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A Planet Idea

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Name: Hilton

Atmospheric pressure: 500 atm

Gravity (equator): 6000 G's

Gravity (poles): 8000 G's

Rotational period: 2 hours

Location: Somewhere in between Jool and eeloo

4 Extranormous-sized moons:

1. Orcal: 20 atm ASL pressure, 5 G's

2. Meshk: 0.5 atm ASL pressure, 20G's

3. Mulba: Vacuum; no atmosphere present. 600 G's

4: Gart: 800 atm ASL pressure, 0.4 G's

God forgive me.

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It really is a wonder how such a planet could exist.

Hilton may be possible, but Mulba (and especially Gart is impossible. How does 0.4 G's hold 800 ATM? And how does 600 G's not hold any atmosphere whatsoever?

But then again, we'll probably find SEVERAL of these mysteries exploring our universe, so there must be some 1-5 Hilton's in our galaxy alone.

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  super said:

It really is a wonder how such a planet could exist.

Hilton may be possible, but Mulba (and especially Gart is impossible. How does 0.4 G's hold 800 ATM? And how does 600 G's not hold any atmosphere whatsoever?

But then again, we'll probably find SEVERAL of these mysteries exploring our universe, so there must be some 1-5 Hilton's in our galaxy alone.

Hilton would be either a star or a black hole, depending on it's initial composition. There isn't anything in our universe that breaks the laws of physics, I'm sad to say.

Gart couldn't hold it's atmosphere, and Mulba would get an extreme atmosphere, and likely become a brown dwarf. Mesch would have a lot more air, and the only planet possible is Orca.

At any rate, these would be too much for stock KSP.

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Actually, Hilton wouldn't be a star OR a black hole. How could something that's originally a planet-looking thing become a black hole inexplicably?

If it can't transform into a star (it does not have hydrogen), if it can't become a gas giant (lack of gasses), and if it can't be a black hole (not enough mass being compressed / lack of gravity) then it MUST be an insanely huge terrestrial planet. (Or a very, very ,very small mini-black hole.)

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Such a planet would likely have a sphere of influence larger than the Sun's.

Of the bodies suggested, most of them would be impossible to land safely on, let alone return from. Can't say that's a good use of development resources, I'd rather see new bodies that we can actually do more than fly by.

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"Super", I hope you are aware that your idea is ridiculous.

I am sure some people find ridiculous stuff like this funny, but I am pretty sure most people who play (mostly) serious simulations like KSP don't like this at all.

If you wish for something nobody else would ever want, then you must do it yourself.

Work a little and you can create that planet by modding the game, and then you'll see for yourself the consequences Hilton would have on the gravity balance of the solar system (joke intended).

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  Megalodon 720 said:
For a challenge why not make a planet where the moons orbit at about 90 degrees? Like Uranus.

Or make a planet in Kerbol polar orbit. It'd probably be a captured asteroid or something.

Also, perhaps some kind of double planet system (a la Pluto and Charon) where the planets orbit each other rather than one orbiting the other. Probably tough to model with the current SoI system, but immensely fun!

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  super said:

It really is a wonder how such a planet could exist.

Hilton may be possible, but Mulba (and especially Gart is impossible. How does 0.4 G's hold 800 ATM? And how does 600 G's not hold any atmosphere whatsoever?

But then again, we'll probably find SEVERAL of these mysteries exploring our universe, so there must be some 1-5 Hilton's in our galaxy alone.

It's possible, though highly unlikely.

I think i actually read somewhere (sorry, no reference) that earth's gravity is not enough to sustain 1 atm, and actually, the pressure should be much lower already. Luckily for us, its being replaced by gasses that are leaking from earth's crust or something like that...

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  super said:
3. Mulba: Vacuum; no atmosphere present. 600 G's

Have you ever tried to land on Thud from the Planet Factory mod? It is an atmosphereless moon with gravity twice that of EVE's. Landing there is hard enough, and the game actually has engines that have a higher TWR than it's surface. To land here (and return) would imply having engines with a Kerbin TWR of at least 600. To put that in perspective, seperatrons have a TWR of about 150.

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