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None Symetrical Payload and rocket stability

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Before you attach the boosters to kick it up into orbit, whilst in the VAB check out your Center of Mass. Whatever side the CoM is heavier on, you attach ballast to the opposite side. Easiest done by bolting on a radial decoupler with a large truss and at the end of it a fuel tank that tilts the CoM a little over the Center-point. Then drain that fuel tank of a little fuel until the CoM-ball is centered. Then just proceed to strut up your ballast, bolt the boosters back on and away to orbit you go :)

Edited by Zylark
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One of the issues with "big part" payloads is drag. TWR above 1.5 below 15km can easily make rocket uncontrollable. I would suggest removing KR engines and try old good Mainsail.

Few more SAS and Winglets are obvious to improve stability. Don't recommend adding winglets on top.

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