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[0.90][WIP] Kerbal Konstructs v0.6.6 (Dec 16) - Static Objects and Launch Sites!


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Does KK support objects that contstanly spin/rotate on static objects? A guy amde a Sci-Fi Flying "Carrier" (It's based off a really old Balsa Model of a sci-fi flying carrier, so it looks nothing like the Helicarrier from The Avengers I expected to see) with KK. Now, I kinda wish there was a Helicarrier (Like from The Avengers) for KK, but it wouldn't really work that well because in the movie it uses 4 turbines to fly, and I don't believe KK support spinning objects yet.

- - - Updated - - -

  Justin Kerbice said:
I have two graphics issues:

- sometimes, map icons stay on screen (on KSC and inside VAB/SPH) => going to map again and close it "clean" the screen,

- (maybe linked) sometimes, buildings doesn't appears on space center scene, sometimes they're back (maybe after a flight).

I'll try to get some useful logs.

With KerbinSide, I can confirm this happens.

EDIT: I made a response to another post, and it auto-merged into this post. Cool.

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  comham said:
This is a long shot, and probably requires a separate plugin, but can you instantiate custom models as asteroids? I'm thinking large, deep space starship wreckage.

Negative, only "Celestial Bodies". Asteroids are debris as far as the game is concerned.

  mike9606 said:
Does KK support objects that contstanly spin/rotate on static objects? A guy amde a Sci-Fi Flying "Carrier" (It's based off a really old Balsa Model of a sci-fi flying carrier, so it looks nothing like the Helicarrier from The Avengers I expected to see) with KK. Now, I kinda wish there was a Helicarrier (Like from The Avengers) for KK, but it wouldn't really work that well because in the movie it uses 4 turbines to fly, and I don't believe KK support spinning objects yet.

KK supports animations.

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  medsouz said:
Negative, only "Celestial Bodies". Asteroids are debris as far as the game is concerned.

He means objects orbiting bodies (including the star) I guess. "Static" objects (KT and KK) are not really compatible with this. You can still use FASA asteroids, you are free to use any model at all, including a group of kerbals :D (dead or alive), the death star, a kraken, ...

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  CaptRobau said:
Is it possible to add modules to a static objects. I'd like to generator module for fuel, so that I can KAS refuel my spaceplanes.

I'm 99% sure part modules do not work with static objects (I haven't actually tested it), I do know however that Snjo's old Firespitter Housing Program module for KerbTown does work which AlphaAsh tested here. You can download the module from Snjo's Firespitter thread. Just make sure you don't copy the "hubs" (KerbTown) folder into your GameData, it will probably cause a few issues.

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I get the same confusing issue than someone else before:

editing a building, set altitude, everything's fine, save objects, then close KK menu by using CTRL-K => poof, the building "sink" to a fixed altitude (from 424 to 414 in my case) and it doesn't want to stay where I put it :huh:.

Every time I select it, change its altitude, save, leave KK, altitude stay at 414 !

RadiusOffset is config file is set to 424, weird. Could it be related to a static variable not updated well ?

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Heya Justin. Would be easier to track down if you try a couple of other things and see if the problem still occurs:

- Change the altitude. Deselect the object. Save objects.

- Change the altitude. Save objects. Deselect the object. Save objects.

Assuming that's doable - this test procedure is off the top of my head.

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  AlphaAsh said:
Heya Justin. Would be easier to track down if you try a couple of other things and see if the problem still occurs:

- Change the altitude. Deselect the object. Save objects.

- Change the altitude. Save objects. Deselect the object. Save objects.

Assuming that's doable - this test procedure is off the top of my head.

It's doable and do the job, no altitude drop when deselecting current edited object.

I use both of your suggestions, both ok.

Thanks for them.

The issue occurred when you change altitude and close KK UI directly.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
It's doable and do the job, no altitude drop when deselecting current edited object.

I use both of your suggestions, both ok.

Thanks for them.

The issue occurred when you change altitude and close KK UI directly.

Thanks this is really useful. I know what to look for in the code now. Until fixed, always deselect the object, save objects, then Ctrl+K to close KK. In that order.

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  AlphaAsh said:
Thanks this is really useful. I know what to look for in the code now. Until fixed, always deselect the object, save objects, then Ctrl+K to close KK. In that order.

Right now I have it set up so changing text boxes only applies when you hit enter, it was a lazy fix for error spam if you typed an invalid number.

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  medsouz said:
Right now I have it set up so changing text boxes only applies when you hit enter, it was a lazy fix for error spam if you typed an invalid number.

That's very lazy :D, and mostly confusing: as seeing the changes are actually made, then "cancelled", weird and unintuitive/user-killer.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
That's very lazy :D, and mostly confusing: as seeing the changes are actually made, then "cancelled", weird and unintuitive/user-killer.

I was hoping the users would notice the objects aren't effected by the changes until they hit enter.

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  medsouz said:
Right now I have it set up so changing text boxes only applies when you hit enter, it was a lazy fix for error spam if you typed an invalid number.

No, that strikes me as a good way to do it actually medsouz. No bug. No fix needed.

@Justin - User error due to lack of documentation. Hit enter after entering a value. :) :)

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I've become a big fan of your mod medsouz (currently working on a mod that uses it), but I just could not look at those (no offense) ugly icons. So I made replacements:



If you like them, just let me know and I'll send you a Dropbox link with the source files for use with the mods. Don't even have to credit me if you want to, you're getting them without a single string attached.

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  CaptRobau said:
I've become a big fan of your mod medsouz (currently working on a mod that uses it), but I just could not look at those (no offense) ugly icons. So I made replacements:



If you like them, just let me know and I'll send you a Dropbox link with the source files for use with the mods. Don't even have to credit me if you want to, you're getting them without a single string attached.

I do like the icons that AlphaAsh made me but these fit better with the stock look of the game. Thanks :)

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  CaptRobau said:
I've made some new launch pads on other planets, but they keep blowing up part of my craft when I try to launch from them. Anyone know a solution to this?

To be honest I haven't tested launchpads on different bodies yet, gotta actually get to one first. :D

I'll try look into when I get some free time.

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HyperEdit is an easy way to get where you want to go for dev purposes.

The landing pad on the Mun works fine, but Duna, Eve and Laythe don't. So maybe it's an atmosphere issue. It'd be weird because Kerbin has that as well, but it's the only thing that links the three pads that explode parts.

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I guess it would depend on how the launched craft is being sent to these other bodies. To get outside of the Kerbin area you need to cross the major sphere of influence. If this is working in similar fashion to how Firespitter moves a craft from the default launch to the nearby water for the water launcher part, then it's easily being messed up somewhere along the route to the new launch pad. I suspect there's something a bit better being used in this mod, but I have not done any code diving yet to see what's really happening. For Mun or Minmus, you're simply crossing into a single sphere of influence and not being forced to leave Kerbin's overall sphere while moving into the Mun's sphere. This wouldn't cause as much havoc to be wreaked on the craft and its joints. Just a theory. I wonder if EPL has this kind of problem with launchpads on other worlds. Except, if I remember correctly, EPK starts their crafts off as being docked to the launchpad "craft" instead of treating like a static launching platform. That may increase the stability of the spawning system. Gonna have to think more about that one.

Little update on my previously posted problem about the launch site selection GUI and the preview images. Recent tests show this to be a near-impossibility to recreate. I may just be an occasional fluke that I've been lucky enough to see too many times. Anyway, being unable to reproduce it effectively, I'm calling it an occasional fluke of the GUI and not going to bother with it much longer. I'd like to see some click-locking on that interface, however, as I've been accidentally screwing up my designs when choosing a launch site.

Edited by Gaalidas
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Those crafts "imploding" issues are weird :huh:

  Gaalidas said:
I wonder if EPL has this kind of problem with launchpads on other worlds. Except, if I remember correctly, EPK starts their crafts off as being docked to the launchpad "craft" instead of treating like a static launching platform. That may increase the stability of the spawning system. Gonna have to think more about that one.

I can tell you for sure that on 0.23.5, EPL works fine on Duna orbit AND on the ground, did it some times without any kind of issue with my crafts (not really big by the way).

With KT, I have launch sites on both Minmus and Mun and do countless launches without any trouble. I was lucky :D.

But, big but I guess, docking feature for KK launchpad would be impossible due to the static nature of objects, but (another one), I may be wrong.

EDIT: do some test on Duna with by bigger launch pad (surface is at an altitude of 1476m).

1 part (probe okto core): no bumping/explosing but part is half sink on the pad

2 parts (+ a RW added on top): ship bounce, no explosion

3 parts (+ an EM engine below): again it's jump in the air

+ 2 launch clamps: ok no bounce, but there is "something" when vessels in unpacked (weird movement)

a Nasa LFB + 3 launchclamps and some parts on top => vessel sink ~1/3 in the pad

When launching... it goes up then explode (structural failure according to KSP) !

Whatever the height set in the VAB, vessel is always put at the same altitude.

If I use low thurst (2 marks on the jauge) = no explosion :).

stock KerbalX: complete disaster, only the pod survive (lucky this time, another attempt = nothing survive at all)

Munshine 3: spawn in the air at 1533m !

Munshine 4: explode as KerbalX

Probodyne QBE: spawn at ~ 1700 before falling down (no LC used)

Looks quite random :confused:

May it be linked to the fact Duna has no water ? There was a post on plug-in help forums about getting "water level" on all bodies.

Wrong altitude set somewhere ?

Edited by Justin Kerbice
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Beale seems to have figured out what was the problem. From a PM:

I stumbled across this. Basically the launchTransform on the old Kerbtown object is bugged.

You will have to re-export it through Unity with a new launchTransform. Then it will work A-OK on every single planet.

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  CaptRobau said:
Beale seems to have figured out what was the problem. From a PM:

mmm weird, unity/KT are not directly related, a unity exported object is still what it is whatever which plug-in use it later.

And I can confirm it's not 100% true as I have exported my bigger launch pad and use it with KK as-is and got the issue (not a surprise IMHO).

Perhaps a side-effect (using old KT config style with KK for example) he's got which has masked another issue.

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Catch a NRE by just moving a vessel then trying to switch to another:

(which makes he vessel doesn't appears on the screen by the way)

  \ said:

[FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Minmus base core ----------------------

setting new dominant body: Minmus

FlightGlobals.mainBody: Minmus

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,KerbalKonstructs.StaticObjects.StaticGroup]].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalKonstructs.StaticObjects.StaticDatabase.cacheAll () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalKonstructs.StaticObjects.StaticDatabase.onBodyChanged (.CelestialBody body) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.onDominantBodyChange (FromToAction`2 data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EventData`1[GameEvents+FromToAction`2[CelestialBody,CelestialBody]].Fire (FromToAction`2 data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at OrbitPhysicsManager.setDominantBody (.CelestialBody body) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at OrbitPhysicsManager.checkReferenceFrame () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at OrbitPhysicsManager.CheckReferenceFrame () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at FlightGlobals.setActiveVessel (.Vessel v, Boolean force) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at FlightGlobals.SetActiveVessel (.Vessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at FlightDriver.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,KerbalKonstructs.StaticObjects.StaticGroup]].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalKonstructs.StaticObjects.StaticDatabase.cacheAll () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalKonstructs.StaticObjects.StaticDatabase.onBodyChanged (.CelestialBody body) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.onLevelWasLoaded (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at HighLogic+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

[scenarioDestructibles]: Started. 39 objects registered

Hope this help.

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