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Stockalike Boat Parts?


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Now, throughout my time here on the forum (I have been lurking here for almost a year), I have seen many boat mods..... However, due to my being a stockalike player, I have been very reluctant to try theses, considering their art style (Well the ones I've seen). I was wondering if anyone here knows of any mods which add stockalike boat parts, and if not, is anyone here willing/capable of making one? Thank you in advance!

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I am searching for this as well... I have an awesome collection of space/planes, thanks to helldriver a nice set of stock like service cars/tractor/fueler, and an awesome helicopter, with LLL's KFC++ you even get a train!

Lets explore the water... And the bottom of the abysse. I wonder what collection parts would indentify as boat parts.

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I've been working on making rigs for ocean bases and flotation parts other than intakes. but since there really aren't any stock boat parts, it's hard to make them stockalike other than in texture because there's really nothing to base them off of.

another problem with boat parts is they must be modular since the game is based on making things out of many parts. if I gave you some pontoon legs for example, they'd have to have more than just 2 parts you place under an object, they'd have to accommodate different ships sizes, weights, etc without adding too many copies.

here's something you could attach to the under or side of a craft to make it float


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I've been working on making rigs for ocean bases and flotation parts other than intakes. but since there really aren't any stock boat parts, it's hard to make them stockalike other than in texture because there's really nothing to base them off of.

another problem with boat parts is they must be modular since the game is based on making things out of many parts. if I gave you some pontoon legs for example, they'd have to have more than just 2 parts you place under an object, they'd have to accommodate different ships sizes, weights, etc without adding too many copies.

here's something you could attach to the under or side of a craft to make it float


That looks AMAZING! For the size issue, you could try using the tweak scale plugin to reduce parts clutter. Good job, it really does look stockalike!

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here goes something that could be a large pontoon part, little heavy on the poly's though. maybe just shorten it up to 3 rows.



Those look great, must take a lot of work! When do you plan on giving this great future mod a thread? Because it certainly deserves it!

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Hi, I build loads of boat parts having spent a lot of time in and under ksp's oceans I have several that work extremely well. But what do you mean by stockalike , as there no stock reference parts to compare them to. AS for what works modular hulls only work up to a certain size then the wobbles take over rendering the craft useless, multihulls , vessels with two or more hulls work best as they can support a lot of weight with low drag and are inherently stable even in KSP.

My now favoured method are scalable one part hulls with combined engines as required and plenty of attachable options for decks and purposes.

A very early picture of a modular and now very retired carrier that wobbled like a jelly on the gentle waves ksp oceans


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that's the whole point of modular parts. you can't add too many details. you've gotta let people add their own antenna and railgun parts to a base. of course the bridge could be removed entirely or added as an optional part. but I'd say a giant crane would probably be a very useful part to snap on the front ;)

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Here's a different version hot off the presses.


Single piece hull, fully textured. only thing it would need is a mesh collider, a run through unity, and a config (which if someone wanted to do should step up ;). I'm not exactly sure how boat hulls work, so I'm not sure if this would be stable on the water in ksp physics without using a very primitive mesh collider or something. I know the config would probably be like a bajillion gallons of fuels to make the necessary weight worth it heh. I'd probably put a bit of each type of fuel, and a player can just siphon off that if they wanted by attaching a fuel depot like construction to it. no need to mess with pesky 3rd party tanks cluttering things up and killing frame rates and causing imbalances unless you want to.

This whole part comes in at 1200 poly's, which is pretty efficient and light on resources. The whole part and textures combined are just 400kb, so easy on memory usage too.


now what would also be cool is if the whole landing strip lowered into a deck inside of the hull, but I'm not an animation guy. That would give it a massive amount of storage space though. I think it would actually be pretty difficult to even populate the top deck alone, but it has to be big enough to actually have a useful landing strip. you could also probably use the front as a landing pad for somewhat large rockets, or build your own command station. at the size I have it now, it's over 120m long, I don't know if that's big enough or not.

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being reworked, was tested and can't be a single piece hull. has to be a catamaran to balance properly. moved on to the floaty tube part instead, easy and should have no issues since it's basically a static part you attach to make things float.

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