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[DEV thread] Asmi's ECLSS Mod


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Development thread


So, what is coming to ECLSS you might ask. Well first of there are still some bugs to iron out of the initial release (1.0.16) and

some refactoring of the code. Asmi and I write code quit differently, so I spend a lot of time reading the code,

and figuring out how he did things, and deciding how i'm going to do it.

So, what is coming?

First off.

Bug hunting and code refactoring and making sure that the mod works without any hiccups.

Also a rebalance of the Part's and other stuff.

Next is:

Toolbar integration and a new IU taking up less screen space, then foodstuff and waste management.

Any feedback is much appreciated and should you encounter a bug please report it here and/or on the issue tracker here

Bug reporting procedure

what I need to know.


  • KSP version
  • Mod used in your KSP installation
  • Version of ECLSS
  • copy of log files
  • A brief description of what you were doing when you encountered the bug.


Avalible Dev Builds: Remember to read the README ;)


  • DEV build 1.0.17
  • Dev build 1.0.20 here


Edited by Shasol
added dev build download
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  SkyHook said:
Eclss always was my favorite Life Support mod. Happy coding! If and when you get a good release up and running, I volunteer to test it out!

EDIT: Apparently this already came out...lol.

Yes the initial release is out 1.0.16, but it is more or less just a recompile of the Asmi's last release. But stay tuned, allot is going to happen ;)

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Why are you adding Food to ECLSS? the main selling point of ECLSS was that is was simpler and that it wasnt TAC. If you start adding food and waste products and stuff you might as well just use TAC.

Keep ECLSS different, work on making ECLSS not lag the game out when you have more than a handfull of concurrent ships. Streamlining the UI and toolbar is also good.

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  Shania_L said:
Why are you adding Food to ECLSS? the main selling point of ECLSS was that is was simpler and that it wasnt TAC. If you start adding food and waste products and stuff you might as well just use TAC.

Keep ECLSS different, work on making ECLSS not lag the game out when you have more than a handfull of concurrent ships. Streamlining the UI and toolbar is also good.

the foodstuff and wast management, was planed for 2.0 by Asmi, with the option to turn it off in the config. I'm following the Asmi's vision to start with. But yes ECLSS needs some love.

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In regards to the amount of O2 and CO2, Paul Kingtiger had made the below rebalance patch a while back. I was re-reading all of the discussion and it seemed that using the real world values of O2 storage in tanks would have rendered the mod mostly moot, so most people were interested in increasing the amount of 02 in the 2.5m tank since it only had 1300 units but graphically looked like it contained 12 of the 400 unit containers.

Paul Kingtiger's Post

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hey, good to see development resumed! I love the detailed approach of ECLSS, but without water/food consumption, it always felt lacking to me. I plan to eventually build a realistic cabin Life Support mod to handle ventelation, heaters, coolers, moisture, and so forth. Also some way to enforce accessability of food to kerbals (rather than having it in random radial pods 5 meters down the ship from anywhere the kerbals can get in IVA).

Soon as this has water and food implemented, I'll be moving on over from TACLS :)

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OK, I understand the adjustments now, since I PM you the question.

It's been a while since I have played so I don't remember if the old numbers are low, but I know real life situation a capsule could have enough to go to part way to the moon. I really don't know typical days in KSP that it takes a capsule to get there.

I'm going to give the dev version a go and some testing.

So the TweakScale folder is optional only if I am using the TweakScale mod?

Edited by therealcrow999
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I like the rebalanced numbers that Paul Kingtiger put up, that you are using in Dev version. In real life a pod should be able to go say to the mun and back without any addition O2. This seems to give the player that number for us to venture out to the mun with capsule O2, but for us to go to Mimnus and beyond, we need to add on some tanks.

I think it takes 1 Kerbin day to get to the Mun, thats if we get a late TLI. I'm sure I can do it sooner. This extra O2 is good for a short stay on the Mun and if there is a late Kerbin return burn.

So I think the numbers work good, I think before people were complaining they wanting more O2.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is this thread still active? Was directed over from the release thread, I've got a bug that's failing "rescue kerbal" contracts as soon as they're accepted, I'm assuming it's due to this mod (spawned kerbals with no oxygen maybe?).

Win8, KSP x32, zip with logs & gamedata folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/her4wq6s34vtd87/AACuOX__-8HXblbZyt4nsax1a?dl=0

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  CatastrophicFailure said:
Is this thread still active? Was directed over from the release thread, I've got a bug that's failing "rescue kerbal" contracts as soon as they're accepted, I'm assuming it's due to this mod (spawned kerbals with no oxygen maybe?).

Win8, KSP x32, zip with logs & gamedata folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/her4wq6s34vtd87/AACuOX__-8HXblbZyt4nsax1a?dl=0

This thread is still active, i'll have a look at that bug some time to day.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That's great. If you release a dev build, I could find a short while to give it a test run. I'll certainly want the Soviet Pack to support it, so once you get this in shape, I'd be more than happy to integrate it into MIR, Soyuz and, of course, the American Pack.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

as some of you guy's may know, i'm a programmer not a model maker, so i'm looking for some one to help me make some new models and textures for ECLSS. I'm now particularly happy with the current state of the models in ECLSS and would like to have some new and much improved models.

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  • 7 months later...

Well Development of ECLSS, as resumed.

First on the list is solar panel's, The code need a total rewrite, to take the new way solar panel's function into account.

Next up is a reworking of the GUI, making it more streamlined and integrate it with the app launcher.


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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