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Possible conflicting mods? Need help with crashing game.

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  1. I acknowledge that I am using the 64Bit version of KSP and that it is inherently buggy due to the Unity Engine. I use it knowing I will occasionally get crashes and odd behavior.
  2. I acknowledge that I am using the 64Bit version of KSP and the authors of the mods I am using do not offer support for 64bit. I do not attribute the crashes to the mods themselves and am not seeking support specifically for the mods I am using
  3. This is meant to be a very broad "I think I missed something, do you see it?" question, not a bug report.
  4. Seriously I get it about the 64bit! it was stable(ish) till recently!
  5. It isn't my RAM. Yeah, 8 gigs isn't a lot for all these mods but they fit (92% used when loaded).

With that out of the way...

I am experiencing a LOT of crashes at initial load and on SPH/VAB transition. And to quantify "a lot", I have 12 recorded crashes between 3:50PM and 6:24PM. That comes out to roughly 5 crashes an hour which is impressive when it takes 5+ minutes to load the game. Logs here ==> GDrive.

All of these mods that are listed in the directory tree below I was using before with hardly any issues other than the occasional crash which I attributed to using the 64bit version of he game. However, Bac9 released the latest B9 Aero and I just could NOT pass that up so I grabbed it, deleted my old b9_repack and installed it. I noticed it had a few dependencies in the zip and used the this as an excuse to get those mods and make sure all my other mods were up to date and get the dependencies for the other mods up to date as well. Basically, I changed everything in my GameData folder. And now I have no where to begin diagnosing this issue. I have tried looking though the output_log and crash logs but I do not know what I am looking for.

Honestly, I think I am missing a dependency or have two conflicting mods. Asking for another set of eyes before I wipe the GameData folder and try AGAIN (this will be the forth time). I want to get these working nice together cause I have three more mods (KAS, Extraplanetary Launchpads & FAR) I want to install and test.

I need to get some sleep. catch you all in the morning. Thank you all for your help.

My GameData directory tree (sans files)

I can print out the files too if you really really want me too.


ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ 000_Toolbar --Version 1.7.6

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ B9_Aerospace --Version R5.2

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Agencies

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FX

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Props

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RPM

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Spaces

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ CommunityResourcePack --Version 0.1.0

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Interstellar

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Karbonite

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MKS

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ConnectedLivingSpace --Version

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ assets

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ CrossFeedEnabler --Version 2.2

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Diazo

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ AGExt --Name:ActionGroupsExtended --Version 1.1.2

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ EditorExtensions --Version 1.3

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Firespitter --Version 6.3.5

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Example Craft

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ PluginData

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Props

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Spaces

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ textures

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FShangarExtender -- Version 2

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FusTek

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Station Parts -- Version 0.04-4 DEV BUILD

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ JSI

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Agencies

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RasterPropMonitor --Version 0.18.2

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RPMPodPatches

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KerbalHotSeat --Version

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KerbalJointReinforcement --Version 2.4.3

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugin

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KineTechAnimation --Version 1.1.0

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Documentation

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Klockheed_Martian --Version unknown

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KSP-AVC --Version

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KWRocketry --Version 2.6c

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Soundbank

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MagicSmokeIndustries --Version 0.18.5

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SupportedLicenses

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MechJeb2 --Version

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Icons

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ModStatistics --Version Unknown

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ModularFuelTanks --Version 5.1.1

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MP_Nazari --B9 Hotrockets, unknown version

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ NASAmission --Version 0.24.2

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ NearFutureConstruction --Version 0.2.3

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ NearFutureElectrical --Version 0.2.2

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ NearFuturePropulsion --Version 0.2.3

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FX

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Patches

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ NearFutureSpacecraft --Version 0.2.1

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Props

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Spaces

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Omega_Tech --Work in progress

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Impulse_Fusion_Reactor

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ OpenResourceSystem --Version 1.2.0

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ RCSBuildAid

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sources

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Textures

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ResGen --Version 0.28.1

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ ShipManifest

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Plugins

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ SmokeScreen --Version Unknown

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Squad --Version 0.24.2

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Agencies

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Flags

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FX

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Props

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Resources

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Sounds

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Spaces

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ StationPartsExpansion --Version 0.1.0

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Parts

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Spaces

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TextureReplacer --Version Unknown

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TriggerTech

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ KSPAlternateResourcePanel --Version

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ TweakScale --Version 1.43

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ plugins

ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ UmbraSpaceIndustries

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ FTT --Version 0.1.2

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Karbonite --Version 0.3.3

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Karbonite_PartPack

ââ€â€š ââ€Å“ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ MKS --Version 0.20.6

ââ€â€š ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ OKS --Version unknown

ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Virgin Kalactic --Version unknown

ââ€â€Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Licenses

Removed because I thought they were causing the issue:






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64bit is known to be unstable. I get that. Not asking for support on that. As I pointed out multiple times in points 1,2 and 4 at the very top of my post.

All I am looking for is for is "those mods conflict with each other" or "those mods should work fine together". The end game is to figure out my next step: trim down my mods and use a texture replacer and end up using 32bit (DNW) or find the one or more mods that are fighting with each other, toss one of them and solve that issue. That is it. Let's leave the 32bit/64bit out of it for now and concentrate on if the mods I have installed conflict with each other.

EDIT: Noticed that there are no version numbers (and it is showing all the sub directories). Must have copied and pasted from the wrong window. I will fix that mod list in the first post

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If you're over 3GB of ram usage (by KSP), x64 is not stable--the first exception, even if it's handled, will probably lead to a CTD. At that point you might as well switch to 32bit, since you don't have the one advantage x64 grants (no process memory limit) but you do have all the other issues.

Or just install Linux and use the x64 build of KSP for Linux. That's stable.

If you really want an answer of the form you're asking, the answer is "those mods are stable together."

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  NathanKell said:
If you're over 3GB of ram usage (by KSP), x64 is not stable--the first exception, even if it's handled, will probably lead to a CTD. At that point you might as well switch to 32bit, since you don't have the one advantage x64 grants (no process memory limit) but you do have all the other issues.

Or just install Linux and use the x64 build of KSP for Linux. That's stable.

If you really want an answer of the form you're asking, the answer is "those mods are stable together."

I did not know that about linux and 64bit. That is very good information to know Nathan. Thank you. Will have to install CentOS7 on my gaming box. Might wait till I get my SDD and additional 8gb at the end of the month.

Can't switch to 32bit. Too many mods, even with Active Texture Management.

As for the mods themselves, thank you for your assessment that they should work together. I just wanted to make sure I did not have mods that conflicted with each other.

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Thanks for the additional info.

Want to ask, I have been doing this for all my mod installs and wonder if it is good practice or causing issues. Let's take a mod like B9. It comes bundled with:

B9_Aerospace (duh)
MP_Nazari (hotrockets?)
Virgin Kalactic

When I get a mod like this that has many other mods as dependencies, I go out and get the latest version of those mods. Example: I do not install FireSpitter from the B9 zip. Instead, I go to curse and download the latest and install that. could I be screwing something up by doing this?

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Nope, that's what you should do. Quite right. Although it's complicated, because in B9's case all it needs is the Firespitter *plugin* so you need not install the entire mod (for example).

I would, however, definitely suggest using the forums rather than Curse; nowhere near all the mods are on Curse (e.g. mine aren't), whereas almost all at least have forum threads.

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Heh, I like firespitter parts so I download the whole thing. I think It is well worth the space. When I want to goof off in the spaceplane hanger I put it together with hoolagin labs inflatables and you could have yourself at least a week of fooling around on kerbin.

As for curse, touchy subject round here, aint it? Personally I am using curse as a way of helping beta test KSP Mod Admin. I find that roughly 90% of the mods I use can be found on curse so it makes it convenient. But that is not the only place I look. I do look at the forums and the relaunch of kerbalstuff. I don't like having to use a spreadsheet to keep track of all the mods I like to use, but I figure when I get KSP installed on linux on my gaming system I can make a few shell scripts to keep my mods up to date with little fuss.

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  • 4 months later...

Out of curiosity, how where you able to get the versions printed out into the tree or did you just type them in by hand?, I am not able to do so in Powershell (at least not to my current knowledge of Powershell).

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  FusionItalian said:
Out of curiosity, how where you able to get the versions printed out into the tree or did you just type them in by hand?, I am not able to do so in Powershell (at least not to my current knowledge of Powershell).

I cheated. Can't remember if I used Windows or linux to print the tree, but I put the version numbers there by hand. Never used powershell myself. seemed like an overly complicated rip-off of BASH last time I looked

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