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Control Surfaces Problem

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Following the trend, I've decided to make my Aeria space shuttle a single part. But when I assemble all my control surfaces in one Unity object, my craft acts strange: ailerons don't deflect, thus, not making any roll movement. Is it because of the the lift model? Is it even possible to fix this?

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if you are using ModuleControlSurface; I believe it looks for a transform called obj_ctrlSurf and it's hardcoded. if you don't have it. nothing will happen, and you see endless NRE in debug log.

I was experimenting, I've made an empty parent object called "obj_ctrlSrf" and put all the stuff there and renamed ("spoiler", "left_aileron", "right_aileron"). They all deflected when pressing W or S, but the don't respond to roll signals.

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AS a long time creator of jfl(just for laughs) ships I can tell you one thing thats not going to make you happy, module ctrlsrf only works once on a one part ship, which means you have to link control surfaces such as both elevators being essentially one part, or both flaps being one part, I have built literally dozens of these things, and they ARE all compromised in some way, I'd suggest biting the bullet and making separate parts for the wings,

It is of course possible to make want you want with liberal application of plugin power but without it you will have no choice but to make some serious compromises as regards flight characteristics, there are plenty of hacky ways to get them to fly , such as calling the whole part a winglet, mainly though they rely on thrust to get them airborne and keep them there, with a couple of very notable exceptions. Ultimately one parters are just a bit of fun not for serious use or expectations of performance, But can be a true nightmare when it comes to modules and hierarchy setup as the pic below demonstrates and that is quite a small example.


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I was experimenting, I've made an empty parent object called "obj_ctrlSrf" and put all the stuff there and renamed ("spoiler", "left_aileron", "right_aileron"). They all deflected when pressing W or S, but the don't respond to roll signals.

yeah for roll you need two aileron parts. not a single wing part with two ailerons. ModuleControlSurface doesn't distinguish between left/right. the mirroring is achieved by part symmetry.

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AS a long time creator of jfl(just for laughs) ships I can tell you one thing thats not going to make you happy, module ctrlsrf only works once on a one part ship, which means you have to link control surfaces such as both elevators being essentially one part, or both flaps being one part, I have built literally dozens of these things, and they ARE all compromised in some way, I'd suggest biting the bullet and making separate parts for the wings,

It is of course possible to make want you want with liberal application of plugin power but without it you will have no choice but to make some serious compromises as regards flight characteristics, there are plenty of hacky ways to get them to fly , such as calling the whole part a winglet, mainly though they rely on thrust to get them airborne and keep them there, with a couple of very notable exceptions. Ultimately one parters are just a bit of fun not for serious use or expectations of performance, But can be a true nightmare when it comes to modules and hierarchy setup as the pic below demonstrates and that is quite a small example.


Thanks for explaining, I understand, nice FW-190, BTW! :)

- - - Updated - - -

yeah for roll you need two aileron parts. not a single wing part with two ailerons. ModuleControlSurface doesn't distinguish between left/right. the mirroring is achieved by part symmetry.

Yeah, it seems like it doesn't use relative position. Well, three parts will it be.

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