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[1.2 - 1.4] Modular Rocket Systems v1.13.2 (2018-03-12) - Stock-alike Parts Pack


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I, uh... think that's a bug, although I have no idea if it's MRS's. This contract was created using the version of MRS prior to .12 if that's important, and I don't remember seeing anything about this in the change log...

I was able to save Rathy by editing a quicksave file (after backing up persistent of course) and changing the part type to mk1pod, then loading that save.

Stuff in gamedata, for other installed mods reference: http://imgur.com/rVywN6o

Edited by Tallinu
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Posted:  (flagged as 1.0.5 on the download sites until I can fix that)


1.12.3 (2016-03-29) - KSP 1.1 Hotfix
 - Landing legs updated to not be 100% deadly. Suspension still doesn't work, legs are rigid for now.
 - Added tags for most parts.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey man! I love all your mods, I started a new career with most of them when 1.1 pre-release became available, but I'm having a lot of unexpected crashes while building in VAB/SPH and after some testing I think this mod is the cause.

For some reason all the tanks in this mod have their empty weight mostly at double their intended value (as you can see here), and often flickering between the two. It makes dV on mechjeb and kerbal engineer go apeexcrements jumping around two values and sometimes it makes the game crash while adding or deleting these parts without even producing a crash log/folder. Am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: I just noticed that Fuel Tanks Plus is also affected by this bug, but not Spacey Heavy Lifters or Lithobrake Exploration Technologies.

Edited by BigJammy
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  On 4/12/2016 at 6:37 PM, BigJammy said:

Hey man! I love all your mods, I started a new career with most of them when 1.1 pre-release became available, but I'm having a lot of unexpected crashes while building in VAB/SPH and after some testing I think this mod is the cause.

For some reason all the tanks in this mod have their empty weight mostly at double their intended value (as you can see here), and often flickering between the two. It makes dV on mechjeb and kerbal engineer go apeexcrements jumping around two values and sometimes it makes the game crash while adding or deleting these parts without even producing a crash log/folder. Am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: I just noticed that Fuel Tanks Plus is also affected by this bug, but not Spacey Heavy Lifters or Lithobrake Exploration Technologies.



The mass is set correctly, so it has to be another mod causing the problem. Do you have anything else that makes changes to the fuel tanks? There aren't any fuel-switching configs that come with MRS, and your screenshot doesn't show the buttons for fuel switching with something like Firespitter or IFS, so it's probably not that. It's very strange, I've never seen this before.


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The other mods beside yours were Firespitter Core and IFS Core (installed by CKAN to satisfy dependency with your mods), USI LifeSupport, MechJeb, KerbalEngineer and Kerbal Planetary Base System. I tried to reinstall Firespitter and IFS, both manually and with CKAN, then went for a clean reinstallation of KSP, but still nothing. It's really weird.

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  On 4/12/2016 at 8:02 PM, BigJammy said:

The other mods beside yours were Firespitter Core and IFS Core (installed by CKAN to satisfy dependency with your mods), USI LifeSupport, MechJeb, KerbalEngineer and Kerbal Planetary Base System. I tried to reinstall Firespitter and IFS, both manually and with CKAN, then went for a clean reinstallation of KSP, but still nothing. It's really weird.



That is really strange. The "core" versions of those mods shouldn't change any part configs on their own, and I'm not sure the others do either. The only one I'm not so familiar with is USI LifeSupport. Which version/build of KSP, and what mod versions? I may need to see your KSP.log.


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Maybe I just found the reason: I deleted MRS_FuelSwitch.cfg from \ModRocketSys folder and the problem disappeared (together with IFS integration in your tanks). Is it possible that the game was somehow adding the mass from that .cfg to the tank?


EDIT: same thing with Fuel Tank Plus, removed the IFS .cfg file and the weight problem vanished. 

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  On 4/12/2016 at 8:16 PM, BigJammy said:

Maybe I just found the reason: I deleted MRS_FuelSwitch.cfg from \ModRocketSys folder and the problem disappeared (together with IFS integration in your tanks). Is it possible that the game was somehow adding the mass from that .cfg to the tank?


EDIT: same thing with Fuel Tank Plus, removed the IFS .cfg file and the weight problem vanished. 



This is very odd. It shouldn't be adding the masses together, and also, you should be getting UI buttons in the VAB for the fuel switching if you have all of that installed. It sounds like Firespitter and/or IFS is malfunctioning.


If you're using KSP 1.1, make sure you have the 1.1 versions of these mods. Or with KSP 1.0.5, make sure it's not a 1.1 version of the mods. But yeah, deleting the configs will also solve it. :) I think your screenshot looked like 1.0.5 or earlier.


BTW, the configs preferentially use IFS instead of FS if they're both installed, so I'd look at IFS first. Unless you don't care about the fuel switching and are happy just deleting those configs.


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I was using KSP 1.1 prerelease (x64 launcher) and the latest versions of the mods (IFS 1.19 and MRS 1.12.4). The window in my screenshot looks weird because is a mechjeb utility, not the right click menu. The right click menu gives me weird things, it shows the right weight, while the game uses the wrong one (screenshot). But I never used much the fuel switching, so for now I'll just remove that file and keep using the mod.

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  On 4/13/2016 at 8:19 AM, BigJammy said:

I was using KSP 1.1 prerelease (x64 launcher) and the latest versions of the mods (IFS 1.19 and MRS 1.12.4). The window in my screenshot looks weird because is a mechjeb utility, not the right click menu. The right click menu gives me weird things, it shows the right weight, while the game uses the wrong one (screenshot). But I never used much the fuel switching, so for now I'll just remove that file and keep using the mod.



Oh OK. I see. Yeah, this is starting to look like it's a bug with IFS, probably just due to KSP changing how it does things. I'll go mention it on the IFS thread.


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1.12.5 (2016-04-17) - Tweaks.
 - Moved rocket cargo bays to Advanced Construction and Specialized Construction tech nodes.
 - Tweaked leg settings.
 - Moved leg wheel collider to allow for more accurate aerodynamic occlusion.


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There's a need to rebalance this mod's early game parts, in the stock tech tree. Much larger and/or more capable parts than the stock ones show up very early on.

Air augmented boosters, for example, do not belong in the very earliest nodes, in among regular solid rockets which they overshadow quite badly. Any Mk2 form factor part should show up at the earliest among the first stock Mk2 parts. And so on.

I like the parts themselves, and many of them are inventive, useful and well made. But the tech node placement needs work.

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I've noticed in my 1.1 64 bit ksp game that the MRS Guidance Nosecone bugs out on launching. Simply put; it will not allow me control over any booster/rocket. For example, if I was to attach a booster under it, and proceed to launch it... the booster will simply fly through it (without exploding or colliding) while the Nosecone remains on the launch pad.

I've got a lot of mods installed, so not sure if there is a conflict somewhere.


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  On 4/25/2016 at 3:22 PM, Xyd said:

I've noticed in my 1.1 64 bit ksp game that the MRS Guidance Nosecone bugs out on launching. Simply put; it will not allow me control over any booster/rocket. For example, if I was to attach a booster under it, and proceed to launch it... the booster will simply fly through it (without exploding or colliding) while the Nosecone remains on the launch pad.

I've got a lot of mods installed, so not sure if there is a conflict somewhere.




Very strange. I can't think of anything that would cause that specifically. Something is either not installed properly or is malfunctioning, maybe with another mod. Is that the only command-pod or probe core that is doing it? You might have to reinstall the mod, or run a repair on KSP, or try removing individual mods to find out where the problem is.


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  On 4/25/2016 at 3:22 PM, Xyd said:

I've noticed in my 1.1 64 bit ksp game that the MRS Guidance Nosecone bugs out on launching. Simply put; it will not allow me control over any booster/rocket. For example, if I was to attach a booster under it, and proceed to launch it... the booster will simply fly through it (without exploding or colliding) while the Nosecone remains on the launch pad.

I've got a lot of mods installed, so not sure if there is a conflict somewhere.




Do you have HullCam installed? I saw someone mention something similar with that installed, in reference to docking ports:



Maybe try making something else the root part of the rocket, rather than the Guidance Nose Cone, and see if it does the same thing?


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Yeah I've got hullcam installed.

Just tried your suggestion about the re-rooting, it worked! Awesome!

Cheers for that. Still not sure on the cause but it could be the hullcam.

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Hmmm... Got a new problem now.

Using the MRS Cone on a booster. Test fly it... then crash it, and BOOM! It causes what I think is the dreaded Kraken of KSP, weird stuff happens. Can't even go back into the main menu, gotta task delete the process and relaunch KSP.

His tests I've done: Re-rooted to decoupler. Used the RT-10 Hammer booster. Flew it. Decoupling it causes the game to become unplayable, black fizzy screen. Nasty stuff happens...

Reloaded back up. Re-rooted to RT-10. Flew it, was able to decouple fine. But soon as the Booster crashes (it crashes around the same time as the MRS Cone) same thing happens. I've tried replicating this issue on other parts without the Cone, and re-rooting, not had an issue.

It's no biggy (as long as I don't crash it) but definitely odd.

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