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[WIP] .25 - PaladinLabs Dev Thread - DeepFreeze cryonic crew storage - v.14


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  E.Nygma said:
Quick question: Is integration with AVC/MiniAVC a planned feature? If not, may I suggest it? It helps so much in tracking mod-updates :D

I hadn't planned on it but I'll look into it.

  Errol said:
Are there any plans for an ongoing cost of any kind to keep kerbals frozen without harm? An EC cost for life support/freezer units or monitors or something? Or are kerbals more durable then humans for cryogenics?

I'm disinclined to require an ongoing cost to keep frozen kerbals stable. Keeping the requirements limited to just freeze or thaw events means that the player only needs to plan for how/when/where of putting kerbals into and out of cryonic hibernation and can pretty much forget about any kerbals that are currently stored. I'll admit that it's probably less realistic, but it helps keep the the mod fun instead of just another thing to worry about and manage.

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New Demo video:

Finally got the model for the large cryochamber loaded into KSP and spent an evening back and forth to get the ladder/hatch triggers working properly and the texture matching stock better. Now that the asset is loaded into the game, I can start trying to find corner cases where things break and try to fix them, then starts the process of loading up various life support/crew mods and making sure DeepFreeze acts the way I'd like it to. Provided things goes smoothly, I hope to be able to release this cryochamber as a tentative alpha this weekend.

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  Errol said:
Would you be willing to make it an optional feature instead? It would be the deciding factor for me to get this mode or not.

It's non-trivial to deal with resource usage on a vessel, especially when it's likely to be put on rails while the player goes and messes with other vessels, and this would also require a configuration menu to be added somewhere to players could click. I'm still not convinced it's worth the trouble to add a feature that doesn't really jive with my vision of what DeepFreeze adds to gameplay. If you don't mind my asking, why does this mode decide whether the mod is of value to you?

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for the one kerbal pod, do you plan on using jsi to provide a transparent pod for the kerbal or will it just be a solid block with no view of the kerbal while boarded?

if yes to the use of a transparent pod, will you have it where, when initiated, the model of the kerbal is replaced by a model of a frozen kerbal?

or is this like far down the line...

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  Helix935 said:
for the one kerbal pod, do you plan on using jsi to provide a transparent pod for the kerbal or will it just be a solid block with no view of the kerbal while boarded?

if yes to the use of a transparent pod, will you have it where, when initiated, the model of the kerbal is replaced by a model of a frozen kerbal?

or is this like far down the line...

Ooooh I want that! Transparent yes please! I always wanted my Kerbals in glass coffins :D

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  marce said:
Ooooh I want that! Transparent yes please! I always wanted my Kerbals in glass coffins :D

Perhaps you could talk to nli2work about borrowing his koffin model for a handy Kerbal storage unit.

Bonus points for needing to be attached to a bigger cryo-unit to freeze a Kerbal (no glykerol on-board, so it needs to be attached to something that does have it). Perhaps based on one of the many service modules that has an internal structure with a fairing or other "skin" on it (Vend-A-Kerbal carousel?)

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@scottpaladin: Thank you very much for looking into AVC!

And great news for a (maybe) alpha, consider me sold! :D

  scottpaladin said:
I'm still not convinced it's worth the trouble to add a feature that doesn't really jive with my vision of what DeepFreeze adds to gameplay. If you don't mind my asking, why does this mode decide whether the mod is of value to you?

As I wrote earlier here, EC (or sth. else)-consumption in frozen state would be a big plus for me immersionwise. But hey, your mod, your rules :D Maybe this is also Errol's point...

Thanks for an awesome opportunity!

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Incoming omnibus reply:

  Helix935 said:
for the one kerbal pod, do you plan on using jsi to provide a transparent pod for the kerbal or will it just be a solid block with no view of the kerbal while boarded?

if yes to the use of a transparent pod, will you have it where, when initiated, the model of the kerbal is replaced by a model of a frozen kerbal?

or is this like far down the line...

That would be pretty slick. I'll have myself a rummage around in how JSI implements things to see if it might be possible somewhere down the line.

  madlemur said:
Bonus points for needing to be attached to a bigger cryo-unit to freeze a Kerbal (no glykerol on-board, so it needs to be attached to something that does have it). Perhaps based on one of the many service modules that has an internal structure with a fairing or other "skin" on it (Vend-A-Kerbal carousel?)

This very method was one that I explored during the initial stages of design. I ended up deciding that it sounded too finicky both to code and to use for my first mod but I'd love to revisit the idea later. Maybe a little module you can slap onto the side of the cryochamber that takes frozen kerbals out of the chamber, consumes some karbonite, and spawns a han-kerman-in-karbonite model.

  E.Nygma said:
As I wrote earlier here, EC (or sth. else)-consumption in frozen state would be a big plus for me immersionwise. But hey, your mod, your rules :D Maybe this is also Errol's point...

Thanks. We'll see what people think once somebody besides me get their hands on it to play with it; I'm all for discussion of these kinds of things.

  sober667 said:
frezeeng should(in finale) take fair amount of times(atleast copule minutes) as unfreezeng to be a litle bit more real(how fast u can pump out blood from Kerbal and pump back Gry...somethink?

The times shown in the video aren't finalized. I'll probably decrease the amount drained per tick and maybe kick up the total required. I don't think we'll go so high as a couple of minutes to freeze. The Cryochamber holds 10 kerbals, so filling it would probably become tedious.

  Riverey said:
It looks great!

I think you should extend it and coo with something like KeepFit and Interstellar. It will be logical if kerbals will need to use criopods to warp or something like this)

I haven't tested KeepFit yet but DeepFreeze should work with it out of the box. Interstellar integration is a neat idea but I'll be frank and admit I have no idea how to go about hooking into another mod that way to detect/prevent the activation of a warp drive. I'll keep it in mind though.

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So, my point on resource consumption while frozen:

I'm playing with MKS/OKS as my main end game goal in a career game. I'm playing with a whole bunch of other stuff to add realism, TAC-LS, SNACKS!, remote tech, figaro gps etc.

The attraction to me in using something like this is the possibility of transporting a large crew to a station or kolony far away all at once, in a small fast ship, for LESS resources. Honestly, I would probably design my ship to have two pilots awake at all times, sort of like pandorum. Anyway, the point is, I don't want an easy button that just simply removes the kerbals from my worry. I would rather have another option (besides closed loop LS; which is a large expensive footprint which requires a lot of power, or simply packing a huge amount of LS supplies). I still want to have to make sure that I have the energy requirement to keep the fridges running or what ever met. The fun in this game for me is more in ship design then actual game play. Having a nasa style, each step planned mission, is my idea of fun. I would almost consider finding some other useless mod with a tiny part that consumes EC I don't even use to act as my EC cost for this. It becomes an issue of, ok, how far am I going, will solar panels suffice, or will I need a reactor of some type as I move away from the sun towards eeloo.

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  Errol said:
So, my point on resource consumption while frozen:

I'm playing with MKS/OKS as my main end game goal in a career game. I'm playing with a whole bunch of other stuff to add realism, TAC-LS, SNACKS!, remote tech, figaro gps etc.

The attraction to me in using something like this is the possibility of transporting a large crew to a station or kolony far away all at once, in a small fast ship, for LESS resources. Honestly, I would probably design my ship to have two pilots awake at all times, sort of like pandorum. Anyway, the point is, I don't want an easy button that just simply removes the kerbals from my worry. I would rather have another option (besides closed loop LS; which is a large expensive footprint which requires a lot of power, or simply packing a huge amount of LS supplies). I still want to have to make sure that I have the energy requirement to keep the fridges running or what ever met. The fun in this game for me is more in ship design then actual game play. Having a nasa style, each step planned mission, is my idea of fun. I would almost consider finding some other useless mod with a tiny part that consumes EC I don't even use to act as my EC cost for this. It becomes an issue of, ok, how far am I going, will solar panels suffice, or will I need a reactor of some type as I move away from the sun towards eeloo.

If you absolutely want it the easiest thing would be to add an USI_Converter module (which you already have because of MKS stuff) on the cryopod with as much EC input as you like and 0 EC output. Doesn't look very polished but would work (also on rails).

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  marce said:
If you absolutely want it the easiest thing would be to add an USI_Converter module (which you already have because of MKS stuff) on the cryopod with as much EC input as you like and 0 EC output. Doesn't look very polished but would work (also on rails).

That sounds like exactly what I want, I just have no idea how to do that.

Honestly, if it is easy to simply do that, I would also likely play with numbers for ins and outs of water and and waste water as well. Just for that extra tiny touch of realism. Is there a guide or tutorial somewhere that teaches how to do what you describe?

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I think that if you will integrate it with something like KeepFit, for integration with Interstellar warp engines you need to simply track the g-force - it becomes extremely high for few seconds when you activate warp and kerbanauts will die. The only question is - who will control ship if all kerbanauts are ice cubes?

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  Riverey said:
I think that if you will integrate it with something like KeepFit, for integration with Interstellar warp engines you need to simply track the g-force - it becomes extremely high for few seconds when you activate warp and kerbanauts will die. The only question is - who will control ship if all kerbanauts are ice cubes?

we have some Probe cores (try play life support mod + Remote techsoryy for offtopic )

or we can shoot rocket using kerbals trigger traswer and (i dont now using KM timer?)set them to ubfrezee one kerbal could be fun to to be able to set time after wich they will be auto unfreezed ( so u make a transfer-freze all crew and wait until its not waked up

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I play with remote tech and I`m sure that controlling the warp with more than 3-5 second delay will be painfull=)

But maybe it's more realistic - you just plan one warp, freeze everyone, warp, stop it through probe core and when unfreeze (weird word?=) everyone)

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  JeffreyCor said:
I think a neat idea might be if unfreazing could be assigned to action groups and set a Smart Parts timer to revive a crew member after a certain amount of time has passed. This would also work around any Remote Tech delays. :)

i'd rather have it where in the IVA, there would be a kitchen top timer somewhere that has a sign under it that says time til wake up or something along thos lines...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Helix935 said:
i'd rather have it where in the IVA, there would be a kitchen top timer somewhere that has a sign under it that says time til wake up or something along thos lines...

Sounds cute :) But not of much use for those that never use IVA. Both would be the best option to neither force use of another mod nor use of IVA.

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