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Contract Solutions (stock plus Fine Print Mod)


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I'm tempted to install a robotics mod just so I can have the landing legs on a rail system - but depending on the terrain you either have to get the buggy underneath the docking port and wait for the magnetics to stop rocking it and then drop the ship on it OR you have to switch to the ship - set the thrust at 1/4, switch back to the buggy and wait for the thrust to raise the ship up a touch to move the buggy underneath and cut the power.

Ah, man! Can't try out your ship, guess you've got TAC on there or whatever it's called, the life support mod. It's in my saved ships menu, but won't let me load it up because of the lack of modded parts. In addition, I would like to apologize for your original thread being moved. I feel I'm partially responsible. I don't understand why it got moved to Spacecraft Exchange. I would think maybe "Fan Works" would have been more appropriate. I think your original idea was very,,,original! However, it seems there's no distinct category in the forums for it to go to, although it deserves one.

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Ah forgot about tac - I'll remove it and resave the ship for you :D

Yeah I knew as soon as i uploaded my ship then this would get moved here! But in all honesty I want this to be a spacecraft exchange anyway so I'm gonna start posting links to my craft files if anyone is interested in them - perhaps get a whole thread of different contract solutions would be pretty cool if everyone did it too :D

Edit: uploaded a Sans TAC version for you.

Edited by psyper
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I used a similar system with a strap-on sub-assembly. Not going fast enough in the altitude window? MOAR BOOSTERS!

I recently kludged up the ....... hybrid offspring of a rover and a spaceplane, for those rover waypoint missions around Kerbin. It flew, and drove, well enough to complete the mission, and should be space-capable. Now if I can only figure out how to get it to Laythe!


Thats one coooool AirRover! I was tempted to make a space plane with rover wheels but went for a deployable rover instead but that looks way more fun to fly - and do you drive to each waypoint or do you hop to them? On the answer to getting it to laythe - moar boosters of course :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

2 contract solution:

Test TT-38k Radial Decoupler in flight over Kerbin - alt 7,200-9,800m, spd 70-170m/s

Test mk-16xl parachute in flight over kerbin - alt 12,400-17,100m, spd 130-530m/s


I have StageRecovery which is why there are 'chutes on the side tanks.

Throttled this baby up to about 130m/s and trimmed my throttle to keep the speed steady - reached 7,200 and staged the side tanks - they were about 10% full by this point. StageRecovery got 98% value recovered on both those. Throttled back up as soon as I staged and reached 12,400m and deployed the chute. Sailed down and thrusted a bit near the end for a soft touchdown. Had about 90% of the fuel left over!


Decoupler advance - 626 Kredits

Parachute advance - 1,760

Cost of craft & fuel - 7,880

Decoupler test completion - 1,315.65

Recovery of decoupled stage - 1,801.694 & 1,801.701

Parachute test completion - 9,524.00

Recovery of final stage @98% - 3,725.76

step 3: ???

step 4: Profit

Profit: 12,674.805 Kredits !

edit: and after completing those two I get a TR-18a decoupler test over kerbin - so I could've done with that one and finished 3 contracts in one! damnit Gene!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Test TR-18A Stack Decoupler - alt: 5100m to 6600m speed: 460 - 660 m/s

I really need to take more notice of these as this one was really hard to do - oh I'd be at that speed by that altitude on a normal launch should be easy - nope it wasn't!! even building more and more elaborate rockets just resulted in them spiralling out of control at half the speed needed for this. I thought to myself I'm gonna need wings on the rockets and then realised that I should use my trusty SSTO - so I launched it with the decoupler stowed underneath. I couldn't reach the right speed at 6600m even with all engines (nukes and jets) running so decided to hit my flight ceiling get some speed up and then dive full power for the ground. First go I barely missed so tried again and just managed to get both ticks and staged the decoupler successfully. Here's me on my 2nd go:


Afterwards Jeb managed to pull up and gain control of the craft before spashdown and headed back to KSC

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