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[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!


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This is an awesome mod! I had no idea that it would become one of the mods on my "must have" list, but sure enough, it did. The engine textures personally don't mesh with me that well along with the "starter LFO Tanks". The orange details on those tanks for me seem to busy, but to each his own.

I italicized "for me" because people like to to believe when someone says something of that nature that you're speaking for the majority when that simply isn't the case. But, you know how the internet can be since you can't put a 'tone' into the words you're typing / saying.

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The orange details on the tanks is authentic.

Saturn V first stage tank:


Delta-IV Heavy Tank (Delta Cryogenic Upper Stage and visible on the lower stage)


Note that I use "Authentic" instead of "Realistic" because realism isn't always better, but authenticity almost always is.

Also, the fact that the SPH and VAB can share their symmetry modes is exciting, because it means we now have a Horizontal Integration Facility (A sideways Vehicle Assembly Building for smaller rockets. And it's still okay that we don't have a SPH at the start of the game, because real small rockets were still generally built vertically until around the late 70s or so. The R7 Semyorka, however, was and is still built horizontally; but the KSP is more akin to the style of NASA/US Rockets than russian designs. If you want a stockalike russian design and a whole new range of launch vehicle parts, check out Home Grown Rockets, which adds 1.875m parts, and a 3-kerbal Soyuz to go with it.)

Edited by GregroxMun
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I'd kinda like to see some models to represent earlier rocket engines (And maybe an optional MM-config to make the LV-T30 and T-45 appear later in the tech tree)

Here's a drawing I did a while ago but never really managed to scan it. Here's a webcam photo of it. They're based upon the Rocket Motor for the German Aggregat-4 rocket; and the Rocketdyne A-7 Rocket Engine for the Redstone/Jupiter/Juno missile.


LV-T15 Liquid Fuel Engine

Manufacturer: Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co.

Tech Level: Basic Rocketry

Built using only components which could be found lying around in the junkyard, the LV-T15 Liquid Fuel Engine is a remarkably complex piece of engineering work, which is actually capable of burning a secret mix of alcohol, car fuel, acid, and whatever else could be found that burned when lit with oxygen; and actually produces a thrust that can be turned on and off, almost exactly unlike the RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster! It's also rather inexpensive, due to it being made from premanufactured components.

Max Thrust: 175 kN

Min Thrust: 175 kN


Isp: 310s (ASL), 330s (Vac)

Weight: 1.15 tonnes

Cost: 500 Funds

The LV-T15 is a simple rocket engine that can not be throttled, and it's not a high thrust or high efficiency engine. It is not very expensive though, and is sure to be a welcome addition to financially struggling space programs at any time.

L-V2 Liquid Fuel Rocket Motor

Manufacturer: Found in Wernher's old workshop

Tech Level: Start

After Wernher von Kerman's integration into the space program, we had as many of his old rocket engines shipped over here as possible. They've already been built, so they won't cost very much at all to get up and running again. The L-V2 is a liquid-fueled motor, which means that it burns a liquid fuel and an oxidizer, so unlike a solid fuel rocket, it can be turned off and on. It is also somewhat more efficient. Slightly. It also overheats more readily than other rocket engines.

Max Thrust: 105

Min Thrust: 105

(Non Throttelable)

Isp: 295s (ASL), 315s (Vac)

Weight: 1 tonne

Cost: 280 Funds

Like the LV-T15, the L-V2 rocket motor is rather cheap, though the L-V2 takes this to an extreme. It's low cost is made up for by a poor thrust to weight ratio, a poor efficiency, and a tendency to overheat. They were the first and only liquid fuel engines for quite a while, and Wernher's workshop of voluntold kerbal workers produced as many of these as they could, so there's no shortage of them. They're practically free, and thus will be insanely useful for space programs suffering a major finance problem. Bonus points if you use 30 of them to power the first stage of a Mun rocket.

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Wow. Nicely done.

It actually makes sense to have rocket parts that aren't exactly state-of-the-art at the beginning of a space program.

Also, I wanted to bump this thread, but didn't have a good reason to do so. You do!

Edited by RyanRising
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I'd kinda like to see some models to represent earlier rocket engines (And maybe an optional MM-config to make the LV-T30 and T-45 appear later in the tech tree)

Here's a drawing I did a while ago but never really managed to scan it. Here's a webcam photo of it. They're based upon the Rocket Motor for the German Aggregat-4 rocket; and the Rocketdyne A-7 Rocket Engine for the Redstone/Jupiter/Juno missile.


LV-T15 Liquid Fuel Engine

Manufacturer: Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co.

Tech Level: Basic Rocketry

Built using only components which could be found lying around in the junkyard, the LV-T15 Liquid Fuel Engine is a remarkably complex piece of engineering work, which is actually capable of burning a secret mix of alcohol, car fuel, acid, and whatever else could be found that burned when lit with oxygen; and actually produces a thrust that can be turned on and off, almost exactly unlike the RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster! It's also rather inexpensive, due to it being made from premanufactured components.

Max Thrust: 175 kN

Min Thrust: 175 kN


Isp: 310s (ASL), 330s (Vac)

Weight: 1.15 tonnes

Cost: 500 Funds

The LV-T15 is a simple rocket engine that can not be throttled, and it's not a high thrust or high efficiency engine. It is not very expensive though, and is sure to be a welcome addition to financially struggling space programs at any time.

L-V2 Liquid Fuel Rocket Motor

Manufacturer: Found in Wernher's old workshop

Tech Level: Start

After Wernher von Kerman's integration into the space program, we had as many of his old rocket engines shipped over here as possible. They've already been built, so they won't cost very much at all to get up and running again. The L-V2 is a liquid-fueled motor, which means that it burns a liquid fuel and an oxidizer, so unlike a solid fuel rocket, it can be turned off and on. It is also somewhat more efficient. Slightly. It also overheats more readily than other rocket engines.

Max Thrust: 105

Min Thrust: 105

(Non Throttelable)

Isp: 295s (ASL), 315s (Vac)

Weight: 1 tonne

Cost: 280 Funds

Like the LV-T15, the L-V2 rocket motor is rather cheap, though the L-V2 takes this to an extreme. It's low cost is made up for by a poor thrust to weight ratio, a poor efficiency, and a tendency to overheat. They were the first and only liquid fuel engines for quite a while, and Wernher's workshop of voluntold kerbal workers produced as many of these as they could, so there's no shortage of them. They're practically free, and thus will be insanely useful for space programs suffering a major finance problem. Bonus points if you use 30 of them to power the first stage of a Mun rocket.

the first one I find kind of pointless as you can just stagger thrust by rapidly turning it on and off. A better idea for a cheap and simple rocket would be a concept that can't ultimately be refueled for example either a hybrid fueled or ablative cooled rocket engine. A hybrid would simply be a throttlable solid fueled SRB with performance, cost, and dry mass that falls exactly in between that of equivalent solid and liquid system regardless of how hybrids are believed to work either on paper or in practice. The ablatively cooled rocket would hold DRE compatible ablative coating internally and slowly burn through it as a third resource that fuels the rocket engine, the advantage would be an engine that's possibly lighter and much cheaper, but the trade off is when you run out of ablative coating the engine stops working forever.

The second rocket sounds like SXT's black adder engine, and while I would love an extra ram free stock revamp version or equivalent to it doesn't adding a bunch of new engines sound kinda outside the mods scope?

Edited by passinglurker
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and while I would love an extra ram free stock revamp version or equivalent to it doesn't adding a bunch of new engines sound kinda outside the mods scope?

Nah, looks to me like he's suggesting something like the extras already included in this mod, but a bit more extreme.

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The orange details on the tanks is authentic.

Yep. The Saturn V tanks are like that because IIRC the tanks had a phenolic coating on them to act as an insulation. The DCSS tanks are orange because of the spray foam insulation that was the same or similar as the Shuttle's ET.

Edit: Apparently the Saturn tanks were spray on insulation too. There's an old story going around about how North American hired California surfers to spray on the insulation on the tanks of the S-II stage because of their experience using spray foam making surf boards. I'm not sure how accurate that story is. The phenolic layer was the original design which apparently had issues staying bonded with the tank while it was filled with the cryogenic fuels. More here.

Insulation for the LH2 tank created some of the most persistent technical problems in the entire S-II program. ... This ... confronted the company with the problem of adequate external insulation and with special difficulties in bonding the insulation to the super-cold surfaces of the fuel tank. The original solution specified external insulation made of phenolic honeycomb filled with a heat-resistant foam of isocyanate. Fabricated in panels, the insulation material was sealed at the top and bottom with a phenolic laminate followed by a layer of Tedlar plastic film. The process of bonding the insulation panels to the tank created potential hazards. Air pockets next to the super-cold metal could be turned into puddles of liquid oxygen; these puddles could eventually weaken the bonding, thereby allowing large panels to peel off. To avoid this, the S-II stage featured a liquid-helium purge of the insulation through grooves cut into the insulation surface next to the tank walls. Helium flowed through the grooves from the start of hydrogen loading through countdown and up to the instant of launch.

Unfortunately, this design never worked very well. The purge system was tricky, the insulation bonding repeatedly failed, and chunks of insulation continued to fall off during tanking and test sequences. Although several S-II stages were produced with the original insulation concept, the results were so discouraging that North American spent considerable time and money working up an alternative. Instead of making up panels and affixing them to the tank, the company finally evolved a process for spraying insulation material directly onto the tank walls (eliminating the air pockets), letting it cure, then cutting it to the proper contour. This technique turned out to be much more economical and much lighter than the insulation panels.

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But no one will actually do that. It's not practical to do that. Even so, that's not really the point.

actually with thrust limiting its very practical and if players will make first stages out of jet engines they'll pull exploits like staggered thrust too. Engines that are limited by a supply of a non refillable resource(be it solid fuel in the case of hybrid motors, ablative coating in the case of ablative cooled motors) on the other hand ultimately have a limited amount of dv you can pull out of them to warrant a lower cost, and are no more exploitable than a normal engine.

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I really enjoy this mod, brings the stock parts really to par with other parts from skilled modders.

I do have a suggestion though:

Would it be possible to have togglable engine fairings? Especially for your resized 2.5 m engines that fit inside 1.25 stacks it would be great. Even just being able to turn the engine fairings on/off would be fine.

Sorry if it was requested already, could not find it in the recent posts.

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I really enjoy this mod, brings the stock parts really to par with other parts from skilled modders.

I do have a suggestion though:

Would it be possible to have togglable engine fairings? Especially for your resized 2.5 m engines that fit inside 1.25 stacks it would be great. Even just being able to turn the engine fairings on/off would be fine.

Sorry if it was requested already, could not find it in the recent posts.

Tweakable Everything will let you do that without modding the cfgs. AFAIK you can't toggle fairings without a plugin. You could provide configs that don't include fairings (as KW does) or ones that do.

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God damn, I hardly ever remember to browse the WIP Addons subforum, but am I glad I did! The engines especially look effing-fantastic.

Issues though: All my fuel tanks, structural parts and command pods are screwed up... I don't have the KSP Renaissance Pack, so that's not it; here's a quick ls of my GameData folder:


The only thing inside TextureReplacer is CRP_ORS.cfg...

It would be really appreciated if someone could tell me what to do, this addon is too good to give up.

Could it be ATM/DDSLoader? Doubtful but...

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God damn, I hardly ever remember to browse the WIP Addons subforum, but am I glad I did! The engines especially look effing-fantastic.

Issues though: All my fuel tanks, structural parts and command pods are screwed up... I don't have the KSP Renaissance Pack, so that's not it; here's a quick ls of my GameData folder:


The only thing inside TextureReplacer is CRP_ORS.cfg...

It would be really appreciated if someone could tell me what to do, this addon is too good to give up.

Could it be ATM/DDSLoader? Doubtful but...

Could you show exactly how they're screwed up? Screenies are always helpful.

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Ah, the screwy-ness was probably due to me manually (destructively) converting all textures to DDS format (for DDS Loader) before ActiveTextureManagement came out with a non-destructive version of that feature...

Anyway: Now the textures are fine... except they're stock. I've copied over the Revamp folder countless times, deleted the ATM cache and MM cache for the Squad folder... no dice. I can't try without ATM because KSP dies within the first few minutes of loading -- more testing.

EDIT: After removing ATM and its configs, as well as a couple of the heavier mods to get past the loading screen...

No dice. The parts are still as stock as bland chicken soup.

Edited by requimrar
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Ah, your post made me investigate further -- although I did indeed 'merge' the folders, it turns out that OS X only replaces older files with newer files. Supposedly then the Revamp files had an earlier modification date than the Squad files, so I didn't merge it.

Used `ditto` on the command line, merged indeed.

Unfortunately... I've now run into a problem -- I can't load the damned game. I guess you can't have pretty models and textures without large costs.

Pretty pissed right now.


Why is it so hard to have a 64-bit Mac version? Unix is Unix, and if the conjectures about Win64's instability (pointer truncation somewhere inside Unity or an external library) are to be believed, then the OS X version should be as stable as the Linux 64-bit version.

Here's hoping to 0.90?

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Used `ditto` on the command line, merged indeed.

Unfortunately... I've now run into a problem -- I can't load the damned game. I guess you can't have pretty models and textures without large costs.

There's a good chance you broke something in GameData/Squad/ Try reinstalling KSP then add Ven's replacements back in using ditto. (And seriously, I should make an AppleScript droplet that uses ditto to install mods.)

Why is it so hard to have a 64-bit Mac version? Unix is Unix, and if the conjectures about Win64's instability (pointer truncation somewhere inside Unity or an external library) are to be believed, then the OS X version should be as stable as the Linux 64-bit version.

Go talk to the Unity people/ Not a lot Squad can do on their end. One option is to run a Linux distro on another partition or an external drive. (I have a Ubuntu install but can't seem to track down a problem with the video drivers hating KSP.)

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Excellent work so far!

Have you considered updating the stock wheels too? I would appreciate that, especially if there was a way to make all of them fold partially. I don't think it would affect their external (deployed) dimensions, but would greatly help in creating rovers that are more streamlined at launch. I think most real rovers were at least partially folded up (the lunar rover is an extreme example, but Curiosity was a nice one), and getting the large tank wheels up there looks ridiculous.

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