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LCARS Natural Cause Inc. - The Star Trek Universe


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Natural Cause Inc.

It's an extension plugin for LCARS. It will work without LCARS though.(I tried, but it seems it wont work)

It's function is to spawn selected objects at selected locations in your solar system.

That way, you can create your own custom Star Trek Universe with stations, black holes, mine fields, Ion Storms and other natural phenomena.

The Cause:

With impulse vessels, the KSP main game get's boring - so the impulse plugin should be accessible at the end of the tech tree.

But why should I continue to play if the game is won?

So I planned and partially did invent a second game arc, after the main game.

I hope it will provide some additional hours of fun for each game you start.

The vision:

You will get LCARS with NCI together at the end of the tech tree and you can define how your new game universe looks.

LCARS Vessels like the Belerophon will cost hundred thousands of funds and you will not be able to buy it right away - it's huge - smaller ships will be cheaper.

You can use those smaller ships to collect enough money to buy larger ones.

The Mission System comes with a full fledged MissionCreator and features like Steps, Jobs, Conditions, Conversations, Messages, Personailities, Objects, Artefacts and special Equippment.

All together allows the creation of interactive, challanging missions that allow the players to experiance thrilling adventures.

It will have loads of generic eastereggs to find - such as missions to perform, business to do, reputation to gain and battles to fight.

You will find natural phenomena that promise huge reputation if you manage to surwive them. NCI allow to register self created objects and you can use the simple cfg file to tell NCI what features your object posesses.

Those features will be available to mission creators in the GUI to use in missions.

Possible are Planned is stuff tasks like, someone offers you funds if you perform a close up scan of the center of the IonStorm.

Derelict stations can be salvaged and/or assembled and/or put to use. Asteroids with bases "in" them are in progress too.

Detect secret backdoors to dangerous installations and explore them. Find informants who can tell you how to detect and use those backdoors.

Collect artefacts to trae them for others that are used in a mission.

You will be able (with enough effort) to discsover alien technology that enables you to do things you coudn't do before - such as disarming mines.

Some of these eastereggs Jobs will require to be on EVA others will require a certain LCARS ship system and again others will require to be at the right time at the right place.

Some NCI-objects come with a low level AI, that will shoot on you - so, mines and orbital defense plattforms are dangerouse.

You will be able to destroy them and will be able to disarm/salvage them - such deeds will produce reputation and cash.

disarming mines will generate valuable materials that you find in them - such as gold or platinum. So it's worth to find this alien tech stuff - It'll pay out.

Material findings will be instantly converted into equivalent funds so you don't have to bother with new resources.

Stations can hold business outposts where a friendly agent will offer you some deal.

NCI-Missions are completely encapsulated - so each object will be what a mission creator told it to, in the next mission,

you will use the same "requisite" but it might be and or do something completely different. Depending on the mission you play.

Artefacts that you collect, can be kept and used in later missions, your kerbals will gain power by gaining a so called "Clearance Level" that defines who has access to where..

Yes - some older gamers will recognize two things - Frontier Elite and Privateer

Both are to blame, that my concept looks as it does - although I do not claim I will reach that level, I can certainly try..



[TH]OnDemand Object Spawner[/TH]

[TH]Adventure Missions[/TH]

[TH]Mission Creator[/TH]



[TD]With a simple GUI, you can spawn as much or as few objects, as you like, in your starsystem. At what ever location you want

You can choose from 3 object categories.

  1. Naturals - Stuff like storms and other phenomena
  2. Hostiles - mines, armed stations (maybe hostile ships)
  3. Stations - all kind of walkable living space

NCI will be shipped with a bunch of these objects - mostly own creations but also some with-permission revivals of old KSP-gems.

But NCI is extendable!

You can add your own parts to the system by writing a simple 10 lines cfg file for each part. That way, NCI has the ability grow and offer an increasing number of objects to play with.[/TD]

[TD]NCI is also a "game in the game" - you can download and install user created missions

and play them through.

Those missions allow a much higher interaction then KSP usually does.

You can talk to aliens, trade with criminals or become a government official for one mission.

NCI will be shipped with a bunch of these Missions - but the NCIMC (MissionCreator)

gives NCI the ability grow and offer an increasing number of Missions to play through.

The Player has a Star Fleet Rank and he can make carrer if he finishes senough missions.

A Mission can have a minimum clearance code,

so you can't make difficult missions if your rank is too low.

A Mission Story is comprised of Assets and Steps.

  • Mission Assets
    • Objects
      • These are NCI Objects like IonStorm or Stations, you can add your own objects to NCI with a simple cfg file
      • If selected, the mission requires them to be in space somewhere or the mission will not be available


      • These are Characters for conversations - several are offered by default but you can create your own with the GUI.


      • Tech Tools to use in your story - they come with GUI and class and options
        • Bussard Collector - gathers resources - what and where can be defined by the story creator
        • Iso Flux Detector - finds Easteregg if prepared to do so - what and where can be defined by the story creator
        • Nucleonic Analyzer - if you feed in an artefact, it can gather some information about it - what can be defined by the story creator
        • Pteroplastic Scrambler - if you feed one artefact, it will produce an other - the story creator defines all parameters.


      • All kind of handheld objects to use in your story - they have numerouse selectable applications
        • about a dozend are predefined, but you can create your own in the GUI

    [*]Multiple Programmable Mission Steps

    • Each Step has:
      • Options
        • Messages
        • Step Conditions
        • Turn off or damage LCARS features on step start
        • Override Object-Options like doors and GUIWindows on step start


        • Multiple Speeches
          • Messages
          • Rewards
          • Multiple Responses
            • Messages
            • Rewards
            • Event - decide where the story continues

        [*] Messages (Lcars-eMail,NCI-Console or ScreenMessage)

        • Multiple Reply Options
          • Event - decide where the story continues

          [*]Multiple Encryption Options

          • Plain Message - Not encrypted
          • Simple Encryption - can be read 100%
          • Broken Encryption - can be read 90%
          • Sealed Encryption - can not be read
          • Sealed with Item - can be read only if you posess the right Artefact

        [*] Multiple Jobs

        • Multiple Conditions - decide where the story continues
        • Messages

All listed above can be set by mouse click in the Mission Creator GUI[/TD]

[TD]Everyone can easely without coding knowledge create own missions, simply use the complexe GUI to define every detail of your story line.

Turn on or off Gamefeatures, create personalities and artefacts, include objects and write conversations.

All is controlled by an easy to understand condition-system.

The story progresses if:

  1. a certain min distance is reached
  2. a certain max distance is reached
  3. an object is destroyed
  4. an object was scanned
  5. an artefact was picked up
  6. the user has clicked a button that sent him to the next chapter
  7. the user has used the main deflector with a certain setting
  8. does the user have an artefact
  9. move a Hostile ship to a specified location - was exectuted
  10. load Passenger - was exectuted
  11. unload Passenger - was exectuted
  12. killKerbal - was exectuted

You can reward the user for finished jobs and missions by paying out fund, science or reputation.

Also artefacts can be collected by the user in his inventory, if he may keep them in one mission, they will still be there for the next (persitance)

A Mission is something to remember - that's why the player can review detaileded mission logs as long as his save file exists.[/TD]






[TH]NCI Objects[/TH]

[TH]NCI Artefacts[/TH]

[TH]NCI Personalities[/TH]

[TH]NCI Missions[/TH]



[TD]Objects are One-Part-Vessel!

NCI can work with all kind of one part objects.

They may have animations, plugins, audio, no matter what

features they have, NCI will spawn them and make them

available in your missions.

Spere39 for example has by default:

- a Forcefield with status Locked/Unlocked & security Access Panel

- a Mechanical Door with status Locked/Unlocked & security Access Panel

- 2 computer consoles with GUIWindows and several options

- A "ReactorCore" that can be deactivated.

Sphere39 will disble your LCARS transporter

and LCARS scanner if the reactor is running.

So if your job is to scan the thing, you will need to deactivate it first.

- ShieldEmmitter that makes the Sphere indestructable, you can turn it off if you reach the reactor core.

Now, as a story writer, all those features may be in the way of your mission-story, that is why you can disable them individually and override when necessary on a per-step basis.

That is done inside the mission creator.

The mission creator "know's" about those features if you note them in the object CFG.[/TD]

[TD]Usefull little( or big) things that have huge or minor effect

on much or few game events. An artefact is just a picture

and a name, the story writer has full controll over the

functionality of each artefact and he can create his own in seconds..

Examples are:

  • Memory Alpha Access Code Level 1 - grants access to cetrain information at Memory Alpha

  • Optolythic Data Rod - contains encrypted data and oght to be used with the Nucleonic Analyzer to be read


[TD]Personalities will interact with you, they will give you assignments,

pay you money, give you artefacts or information or thy will

add complication to your task.

A Large repository of people is available for qwriting your own stories.

Or you can simply add new ones as needed.


Computer Mainframe, Access Granted


Lieutenant Pete Omal is an experienced man with many talents.

(picture curtesy of nightwing1975 aka Gary Anderson)


[TD]Missions are started automatically if:

  • No RunningMission object is active
  • The start condition is met

  • it's the next in line

A Mission consists of some defined goals, they can be tactical,

puzzling, adbeturos, dangerouse, funny or what ever the mission

creator was able to deliver.

Missions can use artefacts, Personalities, Equippment, objects of

course and you definately need a good ship to reach the places required.

Objects like stations offer decks and ections, filled with

so called "Actionpoints". Actionpoints are GameObjects built into each object.

A Mission can have as condition things like "reach this action point",

if that is accomplished, the next "Job" or "Step" starts.

The player has to find clues, find artefacts, open forcefields,

convince people to give information, hack passwords,

deactivate security systems or simply fight his way through hostile ships and or environments. NCI offers all a good Star Trek game needs.

Written Missions:

  • Find and Deliver the Tox Uthat

  • I lost my Purse in Engineering

WIP Missions:

  • There's Warp Plasma in that Nebula
  • Disable the Sphere39
  • The Doomsday Machine
  • Scan the Spere39
  • Destroy the Spere39





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[TH]Partially Implemented:[/TH]




[TD]OnDemand Object Spawner

- Spawn 1-Part-Vesssels in selected locations

- Easy to use GUI

- Bulk spawn mode for minefields and orbital defense

- custom config files are parsed to compile the object list.

- You can add own objects to the system with one simple cfg file

- community objects made possible

- IonStorm, DefenderOne, ShermansDepot, BadLands

- DS9 by MJY(with permission)

- a fixed version of the black Hole The_Duck made (with permission), All FASA Asteroids fixed ofcourse (with permission)

Adventure Missions

- community missions made possible

- Modifying the vessel load distance to allow huge objects (see pics above)

- MagBoots to walk in the stations more info

- MissionDriver, automatically selects valid background missions and starts annoying the user with tasks. and challanges

- Mission-Subsystem for LCARS, delivers life infrmation about the running mission in the LCARS GUI.

- continuity controller - user input and game events are driving the mission progress through all steps and jobs.

- Conversation-Driver and Respons-System to talk to Mission-Personalities.

- Automated LCARS-eMails with Reply-System to give interaction to missions while in space.

- Universal Translator to decode encrypted messages.

- Mission Logger that can sho past missions detailed..

- scenario module saves mission progress - you can continue in the next game session.

- added ship status to scenario

- added messageQueue to scenario

- added artefact inventory to scenario

- Artefacts as Objects: Usefull little( or big) things that have huge or minor effect on much or few game events..

An artefact is just a picture and a name, the story writer has full controll over the functionality of each artefact and he can create his own in seconds..

- NCI-Subsystem with Mission Equippment

  • Iso Flux Detector (find alien spots)
  • Nucleonic Analyzer (analyze artefacts)
  • PteroplasticScrambler (modify artefacts)

- Artefact collection

Mission Creator

- Save Missions to cfg files

- load missions from cfg files

- Mission Creator GUI, InGame generator for mission files - use your mouse to program a mission.

- it's actually done, maybe some minor GUI tweaks as deemed necessary..[/TD]

[TD]- NCI-Subsystem with Mission Equippment

  • BussardCollectors (gather resources)

- AI for satelites

- not all step/job conditions are check and processed by now - working on it

- Tye in with KSP funds system[/TD]

[TD]- spawn hostile ships

- AI for hostile ships

- Tye in with KSP science and reputation system

- you name it below...[/TD]




- several LCARS ships of different types, not each ship will be able to perform every task. Some too small, others too bulky

- For most of the easteregg missions, you will required LCARS in one or an other way, but the main function of the plugin - the spawning - "should" also work without.

- Fun with SciFi stuff.

The Team:

Code, Models and Stories: Philotical

Stories: Teto

Content Contributors:

- StarVision - Doomsday Machine

- The_Duck - the Black Hole

- frizzank - all FASA Asteroids

- nightwing1975 aka Gary Anderson decided to contribute some of his artwork for NCI! Many of the Star Trek personalities you will meet, will be his FanArt. (You can thank him! He takes commission requests, go and order some cool drawings.) http://nightwing1975.deviantart.com/


- Philotical - Concept, Code, Artwork

- Teto - beta tester

- Nansuchao - beta tester

Gravitational Effects Example - the Ion Storm:


Simple Demo Mission:

More complexe Mission:

Edited by philotical
added new team members
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This is an example for the syntax I plan to use to define the missions - this will go in a cfg file, the intention is that missions can be easely added without coding - in short: write your own missions.

Please have a look at it and tell me if you think it's quite intuitive or if you think wtf goes on here..

If that is too much like ancient greek for you guys, I need to rethink the approach..

title = Obtain the Tox Uthat
description = gather information and object
creator = Philotical
url = // forum url
missiontype = 1
steps = 4
currentstep = 1
// this story needs two distinct business points and one ionstorm-part
// if the requirements are not met by your save, this story will not be available
EGGS // unlimited amount of eggs can be required
science = 0
alien = 0
reputation = 0
cash = 0
resources = 0
business = 2
PARTS // max. 5 specific parts can be required
part1 = IonStorm
part2 =
part3 =
part4 =
part5 =
science = 0
reputation = 20
cash = 8000
select_type = random // random, first, distinct
select_part = IonStorm
//select_distinct = // must hold a Guid if distinct was set
id = 1 // step number
egg = business // needs a part with a valid business point to get started, like ShermansDepot
locationtype = egg // egg or part
location = 1 // will be offered only at the first business point in the system, BusinessID=1, his name is Conud'Baah
sealdeal_textID = 4
next step = 2
GUIBUTTON // will be added to the conversation GUI
buttontext1 = Obtain the Tox Uthat!
textID = 1
textID = 1
text = Get me the Tox Uthat - I'll pay you 8000 cash
EVENT = sealdeal
EVENT = textID
textID = 3
EVENT = textID
textID = 2
textID = 2
text = It's an energy source of alien origin - you will also get 20 reputation if you can handle the job!
EVENT = sealdeal
EVENT = textID
textID = 3
textID = 3
text = In that case, get off my yard pal!
EVENT = closeWindow
textID = 4
text = Splendid - now you need to find Krol'Laackz - Tell him I sent you, he can tell you where to find the Tox. Good Luck.
EVENT = closeWindow
id = 2 // step number
egg = business // needs a part with a valid business point to get started, like ShermansDepot
locationtype = egg // egg or part
location = 2 // will be offered only at the second business point in the system, BusinessID=2, his name is Krol'Laackz
next step = 3
GUIBUTTON // will be added to the conversation GUI
buttontext1 = Tell me about the Tox Uthat!
textID = 1
textID = 1
text = Why should I tell you?
RESPONSE = Conud'Baah sends me.
EVENT = textID
textID = 2
textID = 2
text = I don't know much, just that it was lost inside an ion storm, I don't even know which one. The guy who stole it wasn't lucky and that storm killed him when he got caught in it. They say the Tox must have surwived - but who knows for certain.
RESPONSE = How will I recognize it.
EVENT = textID
textID = 3
textID = 3
text = You do have on of those sturdy LCARS vessels, don't you? Good - you can use your scanner array when you see the storm, it will locate it for you.
RESPONSE = And how do I obtain it?
EVENT = textID
textID = 4
textID = 4
text = Well, just fly close to some IonStorm, LCARS will tell you the distance to it - IF it's there - and will also pick it up as soon as you are close enough, unless you are dead by then of course.
RESPONSE = Is an IonStorm really that dangerous?
EVENT = textID
textID = 5
textID = 5
text = Hahaha - was that a joke? It will tear your ship apart - it has enormous gravitational forces and if a plasma vortex pulls you in, you need all your energy reserves to get away.. Maybe you better stay at home if you are afraid ha ha ha!
EVENT = closeWindow
id = 3 // step number
locationtype = part // egg / part
location = IonStorm // will take the IonStorm that was auto-selected on sealdeal
next step = 4
{ // in the vicinity of an ion storm, use your scanner
jobID = 1
jobtype = scan // distance, destroy, scan, todo
{ // screenmessage tells you how far away it is, fly there until you are closer than 20 meters.
jobID = 2
jobtype1 = distance // distance, destroy, scan, todo
jobtype2 = 20
id = 1
type = once
text = You found an unknown object with a strange energy signature inside the Storm!
id = 2
type = loop
text = Object Distance:

{ // the item will be collected
jobID = 3
jobtype1 = collect // distance, destroy, scan, collect
id = 1
type = once
text = The Item was collected - plot an escape course now - hurry!
id = 4 // step number
egg = business // needs a business point to get started
locationtype = egg // egg / part
location = 1 // will be offered only at the first business point in the system, BusinessID=1
next step = 2
GUIBUTTON // will be added to the conversation GUI
buttontext1 = Here is the Tox Uthat!
textID = 1
textID = 1
text = Splendid - The cash and the reputation have been transmitted
EVENT = closeWindow
task1 = payout_cash
task2 = payout_reputation


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I've never used DMP so far, so I can't even say..

but if you are willing to play guineapig, I could arrange for you to have a test version and we could test that out together..

Can't DMP block certain things? Like, block this plugin in general? I'm not sure how I should elaborate how many objects "other" players spawn..

Well - I guess I have to check it out once..

You own/run a DMP server? Still slots free for testing things like this? :-)

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I've never used DMP so far, so I can't even say..

but if you are willing to play guineapig, I could arrange for you to have a test version and we could test that out together..

Can't DMP block certain things? Like, block this plugin in general? I'm not sure how I should elaborate how many objects "other" players spawn..

Well - I guess I have to check it out once..

You own/run a DMP server? Still slots free for testing things like this? :-)

i tried testing something for someone once. it turned out very badley. and i am very bad at doing that kind of thing. that's why i never sign up for beta testing on games :). sry

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've reached a huge MileStone!!

The mission creation is complete and stable.

I might add minor stuff and GUI changes - but it's at least in beta stage.

I've added story modes that allow for automatic background missions, that start autmatically if your position meets a certain requirement.

Here is an example for such a mission..

story_type = AutomaticBackgroundStory
title = Warp Plasma at BadLands
filename = WarpPlasmaAtBadLands
description = Challenging resource Mission for a good pilot. You will need a storage capability for Warp Plasma on your ship.
creator = Philotical
url =
missionSteps = 0
id = 1
name = BadLands
description = A menacing phenomenon that can tear your ship appart
part_idcode = BadLands
egg_idcode =
part_egg_modes = science,alien,reputation
name = Station: Science
idcode = science
description = LCARS-Station: Science
portrait =
name = Bussard Collector
idcode = BussardCollector
description = gathers a defined resource while in range
icon = LCARS_NaturalCauseInc/NCIAssets/Icons/NCIEquippment_BussardCollector
resource = WarpPlasma
distance_threshhold = 4000
part = BadLands
egg = science
artefact1 =
textline =
artefact2 =
name = Iso Flux Detector
idcode = IsoFluxDetector
description = finds a defined gameObject by messuring the distance to vessel
icon = LCARS_NaturalCauseInc/NCIAssets/Icons/NCIEquippment_IsoFluxDetector
resource =
distance_threshhold = 10000
part = BadLands
egg = science
artefact1 =
textline =
artefact2 =
SealDeal_messageID =
CloseDeal_messageID =
cash = 0
reputation = 0
science = 0
objects =
id = 1
locationtype = distanceLower
location_part = BadLands
location_egg =
conversation_trigger_distance = 1
location_distance = 50000
sealdeal_textID = 0
next_step = 3
stepStart_messageID = none
stepEnd_messageID = none
buttontext1 =
textID = 0
personality =
messageID = 1
messageType = eMail
loopMessage = False
message = The long range sensors have detected a dense pocket of Warp Plasma inside the BadLands. I suggest we move in closer to investigate!
title = Sir, There is Warp Plasma ahead!
sender = science
sender_id_line = Station: Science reports
receiver_type = Station
receiver_code = Bridge
priority = 3
Encrypted = False
encryptionMode =
decryption_artefact =
reply_sent = False
buttonText = No (reject Mission)
replyCode = step
replyID = 3
buttonText = Agreed (accept Mission)
replyCode = step
replyID = 2
jobID = 1
isStepEnd = False
jobtype = distanceLower
target = object
distance = 50000
NCI_object = BadLands
NCI_egg =
NCI_artefact =
jobStart_messageID = none
jobEnd_messageID = 1
jobID = 2
isStepEnd = True
jobtype = distanceGreater
target = object
distance = 80000
NCI_object =
NCI_egg =
NCI_artefact =
jobStart_messageID = none
jobEnd_messageID = none
id = 2
locationtype = distanceLower
location_part = BadLands
location_egg =
conversation_trigger_distance = 1
location_distance = 20000
sealdeal_textID = 0
next_step = 3
stepStart_messageID = none
stepEnd_messageID = none
buttontext1 =
textID = 0
personality =
messageID = 1
messageType = eMail
loopMessage = False
message = Please open the NCI Console and activate the Iso Flux Detector. As soon as we are in range, it will guide us to the pocket. Go as close as possible to the pocket.
title = Sir, the IFD could help us now
sender = science
sender_id_line = Station: Science reports
receiver_type = Station
receiver_code = Bridge
priority = 3
Encrypted = False
encryptionMode =
decryption_artefact =
reply_sent = False
messageID = 2
messageType = eMail
loopMessage = False
message = It seems to be moving fast, maybe the storms pull it with them, we need our best man at the helm now. Try to get much closer and try to hold that distance.
title = We have found the Pocket Sir!
sender = science
sender_id_line = Station: Science reports
receiver_type = Station
receiver_code = Bridge
priority = 3
Encrypted = False
encryptionMode =
decryption_artefact =
reply_sent = False
messageID = 3
messageType = eMail
loopMessage = False
message = Activate the Bussard Collectors and hold that distance. Or get even closer for a higher production.
title = We are spot on!
sender = science
sender_id_line = Station: Science reports
receiver_type = Station
receiver_code = Bridge
priority = 3
Encrypted = False
encryptionMode =
decryption_artefact =
reply_sent = False
messageID = 4
messageType = eMail
loopMessage = False
message = It seems the IFD lost the contact - we are too far away.. What shall we do?
title = We have lost the Warp Plasma Deposit Sir!
sender = science
sender_id_line = Station: Science reports
receiver_type = Station
receiver_code = Bridge
priority = 3
Encrypted = False
encryptionMode =
decryption_artefact =
reply_sent = False
buttonText = Let's go (End Mission)
replyCode = step
replyID = 3
buttonText = Try again (Restart Mission)
replyCode = job
replyID = 2
jobID = 1
isStepEnd = False
jobtype = distanceLower
target = object
distance = 20000
NCI_object =
NCI_egg =
NCI_artefact =
jobStart_messageID = none
jobEnd_messageID = 1
jobID = 2
isStepEnd = False
jobtype = distanceLower
target = egg
distance = 5000
NCI_object = BadLands
NCI_egg = science
NCI_artefact =
jobStart_messageID = none
jobEnd_messageID = 2
jobID = 3
isStepEnd = False
jobtype = distanceLower
target = egg
distance = 1000
NCI_object = BadLands
NCI_egg = science
NCI_artefact =
jobStart_messageID = none
jobEnd_messageID = 3
jobID = 4
isStepEnd = False
jobtype = distanceGreater
target = egg
distance = 10000
NCI_object = BadLands
NCI_egg = science
NCI_artefact =
jobStart_messageID = none
jobEnd_messageID = 4
jobID = 5
isStepEnd = True
jobtype = distanceGreater
target = object
distance = 80000
NCI_object = BadLands
NCI_egg =
NCI_artefact =
jobStart_messageID = none
jobEnd_messageID = none
id = 3
locationtype = distanceGreater
location_part = BadLands
location_egg =
conversation_trigger_distance = 1
location_distance = 100000
sealdeal_textID = 0
next_step = 1
stepStart_messageID = none
stepEnd_messageID = none
buttontext1 =
textID = 0
personality =
jobID = 1
isStepEnd = True
jobtype = distanceGreater
target = object
distance = 110000
NCI_object = BadLands
NCI_egg =
NCI_artefact =
jobStart_messageID = none
jobEnd_messageID = none

The mission starts on it's own if you go closer than 50Km to the badlands.

The science station will inform you about a sensor result regarding WarpPlasma in the badlands.

This is the moment, where the player decides if he want's to play that story right now or not.

If he confirms, the story starts and you will get advise on how to proceed from your science station.

If the player declines or ignores it, the fall back logic (achieved with the step-jobs in step 2 and 3) will move the mission silently into the retart position.

It's all in the config - see if you can follow the logic..

Now on to the game-driver..

I estimate that I can play the first proof of concept mission within 2 days..


Anyone who is intrested in writing missions alllready, can apply here for an alpha download of NCI and the mission creator.

It would be highly appreciated since the more config files I have to read, the easier the developpment of the game-driver will be.

The abillity to test different scenarios while developing is really helpfull guys..

so if you have the time, apply please..


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I would again lol. That's good news.

Thank's Teto!

(link sent a few days back..)

Well - the POC mission works now!

here some preview

the code that processes the mission is a dirty test and has to be rewritten completely..

The clip is just to show what it might look like, proof that it'll work and (partially) show how it will work

..so be patient :-)

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The video still shows one or two glitches - but I guess you can slowly see the idea behind the project..

Today it wouldn't be possible to record this (it's two days old), I fixed 200 small bugs and it seems I broke the conversation system (again)..
This first version of NCI is even worse than the first LCARS was..
I guess a complete rewrite will be inevitable sooner or later..
The whole structure is that complicated, that I wasn't able to plan all ahead and now it's a patch work mess..
but I guess I figured out enough to make the second version more straightforward and clean..

Shall I try to get this fixed first for an initial release or shall I start with version 2 right away..
your thoughts are appreciated..
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  • 4 weeks later...

The video still shows one or two glitches - but I guess you can slowly see the idea behind the project..

Today it wouldn't be possible to record this (it's two days old), I fixed 200 small bugs and it seems I broke the conversation system (again)..

This first version of NCI is even worse than the first LCARS was..

I guess a complete rewrite will be inevitable sooner or later..

The whole structure is that complicated, that I wasn't able to plan all ahead and now it's a patch work mess..

but I guess I figured out enough to make the second version more straightforward and clean..

Shall I try to get this fixed first for an initial release or shall I start with version 2 right away..

your thoughts are appreciated..

I would just skip straight to version two. Also, I am currently running a KSP mp server and would be happy to let you test stuff on it. Uses the Steam version. Pm me if you would like address and current running mod info for the server.

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I would just skip straight to version two. Also, I am currently running a KSP mp server and would be happy to let you test stuff on it. Uses the Steam version. Pm me if you would like address and current running mod info for the server.

Well - 3 weeks ago I decided to finish a working version first, to get a playable release online..

In the process, I stabilized, tightened and straightened the system so far, that I'm confident, it'll be a fun thing anyway..

Version two would be quite different in the aspect, that there won't be a fixed story line but independent story arcs or Episodes, each with steps and jobs.

So you can define a mission by episodes. those episodes can mostly be played in random order unless they have a "Finished Arc1" as condition.

So, in case the story has two locations A and B, right now the story defines where the payer has to fly first.

Version two would allow for a user to decides to fly to location A first, and later to location B. While an other player might reverse the order and the mission could follow those decissions.

Now, if the mission says go to A, but you fly to B, the mission would be idle until you are at A. That's not flexible enough for my taste..

This little change is the only reason I plan a new version now. - stability is luckily no longer the problem.

The last two weeks brought a load of new features I'd like to mention!

It is now possible to include all PQS objects into a mission - that means every building in space center can be used as an action point like those on my stations..

You can meet an admiral outside of "Administration Building" or a Scientist at the "Side Lab" etc..

This includes all mun archs and duna and minmus etc.. - also, planetary bodies themselfe can be used with an orbit height as condition.

Therefor: "Meet me on the dark side of Ike" is a valid story element.

Missions can kill kerbals and destroy your ship now.

LACRS has a main deflector that can be used to activate/deactivate stuff on NCI objects

It is fully integrated in NCI and it's missions now..

The Pteroplastic Scrambler can now be fed with more than one artefact..

Intended for stuff like gather 5 peaces of an android and assemble him.

Related to that, a mission can wait with progressing until you have assembled an artefact..

more to come...

About the MP server, you'll hear from me..

Thank's for the offer

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  • 1 month later...

Nice of you to ask - yes it's playable!

I have 3 finished missions (and dozens small test crap mission, not publishable) that are playable and some extended story lines I need to turn into CFGs..

The two mods offer currently:

- 7 Stations (with Station LCARS)

- 7 Ships (LCARS Mark II)

- 6 Space Anomalies (Ion Storm etc..)

- 3 Hostile Aliens (with NCI Follower AI - Soon with weappon AI) It's planned to build Mines, Armed Satelites, both stationary in orbit and lots of Alien Ships that actually can attack (NCI AI)

- 7 LCARS Mark II ships in varying sizes

The Weappons aren't done yet - but everything else is..

It's planned to teach the Hostile-Objects to shoot on you - now they only circle around you like vultures - but so far peacefull..

The Mission Editor V2 is almost done and then I'll write some more missions..

New NCI features worth mentioning:

- Passenger transport

- Player Rank - you start as CrewMan, progres to Ensign and end up as Fleet Admiral with respective Clearance Level from 0 to 10

- Missions have a clearance level - if your's is too low, you can't play the mission

- Missions can be set to ignore so they won't start again.

- The NCI GUI at space center was completely rewritten. You can now review missions, mission logs and details about all objects there.

Station LCARS - the OS of all stations has following features:

- Activate Deactivate the Sherman Docking Ports

- Fueltank Management - all station come with a comfortable amount of Condensed Deuterium wich is needed for all LCARS Mark II ships. Use statoins to refuel

- Fuel Transfer System

- Crew Manifest

- and Station Info Panel to see weight and stuff..

LCARS, Station LCARS and NCI are 100% compatible..

LCARS is the only one that can be used alone..

the others are dependent on LCARS..

I guess that covers it..

In general: It's bound to have some minor but hard to locate bugs and some tweaking is needed too..

I would appreciate some seriouse minded beta testers - only for GamePlay, Mission Creator isn't ready yet - but I can only use experianced people!

If you are not able to debug a mod, I can't use you..

If you are, send me a PM..

that goes for all intrested readers..

PS: I'm working on some kind of documentation for mission writers..

here an excerpt that explans a lot about missions.

Must know facts:

NCI has two elements to progress a mission.

1. Steps:

a step is a collections of tasks (e.g. jobs) - compare it to chapters in a book

Each step has a start condition, may contain a conversation that begins on step-start and contains an unlimited number of jobs and messages.

A step ends, if it's last task is done - each step defines individually what step comes next => Yes, you can make looping story arcs and alternative endings!

2. Jobs:

the most basic and versatile element! A job starts if the previouse one is done. If it's the first job in this step, it starts when the conversation is absent or finished.

Each job has an end condition - if that is met, the next job starts. When the last job in a step s done, the mission moves to the next step as defined. The following Jobtypes are available:

awaitingUserInput, wasDeflectorUsed, doesPlayerHaveArtefact, distanceLower, distanceGreater, destroy, scan, drop, collect, loadPassenger, disembarkPassenger, killkerbal, go closer to object X as Y meters, go farther from object X away as Y meters

NCI treats these Elements diferently in the manner that the user gets different informations.

If a step is waiting to begin (condition not satisfied now) the user sits in the dark and has no info from NCI on where the step will start.

You must provide enough info that the user can find his target. Here you can play with the difficulty.

It might not be overly obviouse in the story where to go. If the Story is well written, it contains puzzles and mysteries.

A Job on the other hand is a guided task.

The user can read on his NCI panel where to go and he can use the IFD (Iso Flux Detector) to find the location - for the player, it's the easy part of life if he has a job to do.

Also for the story writer, this is simple!

You can align hundreds of jobs in one step without having to write a single info into the mission, the user will allways know where to go.

If you work with steps to make it more difficult, you need to carefully distribute the needed information to form a mystery that is solveable.

That is the challenge of story writing!

You distribute these infos mostly with the step start Conversations. You can also hide them in artefacts and let the user use his LCARS science tools to analyze the info out of them.

With these two elements, you can create a variety of difficulty for the user to experience - use it wise and well and everyone will have a load of fun.

Edited by philotical
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Sorry but seems that I'm blind enough to not find the magical "Download" button... Can you help me?

I can't find it either. I've never tried, or heard of this.

- - - Updated - - -

I've actually been playing just with the SciFi pack for a long time. I even went as far to install BDArmory, and change the laser sound to the phaser. I also got Aviation lights and MechJeb2.

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Sorry but seems that I'm blind enough to not find the magical "Download" button... Can you help me?

I can't find it either. I've never tried, or heard of this.

- - - Updated - - -

I've actually been playing just with the SciFi pack for a long time. I even went as far to install BDArmory, and change the laser sound to the phaser. I also got Aviation lights and MechJeb2.

the answer is above or below..

In general: It's bound to have some minor but hard to locate bugs and some tweaking is needed too..

I would appreciate some seriouse minded beta testers - only for GamePlay, Mission Creator isn't ready yet - but I can only use experianced people!

If you are not able to debug a mod, I can't use you..

If you are, send me a PM..

that goes for all intrested readers..

I probbably wasn't clear enough..

I am looking for guys willing to participate in a closed beta..

The download link will be delivered in a PM if we agree to work together..

Your testing will be seen as a contribution to the development and your name goes in credits in OP.

I'm not looking for gamers who love to get previews - I need seriouse contributers for this..

The project is too complicated to answer 100+ similiar questions to 20+ guys on the forum..

It's a detail seeking job that involves detailed reports with recreatable conditions..

You find something, I need to recreate it - otherwise it's useless to talk about..

My last attempt at this ended up by getting 5 times a log file of a game where my mod wasn't even installed..

Thats' a time wast so..

=> the minimum requirement is:

- experienced Player

- with ability to read and modify CFGs

- and it's also helpfull, if you can read the log files..

If that's you - we are in business..

Sorry if that sounded rude - I just try to be clear and english is not my native - so I might be too blunt unintentionally once in a while :-)

but if you got the point and still want to test, send me a PM..

Progres: I'm starting now with the alphe testing of Mission Creator - so in one or two days, that's also due to go beta for you

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