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[0.24.2]MapResourceOverlay for Science,Karbonite/MKS and biomes VERSION 0.2.7


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here´s your problem : Could not load file or assembly 'OpenResourceSystem_1_1_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' your ORS install seems to be broken since he cant find it. you can usually find the errors by searching for lines starting with "[EXC".

Ok I guess the follow up question then (and maybe I am a liar) is do I need to install the full ORS on top of everything else? I have the ORS that is included in the latest MKS/OKS (which has karbonite bundled). Those mods are only including OpenResourceSystem_1_2_0.dll

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Ok I guess the follow up question then (and maybe I am a liar) is do I need to install the full ORS on top of everything else? I have the ORS that is included in the latest MKS/OKS (which has karbonite bundled). Those mods are only including OpenResourceSystem_1_2_0.dll

usually the newer version should do it, but maybe i did something wrong when building my plugin. give me a few minutes, i´ll check on a clean install.

ok so you need the both versions because they are named differently:/ sorry about that. the easiest thing to do for you is just download ors 1_1 and have both at once. that should work for everything IMO.

Edited by Cyrik
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Here are two things from me again :)

- If you are on the Launchpad you can see the overlay "above" you. A possible fix is mabye to disable the overlay if you are landed like

If (Vessel.isLanded == true) {Overlay.disable} //No real code of couse ^^

or to disable it if your alt. is under the min. alt. for seeing the overlay since as you said it is sadly not possible to change the overlay to be persisant regardless of the alt. like

If (Vessel.alt <= Overlay.minAlt) {Overlay.disable}.

Here is a Screenshot what I mean:


- The second thing ist a suggestion for a better UI since I think you need one if you will support more feature. I creeated a little sketch of what I'm thinking. Due to the fact that I don't know mutch about the KSP Windows I don't know how hard it would be to implement. :blush:


EDIT: The Exdend thing can also hide the thing under it of course

Edit II: Deleted "Also the Tooltip isn't showing the right biome if you are on the lauchpad. Probably this happens because the overlay is renderd a few hundred meters above the ship it shows due to the hightdiference the biome on an other point as you see the Tooltipp. (I'm sorry if it sounds a little bit wired I don't realy know how to describe it in English ^^)" because it is all right with it. I'm sorry. Tanks for pointing it out goldenpsp.

Edited by gh7531
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Here are two things from me again :)

- If you are on the Launchpad you can see the overlay "above" you. Also the Tooltip isn't showing the right biome if you are on the lauchpad.

From the kerbal wiki

"KSC is within a Shores biome, so experiments while flying at any altitude over the LaunchPad, Runway, or KSC count as Shores."

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From the kerbal wiki

"KSC is within a Shores biome, so experiments while flying at any altitude over the LaunchPad, Runway, or KSC count as Shores."

Well I'm sorry I didn't know that. I thought because you get different scince reports it is an own biome. I'm sorry. I will edit it out

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Well I'm sorry I didn't know that. I thought because you get different scince reports it is an own biome. I'm sorry. I will edit it out

I literally just happened to be reading that in the wiki last night. Apparently the KSC runway and launchpad are their own special biomes, but only via EVA.

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Here are two things from me again :)

- If you are on the Launchpad you can see the overlay "above" you. A possible fix is mabye to disable the overlay if you are landed like

If (Vessel.isLanded == true) {Overlay.disable} //No real code of couse ^^

or to disable it if your alt. is under the min. alt. for seeing the overlay since as you said it is sadly not possible to change the overlay to be persisant regardless of the alt. like

If (Vessel.alt <= Overlay.minAlt) {Overlay.disable}.

Here is a Screenshot what I mean:


- The second thing ist a suggestion for a better UI since I think you need one if you will support more feature. I creeated a little sketch of what I'm thinking. Due to the fact that I don't know mutch about the KSP Windows I don't know how hard it would be to implement. :blush:


EDIT: The Exdend thing can also hide the thing under it of course

Edit II: Deleted "Also the Tooltip isn't showing the right biome if you are on the lauchpad. Probably this happens because the overlay is renderd a few hundred meters above the ship it shows due to the hightdiference the biome on an other point as you see the Tooltipp. (I'm sorry if it sounds a little bit wired I don't realy know how to describe it in English ^^)" because it is all right with it. I'm sorry. Tanks for pointing it out goldenpsp.

About disabling the overlay when you are landed: I´m not really sure. I like the idea of disabling it while you are below it though. I might even get away with just changing the shader to be 100% transparent from the inside, so i dont have to change anything at all in the mod:)

I like your UI. I had something very similar in mind. Specifically I´m in the process of pulling all the overlays into their own little thing so the UI doesn't have to know about them. So its pretty natural to have every overlay type produce its own popout settings window. That way i might stay sane when editing the UI:)

Thank you for the inspirational layout, I think the end result will be pretty close to it, at least if unity lets me...

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Ah thank you. Pressing escape really enables it, even if it was disabled before. Jumping from ship to ship in map mode doesn't for me and shouldn't for you, I'll look into that.

Enablement by jumping from ship to ship is probably pilot error on my part to cause it. I tend to hit escape to pause a lot and was probably thinking the connection was causal by the ship jumps when it's really coincidental to me pressing escape before a ship jumps. I tend to use Kerbal Alarm Clock a lot to bounce between ships. Thanks for looking into it!

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Thank you for the inspirational layout, I think the end result will be pretty close to it, at least if unity lets me...

I'm happy that you like my UI concept. I'm looking forward how your version will look like :) Good luck with Unity btw :P

but also I'm sorry to report a little bug :sealed:. The orbit in the mapview is not quite right. It looks like the Heightoverlay is above the orbit path. The vessel symbol is shown through but not as visable as normal. The same counts for the Ap an Pe marker.


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This mod looks great.

two small ideas:

- the toolbar icon should not open the configuration window, but toggle its visibility

- make the low ppm cutoff value not global but per resource configurable

I like this. Left click the toolbar icon to toggle visibility, right click for configuration. A few other mods that I use do this and it seems to work well.
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usually the newer version should do it, but maybe i did something wrong when building my plugin. give me a few minutes, i´ll check on a clean install.

ok so you need the both versions because they are named differently:/ sorry about that. the easiest thing to do for you is just download ors 1_1 and have both at once. that should work for everything IMO.

I remember reading in either the MKS or the Interstellar thread that one should have only one version of ORS installed though.

Anyway, great work! And I'm gonna see now if 2 versions of ORS will break anything.

EDIT: So I tried and KSP Interstellar light is not working correctly (missing some essential right click context menu items) with both versions of the ORS dll. Is it possible to make it so that MapResourceOverlay can use the newest ORS?

Edited by boribori
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I remember reading in either the MKS or the Interstellar thread that one should have only one version of ORS installed though.

Anyway, great work! And I'm gonna see now if 2 versions of ORS will break anything.

EDIT: So I tried and KSP Interstellar light is not working correctly (missing some essential right click context menu items) with both versions of the ORS dll. Is it possible to make it so that MapResourceOverlay can use the newest ORS?

yeah i can switch it over to 1.2 with no problems, but then i´ll break everyone that still runs 1.1, and that seem to be more people. let me think about it for a bit

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yeah i can switch it over to 1.2 with no problems, but then i´ll break everyone that still runs 1.1, and that seem to be more people. let me think about it for a bit

1.2 is probably best tbh - the only ORS folks right now are me and wave, and we have all of our peeps on 1.2

At some point I need to dig in and see why ORS does not work the way it's supposed to work WRT versioned DLLs (I have suspicions)

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yeah i can switch it over to 1.2 with no problems, but then i´ll break everyone that still runs 1.1, and that seem to be more people. let me think about it for a bit

I dunno about that. Since you made this with a focus on MKS/OKS/Karbonite, and Rover bundles 1.2 with those mods you should still be ok.

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I dunno about that. Since you made this with a focus on MKS/OKS/Karbonite, and Rover bundles 1.2 with those mods you should still be ok.

usually i would agree, but it seems like just a minority is complaining about it not working, which would indicate to me that most are still running ORS 1.1.

anyway, now there seems to be a stable version that runs with 1.1 so the next update will depend on 1.2. It should be done at some point today

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SCANsat also uses ORS and is bundling the 1.1.0 dll with it's current download, just not in the ORS folder. But having both dlls loaded is working perfectly fine for me, no issues with any mod right now.

I forgot about that one, I had to delete it to get KSP Interstellar Lite working correctly.

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I think the way my vision for this is changing right now. I really like the way the science overlay is shaping up and i would hate for people to miss out on that part because they arent using ORS.

So I think sometime in one of the next few versions I will make ORS optional and will just search for it. If its there you can do all the resource stuff, if its not you can do all the other stuff anyway. It would basically work the same way SCANSat integration is working right now. It would even get rid of the version dependency, so I might just put it into the next release.

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I think the way my vision for this is changing right now. I really like the way the science overlay is shaping up and i would hate for people to miss out on that part because they arent using ORS.

So I think sometime in one of the next few versions I will make ORS optional and will just search for it. If its there you can do all the resource stuff, if its not you can do all the other stuff anyway. It would basically work the same way SCANSat integration is working right now. It would even get rid of the version dependency, so I might just put it into the next release.

Does that mean that the resource stuff will work with the latest ORS dll?

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Does that mean that the resource stuff will work with the latest ORS dll?

yes. if i dont get around to making it independent, i´ll make it depend on the newest one. if i do make it independent it should work with any new version of ORS unless ORS changes the definition of this single method: ORSPlanetaryResourceMapData.getResourceAvailabilityByRealResourceName()

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