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Help with rescueing Jeb

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Now would seem to be a good time to learn then. Rendezvous and docking is very useful in the game and not that hard to do once you've figured it out. The basics are,

Select the object as a target in map view

Match orbital planes by burning north or south at the ascending or descending nodes.

Adjust your orbit so that one part of it intersects the target orbit.

If the target is ahead you need to catch up to it so you want your orbit to be lower on the side opposite the intersection point,

If the target is behind you you want to slow down, so it catches up with you so you need your orbit to be higher than the target orbit on the side opposite the intersection point.

orbit until the predicted target position overtakes you then you can adjust your orbit to get a close approach. E.g- if the target position goes from 20km behind you to 20km in front of you you can raise your orbit with a prograde burn and the target position marker will wind back. Short engine burns and RCS should get you within a km or two.

On the next orbit make sure "target" is selected above the navball and kill your speed relative to the target. Then it's just a matter of moving towards the target and lining up the target prograde and prograde markers on the navball using RCS or off axis engine thrust to push(or pull) the markers around and keeping an eye on your closing speed.

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