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TR-2L Ruggedized Wheels sinking into ground.

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I'm trying to build a rover and whenever I put the TR-2L Ruggedized Wheels on it they sink into the ground on the KSC runway when I take it out for a test drive, preventing me from going anywhere :(

The wheel's aren't rotated, I've placed supports for them so that they can go on completely straight. It also doesn't happen with any other wheels, just these ones. Anyone got any ideas how to fix it?


Edited by BoilingCold
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You need to orient your wheels correctly because they in reality sit on just one point and the rest of the wheel is immaterial. Correct orientation can be figured out from the suspension and can be seen in this image:


SPH appears to have tendency to mount these wheels rotated by 90 degrees - in your image, the bottom part of wheels is on the left.

Edited by Kasuha
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