new version. And yes i can put it in gamedata. it was easier for me this way but not by much:)

Here are some further suggestions.

- A way of disable the overlay for certain bioms would be nice so that you just see the biome you are looking for and not every one.

- For the height map a min hight that needs to be shown just like for ppm at the resource map.

- Not realy a suggestion ^^ sometimes the change between the overlays takes a few seconds espacely when switching to or from the science overlay.

I will give a few more later they just need a litte investigation by myself.

1. I´ll put up more options for enabling/disabling certain parts of the overlay. I´ll put this one on my list.

2. sounds good

3. change between overlays could be made a bit faster, but only by decreasing the detail. I´ll work on putting an option for that in there. The science one will get even worse sadly, the version you guys have only calculates it for the near orbit science. My newest version takes 10 times as long for all the science:)

Acording to this currently the overlay in the normal view is fading out if you get closer to the surface. If possible it would be nice if you can make it not fading away to the invisible. Just so that you can see both the surfcace of course and the overlay. But I think if implementing this it should be toggable.

Thats sadly very very hard unless i can model the planet wit every mountain. right now the overlay is a perfect sphere, so it has to be at the height of the highest mountain, which means you can fly through it before you get to the ground. its even worse on some of the moons:/

On lower terrain settings the overlay clips through the northern peaks on the Mun. Also I can't get the in-progress SCANSAT map to show up as you have in the OP. I only get the finished height and biome maps, whether or not I have anything scanned at all.

A suggestion (if possible): make the overlay a map view only thing. That gets rid of seeing the map from orbit or from the ground and since maps both for resource and SCANSAT scans are going to be mostly used for pinpointing a landing, you only really need them in the map view where you can see where your suborbital path will take you.

the little bit of clipping at the mun is on purpose. its so tiny that it looks better then raising the whole overlay another 200m.

can you see scansat progress on any other layer then height/biome? or is it not working at all?

map view only will be an optional thing. i kind of like it in both modes, but everyone has his preferences:)

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