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[v.24.2]Decouplers have no force bug, KW Rocketry payload fairings wont open

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Hey there. I dont have a crash log for this or any specific conditions under which it happens because it happens under ALL conditions, ALWAYS. I have searched as far as my googling skills will allow and while I have found that the decouplers have no force bug is/was a known issue, I cant seem to find out if it was supposed to be fixed in .24.2 or if it was still ongoing and I need TweakableEverything to fix it for now. I've started using separatrons (KW Ullar(sp?) motors) to fix the radial stages blowing up my main tanks/engines, but when i build a rocket with a KW fairing (specifically in this case a 3.75m expanded fairing, 3 panels high plus nose thirds) and get it into space and stage it the ship inside just gently floats forward and clips through the nose cone as if it weren't there. The fairing thirds don't split open, and i have to carefully maneuver my ship out of the tube formed by the fairings. I suppose this could be an issue with KW Rocketry but I can't seem to find any evidence of others reporting the same issue either. Any help even just leading me to the answer of whether or not the decoupler force bug was actually fixed or if I need to install TweakableEvertything for now would be greatly appreciated.

To replicate: build a ship with a central stage composed of the tallest and shortest KW Rocketry 3.75m LFTs and a stock KSP big 4 nozzle engine(cant remember the name of it). Install a KW 3.75m expanded fairing base. Build a ship on the base tall enough to need a 3 panel high fairing. Install the KW 3.75m expanded fairing nose thirds then the 3.75m expanded fairing thirds to cover the ship. Get it into orbit and stage the fairing and base together and watch your ship gently float out through the still-closed fairing nose.

I wanted to clarify that I am also aware of the special requirements for not staging the KW Pedal Adapter Fairing but this is not that and I couldnt find anything i was doing wrong based on the instructional videos posted with the KW Rocketry mod.

Thanks again for any guidance.

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OK I see what happened. I misinterpreted that part of the sticky the first time I read through it and thought it was referring to the crash logs that pop up in the KSP folder and didn't think I'd have one for this since it isn't crashing. I'll try and get the log uploaded later today. Sorry about that.

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