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[1.0.2] RKE On-screen Joystick (and Fine Keyboard Controls) v1.2.1 - May 11


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Runge–Kutta Enterprises presents...

On-screen Joystick (and Fine Keyboard Controls)

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(This video is of the older 0.6 version.)

Purpose: A quality-of-life mod to give you fine-grain control of your craft. Like an analogue joystick, but on-screen. This plugin grew out of my frustration trying to do fine pitch adjustment with my spaceplanes.



Features (also see album above)

  • Plane mode: Convenient pitch/roll control (with yaw on a secondary axis).
  • Rocket mode: Pitch/yaw control (with roll on a secondary axis).
  • RCS mode: Up/Down/Left/Right/Forward/Back - translations have never been so easy!
  • Rover mode: Traverse tricky terrain with careful adjustment of Forward/Back/Left/Right.
  • EVA mode: (experimental) Allows fine jetpack control, and allow you to toggle EVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE.
  • Throttle control: Control throttle with a slider.
  • Keyboard limiter: A slider allows you to limit how far they keyboard pushes the joystick.
  • Adjustable Fullscreen HUD: Joystick movement follows the mouse across the screen, without the need to press a mouse button.
  • Keyboard Shortcut: Hit Alt-Y to quickly enable/disable the on-screen joystick (configurable).
  • Trim setting: ALT-click on joystick to easily set trim. Always know when trim is set with a clear visual indicator. Click indicator to instantly reset trim.
  • Clickable SAS/RCS indicators. Tired of pressing R and S? Now you can click on screen instead.
  • [thread=79745]Add-on Version Checker[/thread] support (KSP-AVC needs to be installed by you).


1.2.1, 11 May 2015

  • Recompile for KSP 1.0.0+

1.2, 15 March 2015

  • More gentle response curve (x^2 instead of x). Allows much finer control with small movements.
  • Fullscreen mode: more HUD-like presentation, and configurable size and deadzone.
  • Keyboard shortcut for enabling/disabling RKE Joystick (defaults to Alt-Y).

1.1 (22 February 2015)

  • NEW: fullscreen mode, where joystick follows mouse without the mouse button needing to be held down. (Inspired by Crzyrndm's excellent [thread=99126]Analog Control[/thread] mod.)
  • Fix problem where using the on-screen joystick would subsequently mess with "RSAS" (SAS modes for prograde/retrograde/normal/anti-normal/etc.).
  • Now temporarily disable SAS if you are using the on-screen joystick. (Previously currentVessel.Autopilot.SAS.ManualOverride() was used but that doesn't work well since 0.90.)
  • SAS can now apply control beyond the keyboard limit. (Previously the keyboard limit would restict how much movement SAS could apply.)

1.0.5 (21 December 2014)

  • Fix ganky behaviour when using on-screen joystick if SAS was disabled.

1.0.4 (21 December 2014)

  • Recompile for 0.90.0

1.0.3 (9 October 2014)

  • Fix problem in the .version file where KSP-AVC plugin would report that RKE In-Game joystick was only compatible with 0.24.2.

1.0.2 (8 October 2014)

  • Support for KSP 0.25.
  • Use THROTTLE_FULL keybinding from player's GameSettings, instead of hard-coded 'Z' (new in 0.25).
  • FIX: In rover mode, the Y axis is now labeled FWD/BACK instead of UP/DOWN.

1.0.1 (27 September 2014)

  • FIX: Occasionally the joystick window would not appear when entering a new scene, due to some NullReferenceExceptions.
  • Some better debugging/logging.

1.0 (21 September 2014)

  • RCS mode. Use the on-screen joystick to translate back/forward, left/right, up/down as well as roll left/right.
  • Rover mode. Automatically switches into linear mode, and gives you easy forward/back and left/right control.
  • EVA mode. Somewhat minimal/experimental. Includes EVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE toggle.
  • If vessel is on the runway on load, then start in Plane mode.
  • Show a visual plane/rover/Kerbal cursor to help hint what each movement does.
  • Other visual design improvements.
  • FIX: Toolbar button did not appear in map mode. Button now has correct highlight on load.
  • FIX: KSP's control gauges now correctly toggle red/cyan when toggling precise mode via the on-screen joystick.
  • FIX: Joystick window now hides when UI is hidden (F2), and when game is paused.

0.6 (4 September 2014)

  • Improvement: New keyboard slider allows you to limit the maximum effect of keyboard movement. This replaced previous "sticky" keyboard mode.
  • Improvement: Mouse-drags are no longer "sticky". On mouse-up, the joystick is reset to neutral.
  • When dragging outside of the window, the joystick still follows the mouse.
  • Added a button for toggling "precise" mode (Caps-Lock). Current bug: color indicators on UI will be wrong.
  • Start in Roll (QWES) mode instead of Yaw (WASD) mode (more suitable for planes).
  • BUG: toolbar button duplicate appears each time you launch.

0.5 (1 September 2015)

  • initial release


  • EVA mode improvements.
  • Test it doesn't interfere with other control plugins (MechJeb etc.).
  • Add setting to invert pitch axis.
  • Manual/instructions/tutorial.

Reporting problems

  • Add a comment to this thread, or:
  • Bug tracker.
  • Please attach/pastebin your <KSP_OS>/KSP.log file.

Known Issues:

  • EVA mode: dragging the mouse in the Joystick window simultaneously activates the normal drag behaviour in EVA, which is to re-orient the Kerbal. The alternative is to click the Joystick instead of dragging. See KSP Bug #3103.

Edited by spudbean
1.2.1 release
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Looks good, but the sticky/non sticky controls has to be added soon I guess, as it would be too annoying to add the exact amount of opposite roll/pitch/yaw to get back to zero.

Maybe you could take a look into lo-fi's wheel/many things plug-in for smooth steering (made or rover control).

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Tried it today: don't know if there is some dependencies issue or something else, lines goes outside the window on the left side and there is many stock toolbar icons added on every single launch.


Interference with another plug-in ?

(KSP, win7)

+ I really don't like the sticky controls, it makes things worth (they doesn't looks like to be fine as set, 1/4 looks like to create the same amount as standard key stroke) :/.

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Thanks for that feedback Justin! I have a much improved keyboard support and no more sticky mode ready for 0.6 (should be released in the next day or so).

I'll also try to reproduce and fix the bugs you mention (multiple toolbar icons, and lines appearing outside of window). Could you let me know the other plugins you have (just a list of the directories in GameData will do).

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  spudbean said:
Thanks for that feedback Justin! I have a much improved keyboard support and no more sticky mode ready for 0.6 (should be released in the next day or so).

I'll also try to reproduce and fix the bugs you mention (multiple toolbar icons, and lines appearing outside of window). Could you let me know the other plugins you have (just a list of the directories in GameData will do).

You're welcome.

Here it is: (your mod deleted but I see a config file remains)


000_Toolbar (1.7.2)


AKI (it's extended trim)







Kerbice Group
























For what it worth, I play only windowed mode in 1280x960. But I can only imagine such graphics issue comes from some dirty code or wrong assumptions (regarding screen size !! that's may be the trick !)

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I've built 0.6. The failed "sticky" mode is gone. Releasing the mouse button will now zero the joystick.

I've re-thought what the keyboard mode should do. Previously it was a "sticky" incremental mode, where pressing (say) Q would increment the joystick by 25%. That is now replaced with a keyboard limiter slider. For example: setting to the slider to 50% means that pressing Q will only deliver a 50% downward joystick movement. I've also added a button for toggling precise/instant mode (what Caps-Lock does).

Justin: I was unable to reproduce your problem where the lines go outside the window. I raised a bug in my bug tracker https://bitbucket.org/spudbean/rke_joystick/issue/2/lines-drawn-in-wrong-spot . I've also changed the way the lines are drawn, but I'm not sure if that will fix what you are seeing. Please let me know if you try out the new version and have the same problem.

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  spudbean said:
I've built 0.6. The failed "sticky" mode is gone. Releasing the mouse button will now zero the joystick.

Justin: I was unable to reproduce your problem where the lines go outside the window. I raised a bug in my bug tracker https://bitbucket.org/spudbean/rke_joystick/issue/2/lines-drawn-in-wrong-spot . I've also changed the way the lines are drawn, but I'm not sure if that will fix what you are seeing. Please let me know if you try out the new version and have the same problem.

:) Almost good now, thanks.

I've tried the 0.6, and didn't get the lines issue, so I guess what you've done have fix it, whatever it is.

The only missing feature, at least, is... surprise... :cool: ..... an ON/OFF switch !

Because people may use multiple "vehicle" (in the largest possible meaning) type, so using your plug-in for (space)planes is ok, but for rovers, landers, various rockets, ... it may not be the best, except sticky thrust to get a cruising rover mode.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
:) Almost good now, thanks.

Because people may use multiple "vehicle" (in the largest possible meaning) type, so using your plug-in for (space)planes is ok, but for rovers, landers, various rockets, ... it may not be the best, except sticky thrust to get a cruising rover mode.

A Rover mode is an excellent idea! I will add it to the roadmap. I am currently implementing an RCS mode, and would like to implement an EVA mode too.

Did you try the "WASD" mode? It is designed for rockets and landing, by focusing on pitch and yaw, more than roll.

an ON/OFF switch !

:D You mean you want to remove the window completely? You can do that in the application toolbar in the top-right of the screen (the "RKE Joystick" button... need a better icon for that.)

Thanks again for your feedback, Justin.

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THANKS... I have been looking for something like this for ever....

Maybe will have to write fewer 'Dead Jeb' letters now...



Have been playing and this is good.

Is there anyway to re-assign key / actions?? for example swap W and S ??


Edited by drtedastro
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I wanted mouse control for a long time , i dream come true with your mod ! The only thing is that it's almost impossible to control the aircarft and shoot with BDArmory weapons at the same time ( machineguns and gatlings are bound to left click ) but oh well i can live with that . My true dream however would be a War Thunder-like mouse control , basically the plane maneuvres to follow the cursor , but that would be much more complicated i think since it would require a mouse controlled camera too ...

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drtedastro: If you reassign S and W in the Input Settings (go to Settings from the main menu), and they will show up "correctly" on the Joystick window. But I suspect you want "push up" on the joystick to mean "pitch up"? I can add a toggle for that (I know it is not super intuitive for some people the way it is, but remember "W" is pitch-down, and it "above" the "S", that's how I remember it).

kizza42: Thanks mate!

RaimondLuxuryYacht: Glad you like it. I'm sorry it is not completely aligned your destructive endeavours :cool:

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If anyone's interested, I made an alternate toolbar icon, and it can be seen here, in between KER and the Trajectory Planner icons:


Here is the actual image, you can barely see it because the forum's background is nearly white, but just click (or right-click and Save As, whatever floats your boat) and you can download it and use it to your heart's content. Just replace the icon.png file already in the On-screen Joystick folder.



Edited by CalculusWarrior
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  CalculusWarrior said:
If anyone's interested, I made an alternate toolbar icon, and it can be seen here, in between KER and the Trajectory Planner icons:

Nice work! The icon you have replaced was always meant to be a placeholder (it had just the right amount of "placeholder uglyness" ;) ). I really like your icon. I've been working on an icon too, this is what I've got so far (colour changed to black for readability)


I like that you've put the actual word "joystick" on it, it makes a big difference.

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  Las-pen said:
Could it be possible to use this mod with a real joystick?

My joystick doesn't work properly with KSP and I was just wondering could this fix that.

This mod won't help a real joystick work with KSP if your joystick doesn't work properly doesn't already.

You might want to try the [thread=94223]AltInput plugin[/thread] if you are looking for improved joystick support.

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