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Have I been living under a rock,,,et?


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I was testing a lander recently, and noticed a "speck" on the screen of my monitor. Thinking it was a gnat or some little fly, I reached up to wipe it away, but to no avail. So I quick built a little rover and went out there, (about 2K due north of the launch pad), finding an Obelisk! (sorry, I don't know how to spell it). Has that been there for a while or just lately added? :confused:

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  SpacedCowboy said:
I was testing a lander recently, and noticed a "speck" on the screen of my monitor. Thinking it was a gnat or some little fly, I reached up to wipe it away, but to no avail. So I quick built a little rover and went out there, (about 2K due north of the launch pad), finding an Obelisk! (sorry, I don't know how to spell it). Has that been there for a while or just lately added? :confused:

Aw man, that monolith has been there for a long while...I can't remember which version it was added in, it's that old.

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  SpacedCowboy said:
I was testing a lander recently, and noticed a "speck" on the screen of my monitor. Thinking it was a gnat or some little fly, I reached up to wipe it away, but to no avail. So I quick built a little rover and went out there, (about 2K due north of the launch pad), finding an Obelisk! (sorry, I don't know how to spell it). Has that been there for a while or just lately added? :confused:


Keep looking. There are plenty more such things to be found.

Even on Kerbal scale, a solar system is a big place. Lots of room for hiding cool stuff.

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  Wanderfound said:

Even on Kerbal scale

If you're saying Kerbal scale is small I'm gonna have to say you're wrong, because KSP is the only game I've seen that has real time space travel, as in it takes about 8 days for a mission to your closest celestial body. Kerbal scale isn't anywhere near small >.>

@SpacedCowboy, Excellent pun, I give it 9/10

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  TimberWolffe said:
If you're saying Kerbal scale is small I'm gonna have to say you're wrong, because KSP is the only game I've seen that has real time space travel, as in it takes about 8 days for a mission to your closest celestial body. Kerbal scale isn't anywhere near small >.>


The Kerbal system is about 1/10th the size of the human one.

As Douglas Adams pointed out:

Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


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Congrats. It's not far from the KSC but I didn't find it without being told.

As mentioned there are various "anomalies" scattered about the system. Many can be spotted visually from low orbit, but if you want some help you can use a mapping mod such as ScanSat, or the website kerbalmaps.com. Either will tell you where the anomalies are, but you still won't know what they are until you look. Be aware that while most are on the surface a few are buried underground and others are floating high in the air.

Also, the "obelisk" you found is based on the monoliths from 2001: A Space Oddysey.

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The easter eggs in KSP are quite cool, especially on Kerbin and Duna. Just an idea... Why not build a nice plane and do a little flyby at Kerbins north pole or the desert mountain ranges. There is plenty of hidden stuff to explore, closer than you think :)

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  TimberWolffe said:
If you're saying Kerbal scale is small I'm gonna have to say you're wrong, because KSP is the only game I've seen that has real time space travel, as in it takes about 8 days for a mission to your closest celestial body. Kerbal scale isn't anywhere near small >.>

The long line of misconceptions introduced by KSP continues.

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  Sky_walker said:
The long line of misconceptions introduced by KSP continues.

While KSP is small compared to our own solar system, or say Frontier: Elite II, it still has an incredibly vast play area. Even if the entire stock system is only about the size of Venus' orbit, that's still huge.

The typical FPS takes place in an area between 1.5 and 40km across, often less if it's an indoorsy one. Even a minecraft world has a hard cap of 4Gm, and a practical cap far below that.

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  Frank_G said:
The easter eggs in KSP are quite cool, especially on Kerbin and Duna. Just an idea... Why not build a nice plane and do a little flyby at Kerbins north pole or the desert mountain ranges. There is plenty of hidden stuff to explore, closer than you think :)

The poles on Kerbin are a site to behold. Maybe because I'm from the south where it may snow once every couple years and melts in a day or so. Freezing rain is what we usually get around here. :(

I lived in the western slopes of Colorado for a few years where everywhere was like a picture postcard. I'd love to see someone make a snowboard or ski mod as a means of transportation. :D

@SpacedCowboy: ScanSat is a must have if you ever want to find all the anomolies. Even then most are hard to find. There's one close by on the continent southeast of KSC that took me a while to find, even with ScanSat, because of the mountainous terrain.

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  Tripzter said:
Main problem with KSP is the lack of stuff to do when u land. Sure some science here and there but what most of us are after is colonizing planets.

Personally i'd love to see KSP take few pointers from Space Engineers.

Meanwhile, I would prefer that they didn't. Explore planets, yes [1], colonise planets, no [2].

[1] So, yeah: lots more biomes, lots more Easter eggs, lots more diversity in planetary scenery. Planets are big, and also diverse (except for when they were designed by George Lucas).

[2] Non self-sufficient research bases sure, but not large scale permanent colonies. Interplanetary colonisation is SF, and will continue to be so for at least the foreseeable future. See http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2007/06/the_high_frontier_redux.html for the basics of why (starts off discussing interstellar, gets on to interplanetary afterwards).

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  Wanderfound said:
Meanwhile, I would prefer that they didn't. Explore planets, yes [1], colonise planets, no [2].

[1] So, yeah: lots more biomes, lots more Easter eggs, lots more diversity in planetary scenery. Planets are big, and also diverse (except for when they were designed by George Lucas).

[2] Non self-sufficient research bases sure, but not large scale permanent colonies. Interplanetary colonisation is SF, and will continue to be so for at least the foreseeable future. See http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2007/06/the_high_frontier_redux.html for the basics of why (starts off discussing interstellar, gets on to interplanetary afterwards).

Yes but that argument is that it isn't economically viable because there is nothing there that we are running out of here on earth. This could be vastly different in KSP, but you still run into the problem of why do you need to send people there. IRL you would send them for maintenance but in KSP nothing ever breaks down unless you break it.

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Ok, I've been playing KSP for close to a year now and have cruised around with planes and rovers in the local area of the KSC, and can't believe I've never noticed this "Anomaly". (Note, upon closer inspection, you'll see a faint impression of the "Squad Flag". And also Jeb can walk, drive, and fly right through it! Like it's there, but it's not. I also can't believe where this thread has evolved into. The introspection and intelligence of this community never ceases to amaze me.

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