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Kerbal Realistic Space Program

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Instead of being a direct challenge, this is more accurately a more challenging, realistic, and hopefully funner way of playing. I didn't know where else to put this, so I put it here. Sorry if it's the wrong subforum.

Let's get onto the 3 versions of this "challenge".

Easy: Easy is if you don't want to go with mods. I'm not 100% sure if this is possible, but go into the persistence file and if you can, make it so you can't revert flights. Also, banish yourself from autosaving.

Medium: Medium will require some modding. This is just like the easy version except get the random failures mod and a clouds mod. This isn't significantly harder than the easy version, but it still has more of a realistic challenge to it. Edit: For a fuller realistic experience (suggested by cantab), add the Farram Aerospace mod and Deadly reentry. Another mod which just makes KSP not much harder, but much funner, is Better than Starting Manned.

Hard: If you really want to go hardcore, then do everything from the easy and medium version, plus the realistic solar system mod. Feel free to nerf the parts to make them more realistic with the real world. If you know how to, make ALL of the planets larger too. The full benefit from this comes from having slight modding knowledge, but with just basic knowledge of how to mess around with your files you can go with the basic hard mode with just the realistic system mod.

Good luck!

Edited by Clockwork13
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No revert is generally known as "Ironman" mode. I sort of do that, though maybe it's more like Aluminiumman mode, I try not to use reverts but if I make a mistake from being careless or absent-minded as opposed to a "real" design error or piloting misjudgement then I might.

Also, FAR and DRE are pretty much essential parts of any realism playthrough.

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