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KSP Relations

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I haven't done a suggestion in a looooong time... so I thought I'd give it a crack and suggest one. :P


Most of us people have good relationships with our family and friends (I assume). If you are a brother/sister and you have a brother/sister, I assume you love them. If you are a husband (I hope) you love your wife. Now, what if Kerbals had the same sort of relationship ties? Upon the random generation of the kerbals, relationship ties are also generated. The ties including:

- Husband/Wife

- Brother/Sister

- Father/Mother/Son/Daughter

- Friend/Enemy

Those ties could be displayed along with the other info you are provided by when you are at the kerbal recruitment building.



If in a craft, if two or more kerbals that have good relationship ties are in the same craft (does not apply to docked craft, although it could. What do you think?) a positive boost on several 'things' on the ship is given. For example:

- Higher efficiency for RTGs, Solar Panels, Electricity usage on SAS

- Stronger turning power from the pod itself, along with less electricity usage

- Higher science return from science recovered or transmitted from the craft

Possible future boosts could be (and also boosts for mods):

- Sanity levels are better/higher

- Autopilot functions better and is more accurate

If you put two kerbals that have a bad relationship tie (enemies), than the boosts stated above would basically be the opposite. I think there would be more boosts than what I have outlined above, especially with integration for mods, but I can't really think of any. If you think of one that you think should be added to the list, just post what you think should be added. So, what do you think about this people?

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Interesting idea. I like the concept of chemistry, although if it is implemented in the base game, likely the only thing related to it would be Friendly or Inimical relationships instead of family ties.

There would likely be five levels of relationships, sorted from the lowest to highest: Enemies, Disliked, Neutral, Buddies and Friends. But the problem is: How exactly would these relationships work? It wouldn't really be logical for two enemies to join the same space program, but if there were no enemies, you could pretty much make all astronauts be virtually BFFs with each other if you can influence them to be friendlier to themselves.

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